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dreaming lucidly
Aug 23, 2000
sorry to bump this up, but who is playing this still(i'd assume quite a few). i picked it up the other day and am probably going to start playing this weekend(have to wait for my other video card and new mobo first). was just curious, i wanted to try to be around some friendly people at first.


Former WeeDHead
Mar 7, 2000
Visit site
Rerolled my Priest for a Hunter (Horoth) on Aszune, and couple of Buffers player there in the same guild as me (PMB, Profiler, CaSCaDe, Savatage)..


Who are you calling short?
Aug 18, 2000
Nottingham, England
garrett said:
sorry to bump this up, but who is playing this still(i'd assume quite a few). i picked it up the other day and am probably going to start playing this weekend(have to wait for my other video card and new mobo first). was just curious, i wanted to try to be around some friendly people at first.
first of all, euro or usa?
I'm playing euro, got a lvl 35 alliance warlock on Stormreaver, which is a pvp server. A few others sometimes visit, but they're usually playing horde on ravencrest. ravencrest plays home to maz, myr, baronsamedi, and a few others iirc.


dreaming lucidly
Aug 23, 2000
smack in the middle/north of the USA. hopefully some of the US people still play, it'd be cool to play with the europeans, but not logical i guess connection wise.


Feb 3, 2003
US can't connect to the euro servers afaik. Mal'Ganis is a US server. It's located in Central time zone somewhere. It's also got a ton of Horde players compared to Alliance.

PvP servers work this way: Up until level 20 you are safe unless you type "/pvp" or you attack an enemy player, or you assist someone in battle by healing or buffing them. Once you hit level 20, and you enter a contested zone you are flagged for PvP (and once you leave that zone, you are flagged for 5 minutes thereafter).

On a Normal server, you do not get flagged unless you type "/pvp" or you attack an enemy player, or assist someone in battle by healing or buffing them. There are no contested zones.

Right now, PvP is pretty lame because you get high level players that hang around low level areas killing the quest giving NPC's and the vendors, etc. There is no penalty for this, and they can do it however long they want, and that level 50 rogue will camp your level whatever corpse if you attack him.

Also, large scale PvP can sometimes be fun but a lot of people don't get it. The healers don't heal, the casters don't use area of effect spells, etc etc etc. Some groups get the idea, but for the most part players will start attacking someone until one of the two dies.

Hopefully, Battlegrounds and the PvP Honor System will bring some fresh air to what is not a fully implemented system at this time. But, apparently there will still be no penalty for ganking low level players. You just won't get any rewards. :mad:

Personally, I am still finding PvP to be much more exciting because it's pretty tense when you know that you are in danger out there. It's also fun to be running around with your full party of players and then run into a group of enemy players and engage in battle.

Anyway, that's enough out of me. Hope that helps.


Former WeeDHead
Mar 7, 2000
Visit site
SlayerDragon said:
US can't connect to the euro servers afaik. Mal'Ganis is a US server. It's located in Central time zone somewhere. It's also got a ton of Horde players compared to Alliance.

PvP servers work this way: Up until level 20 you are safe unless you type "/pvp" or you attack an enemy player, or you assist someone in battle by healing or buffing them. Once you hit level 20, and you enter a contested zone you are flagged for PvP (and once you leave that zone, you are flagged for 5 minutes thereafter).

On a Normal server, you do not get flagged unless you type "/pvp" or you attack an enemy player, or assist someone in battle by healing or buffing them. There are no contested zones.

Right now, PvP is pretty lame because you get high level players that hang around low level areas killing the quest giving NPC's and the vendors, etc. There is no penalty for this, and they can do it however long they want, and that level 50 rogue will camp your level whatever corpse if you attack him.

Also, large scale PvP can sometimes be fun but a lot of people don't get it. The healers don't heal, the casters don't use area of effect spells, etc etc etc. Some groups get the idea, but for the most part players will start attacking someone until one of the two dies.

Hopefully, Battlegrounds and the PvP Honor System will bring some fresh air to what is not a fully implemented system at this time. But, apparently there will still be no penalty for ganking low level players. You just won't get any rewards. :mad:

Personally, I am still finding PvP to be much more exciting because it's pretty tense when you know that you are in danger out there. It's also fun to be running around with your full party of players and then run into a group of enemy players and engage in battle.

