Unreal Texture UT site and S3TC releases

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New Member
DecayedS S3TC 2009 Christmas update


As you all might know, i started out working on the DecayedS package last year, and i got the package half done in a short matter of about a month. After that i simply was to ill to continue on the package.

And this year, i decided to release the package as is, with a few updates since everybody already had to wait too long.....

There is a downside to this. The plan was to create all the textures, and add rust, moss, etc. to it temporarelly. After i had finished the entire package, i was supposed to go over all textures to test the rust and moss ingame, because they easelly look overdone, and needs tweaks to make it look right. That i couldnt do anymore, so there is a risk that rust and moss, is either lacking or overdone. Apologise for that....

I always thought DecayedS is totally boring package and only fills in needed gaps in the other packages. And this is also the reason i was not really tempted to go work on the package. But last year i made the decision to work on it, because its a widelly used and important package.

And to my surprise, when i finished up alot of textures, i looked ingame. And i honestly can say BORING NO MORE :D :D :D, the textures look friggen awsome ingame :), with alot of different colors in the concrete, and lots of other goodies to look at :D

So even the package is not entirelly done, i hope you all agree with me, and they are as good as i think.

Here are the downloads:

High End 294 Mb: HighEnd_DecayedS.zip

Low End 176 Mb: LowEnd_DecayedS.zip

Merry Christmas everyone :)
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Ad Nocendum Potentes Sumus
Feb 1, 2006
Thanks a lot Diehard. Unfortunately I cannot try it out until sunday, maybe someone can throw a screenshot or two to showcase those updated textures :)
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New Member
There is an update available for DecayedS that has all bugs fixed.

- Missing grates have been added to the sewer textures.
- Missing S3TC wall textures have been added.
- A few more extra S3TC textures have been added.
- All laser textures have been removed due to an unsolvable rendering problem.

The removal of the laser textures is not that a big loss, since i already doubted if they would add anything significant to the package as they are simply colored beams. And i am talking about the textures that GP mentioned above post that surface in Terraniux and SkyTown.

Here is an example:

Normal textures

S3TC textures

(screenshots are courtessy of GP from OldUnreal)

The error is again related to the procedural textures, and actually added a new problem to them. Now this problem is not really a problem for this package, but does cause problems(future wise) in other packages. So for now its not really a loss they have been taken out. And for Unreal there is a good chance it can be solved in patch 227. But for UT this might be a more serious problem in the future.

I had planned to release this update last sunday, but i decided on thursday that the site needed a big overhaul to properly accomodate all the new types of packages i am releasing. And i had to redo the entire Unreal and UT texture section. And in addition tho that i changed the entire name convention for the files to prevent people inadvertently switching Unreal and UT files. And that explains the delay.

I also wanted to prevent that people had to go through great lenght to obtain the files(as what happened a week ago), so the release was also held back till all files were uploaded to all mirror sites.

Unreal Tournament


Well, enjoy :)


enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
So this is the latest one? Before this, another package was released back in June 2009, correct? I'm just trying to keep track of these packages and not miss any.:)


New Member
Actually i have no idea, i dont keep track of them at all. Though i dont recall i released anything at all in 2009, but since my concentration is zero to nothing half the time, it could be, i dunno.

But i am working on an update for the XbpFX package. The development team(Casey in specific) from Old Unreal has been working on my Mergertool. And i still have to do a bit of testing, but if all goes well i release a fixed package early this week or even this weekend. And the package wont contain new textures, but should have fixed the procedural blueplasma texture.


New Member
Just had a look at the package itself, and it looks like i could ship in a fair amount of updates. Accidentelly the package contains alot of DecayedS textures. Seeing the amount of textures that can be updated easelly it could be the package might end up double the amount of S3TC textures than it has now.


