Wheel Of Time decorations into Unreal Tournament?

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Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
Hi guys. Can we not play nicely? There's no room for that kind of bickering here.

To address the original question. You may not use another authors work unless you have permission from them to do so. Buying WOT does not give you the permission to rip stuff out of it. That's explained right there in the EULA. Want to do it for your own amusement? I guess there's no problem there. But releasing it without permissio to the public is morally and legaly wrong.

The mapping community frowns at unauthorized "borrowing", as it may be their work that you may "borrow" from next. Brushes and textures are an especially sore subject. If you want your work to be received well at all, it would be good to either learn to create your own, or get permission from Legend to use their work.


Herald of the Newest Dawn
Ok, DeathBliss, my final word on this, this is meant to be a civil post, and any hostilities you find inside, well, I didn't mean them.

All I can say is fine. I believe you should find out the E-mail/Snail-Mail adress of the original creators and ask them, considering that this is all in such a "gray" area of the law, would it not be better not to leave yourself open to a lawsuit? If it were MY property I would sue you for every penny you had, and wouldn't care what you did, you stole my propery and used it as your own.

That's all I have to say :D


UT Engineer
Apr 9, 2001
Boy did I get some Heavy Hitters in here!

WOW! Even the legendary Hal came over for a visit! I almost feel special! Ok, so I guess I'm off to find the e-mail address of the actual authors of the decorations. I just have to stand in awe of you people. Gabriel says,

"If it were MY property I would sue you for every penny you had, and wouldn't care what you did, you stole my propery and used it as your own."

I guess somewhere along the way we forgot how to share people! Then we get sore about something that I'm relativly sure doesn't apply to anyone who posted here. All I know if someone used my work without my permission I'd be ok with it. If they used it and tried to say it was their own well that would set me a-hunting for my shotgun - but whatever, I'm going to keep loking for my answers no matter what - I said it once and I'll say it again - I have a level to build.

Boy this sure has been an eye opener! Too bad nobody here learned anything...
- Deathbliss


-=[Techno Dancer]=-
May 3, 2001
Rolling on floor laughing my ass off.

Now back to the topic, so correct me if I am wrong, WOT is created on the Unreal Engine and uses UE decoration , fair they payed. You (deathbliss) are making a UT map and want to use decorations from the WOT and you probler uses UE decs too, its all UEngine, so Basicly I dont see anything bad in that, but as I said, correct me if I am wrong....hmmm gotta go that license agreement through at the unreal tech page :)



Herald of the Newest Dawn
Look, Deathbliss, I told you, I was being nice with my thread, what do I receive? A condescending 3rd grader of a post because you're too stupid to figure out what we've all been trying to tell you, if YOU stole MY property I would MOST CERTAINLY hand you a rather HEFTY lawsuit, and THAT was what I was saying.

If you wish to continue with this childish rant I'm gonna have to ask one of the moderators to close this thread, which should have been done already in my opinion.

Please learn some common courtesy, and come back, and maybe we can be friends, but untill then, please cease your attacks on me for me trying to be a nice person and keep you out of legal trouble.


Herald of the Newest Dawn
Sorry about that, I was really PO'd at the time, and with plenty of reason, DeathBliss, don't act like such an ******* and be nice, me and DS were trying to be nice, we could have come in here and called you a retard for trying to do something illegal, but we didn't, we both came in a politely told you that that was Illegal, please, don't insult me, allright?


UT Engineer
Apr 9, 2001
Setting the record straight:

Ok - first off I want EVERYONE here to know I hold no grudges. There has been some ignorance displayed here on ALL sides (yes that incudes me) but also a lot of intelligence. Ok, so we have established I can't add these decorations to my level becuase of legal issues. I only hope you all take a moment though to think about Microsoft and what happens when a company holds a monopoly. The original authors of these works have given up their rights to Legend or whatever company made WOT. If I got permission from the copyright holders to use these decorations I doubt that the original creators will ever have been awknowledged by anyone in the company. I on the other hand subscribe to the view that you "Give Credit Where Credit Is Due".

In any case what am I supposed to do? I can't make my own decorations and I have nobody I can ask for help. I tried, looked, spent HOURS (I mean this too) on this subject. Why? You'll probably never understand - but I'll try to be clear and bare myself a little despite the fact that most likely I will be laughed at for this.

First off has anyhone bothered to read my signature? Does anyone know who that little charcter under my name is? For those that don't this is a peice of custom artwork depicting an artist's rendition of Elric of Melinbone'. The series of Dark Fantasy featuring this charcter come from Michael Moorcok. That sword Elric carries is his greatest strength and weakness. Elric is an albino, and the last of his kind due to his wrath - he has no strength of his own, and he depends on the blade to keep him alive. The blade drinks the souls of its' victinms, and as far as the sword is concerned what victim it gets it's power from is irrelevant. Elric has lost many dear friends due to the Stormbringers' hunger, and has fed off some of his loved ones very souls, and watched them die. This strange individual is about the only person who I view as a hero.

My signature pic sums up EXACTLY how I feel. It's not an overexaggeration, or a silly phrase. It sums up the essence of my being and the very attitide to life I hold. I won't go into the why's, what I have said here is enough. I excell at only a few things - one is teaching others how to make their own levels. The other is making my own, but in that area -as it seems a lot of areas where I can display creative potential - I am handicapped. Most likely I'll stop mapping altogether at some point. However the best work I have ever done - the most creative things coming out of these hands - these are displayed in my levels. It and a VERY few other things are LITERALLY what keep me alive. As an artist I am like Elric - I am weak - and I depend on something unholy - the thought of ending it and what this means to me as a Christain (yes you heard right) if I kill myself. The issue here is I have a cool level - just short of my cutting myslelf and preparing the image with my own blood on a peice of paper - and it cannot be completed because I lack certain things to do so. I do not expect you to respect me, or to understand. I merely request your acceptance of my statments. I am sorry for having offended a few of you here - I was hurt so I lashed out. I again re-iterate - I hold no grudges against any of you. Please unerstand that not only am I not willing to stop until I get what I need - I cannot stop.

So I am going to continue to search for the answer I need - just not here. I am also going to attempt once again to make some of the things I need and see if I have any luck doing so (so far I have not). Finally I will be scouring the web for pre-fabs made for public use. All this is delaying the completion of my level, and I fear now it will not be completed. Close this topic if you want - I'm not getting what I need here and I really don't have anything else to say to those who have assembled here.

- Deathbliss


Herald of the Newest Dawn
Hmm, who runs Model Farm? :D :D


Now, Who has given a way to import models as decorations? :D :D


Now, who can you ask for help? :D :D


You're welcome, and everything's smooth ok? Ok! :D :D

And yes, I am going to have my throat looked at soon :D :D


Staff member
Nov 24, 1998
ehhh, just to make that clear... a simple e-mail to the author and a credit in the read-me will usually get you the permission to use part of other artists work.