Anyway, that's enough out of me. Hope that helps.

Azsune, allthough a PvE server in Europe, is nearly a PvP server, since we lack PvP servers, and most are full, alot of people are forced now in EU onto PvE server, but that doesnt mean we dont do PvP ;)
But somehow i see by the comment above, there is a difference, with us, Mages DO use AoA attacks, Healers DO heal in raids and wars, only we do suffer the same as on PvP servers, some High levels picking off in the low level towns on NPCs..

And on Aszune Horde is outnumbered 4:1 in Primetime, and are about 20 levels avarage below the Alligance, so we have to fight against all odd.
But this has its advantages, the Average Horde player with us, can take on people easy of much higher level, due alot of expierence against higher levels, and when we face a raidgroup on equal level and numbers, we often really spank them badly..

Sadly they them come back few hours later when there are less Horde players around with lvl50+ player only, and own us again badly..
Worst on Aszune are Paladins, seems every little Kid on the block has one, and the number of Paladins is a great as the total amount of Hordes on Aszune :(
Only thing for us there as Horde is hoping we get more fresh Horde recruits :eek:


dreaming lucidly
Aug 23, 2000
thanks for all the info guys, can't wait to start once i get these parts in :/ hopefully the video card arrives by the end of the week.


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
Been a while since i posted in this thread. Im now lvl 49 with my paladin on the Azgalor server and right now its crashing about once or twice a day give or take. Kinda annoying but thems the beans when you get a sexload of people on.

On the subject of ganking. I dont mind the ganking per'se but by god if your going to camp my corpse, i will hunt you down and make you wish you never played on a PvP server. My initial plan, no matter how lame it sounds, is going to be ganking all low lvl horde in contested territories before the honor system gets implemented. Sweet justice will be served in my book :D


Former WeeDHead
Mar 7, 2000
Visit site
And i Kill every Paladin or what ever Ally, that even dares to come close to a low level Horde, Camp his corpse and kill him again, and again, so his llame little arse learns he is a Llame skillless punk that can only pray on low levels, and make him cry so badly for mommy because this Big Bull(y) Tauren makes his live miserable.

I just HATE asses that pray on low levels, and run like chickens when the equal level guys appears. And funny when they run away and yel Burr!!
Still puzzled what Burr! means :D


get warmer
Sep 18, 2000
Lethbridge, AB
Visit site
"bur" is what a Horde member sees when an Alliance player says "lol"

Cpt.Toilet.exe: wouldn't justice be killing those who ganked you, not picking on the lower levels for some lame reason? :p

I don't mind it when people kill others who are leveling in the same area, but purposely going around the opposite faction's lower level areas to kill the low levels is just lame.

BTW, I have a 52 Undead Rogue on Whisperwind and a 35 Human Rogue on Eredar. I like Rogues. :D


Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
Call it what you will, but there is something satisfying about wielding a one hander and doing one little "thwap" to kill some scum of the earth. And unlike most alliance ive seen, i wont run. Sure ill die, but ill stick around and fight till im all out of buffs and have nothing to do but kneel and let you eat my head.

EDIT SHMEDIT: And just to clarify, if your in a contested area, that means you do have a good chance to be ganked, low lvl or otherwise. Its happened to me so why shouldnt i pay back the favor. Hein Shmein!!!
Last edited:


Feb 3, 2003
I don't pray on low levels. I almost always fight people higher level than me. I very rarely lose, too :D

When the gankers come around, I make their lives difficult too, even the level 60s. Very hard to attack when you're Sapped. :lol:


i love lamp.
Jun 25, 2004
nj represent
i guess you could say i gank... but not really. i will try to kill anyone i possibly can kill, if they are in my vicinity. that would count anyone within five levels above me, but i don't just run at those guys, i try to catch them from behind while they are running for a quest, charge, hamstring, rend, and then do whatever i want :D

The Dopefish

Eat your veggies!
Apr 17, 2000
Springfield, MA, USA
I'm a level 31 Night Elf Hunter now. I didn't get started on my skills (mining and blacksmithing) until recently (like level 28 or so), but they're up pretty high now.


dreaming lucidly
Aug 23, 2000
i know i could go browse some WoW forums and read around and such, but this is easier. what would a good all around character be that i could start with, just to get the hang of the game until i want to maybe use a different char?