New Member
After i installed a fresh UT, i have been able to test the XpbFX package, and it seems that the work Casey from OldUnreal did on the Mergertool payed off. As far as i can see the package is now error free, which means i only have to update a bunch of textures and its ready for official release.


enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
I did download a new Skaarj.utx package back in June 2009 (I may have missed it the first time or it just has a newer date) and I just downloaded the DecayedS.utx package tonight. I'm pretty sure that's all that was different from back on April 30, 2009 when I downloaded all that stuff, except maybe HubEffects, TCrystal and XbpFX which were updated after the dates on the packages I downloaded back in April 2009. These last 3 just had a later time stamped on them in the individual package, but same date as most of the files. I also noticed you now have them separated into 5 packages, but I downloaded them in 4 packages before; I'm sure you mentioned this earlier in the thread though.

Of the 29 files, 28 seem to be dated 4-15-08 (15-4-08 in other parts of the world) and 1 is dated 12-24-08 (24-12-08). Although, the Skaarj.utx has recently been updated and has a new date of 5-8-09 (8-5-09) and the DecayedS.utx was just released and has a new date of 1-3-10 (3-1-10). I'm fairly certain this is correct, but if not please let me know. Thank you.
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New Member
As for HubEffects, TCrystal they were completelly withdrawn from the S3TC downloads because they would lead to errors and corrupt textures ingame. The same also did apply to XpbFX, with the only exception you still can download the S3TC version, but it might lead to errors ingame. And the only reason for that unofficial release is the fact it contains alot of super crucial textures(planets and moons), that simply need an S3TC update.

As it looks now the problems for HubEffect and XpbFX might be solved, and they are likelly (re-)added to the official downloads and the MasterFiles. And yeah, to fit in the large DecayedS package, all masterfiles have been repacked. And to keep the filesize a bit down they are spread over 5 downloads, but i never mentioned it, since i concider it a silence change. Its after all repackaing what was already there, and can only be concidered a technical change rather than an update.

And the other reason i never mention it here is that i asume everybody already has all files, and only will download and replace new updates on the packages. And that means that the MasterFiles only server people who never used the textures before, and who are starting from scratch.

So effectivelly the MasterFiles are starter packages and pretty uselless for updates. But of course i do have to add the updates to those packages as well, otherwise starting S3TC users will miss out on the latest updates. So any update will reflect upon the MasterFiles, but are useless to anyone already owning the MasterFiles.

And for the Skaarj package, i may have been messing with the date, meaning i may have set the clock (months ?)forward while processing the package, but cannot remember it so i have to stay guilty on that answer. DecayedS of course is updated in the year 2010 so it should have a date within that year.
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enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
OK, I'll wait for the HubEffects and XpbFX updates and just leave them in the Textures subdirectory for now. Should I be running the TCrystal.utx file from Disc2? Wait, nevermind, it seems I AM running all 3 files from CD2 right now but HubEffects has a different date on it (same size, maybe from a custom map or something); probably based on something you said last year. Looks like I'm cool for now and I'll just wait for the updates as they come.:)


New Member
Theres a bunch of Packages that can be found on the 2nd CD that are larger than the 1st CD packages. Dispite they are larger or have a different filesize they do not contain any S3TC textures. HubEffects and TCrystal might be one of those, i didnt check.

But in general i would disadvise using the 2nd CD textures at all. Better use all the textures from the 1st CD and overwrite those with the UTRP textures in case you use S3TC. In any case i would ALWAYS stay away from the 2nd CD textures as they contain much more errors than the UTRP textures. And the UTRP packages cover ALL S3TC textures from the 2nd CD, they already have been included from start. And that means theres no reason at all to ever use the 2nd CD textures, S3TC or not.


Ad Nocendum Potentes Sumus
Feb 1, 2006
Diehard, I believe once I pointed this out, but I'll do it again.
The moon on levels such as DM-Morpheus and DM-Barricade resemble very much earth, could you touch it up so it will be more like the moon on right image that's present on map DM-Bishop.

And another thing, any way to eliminate that?



New Member
Diehard, I believe once I pointed this out, but I'll do it again.
The moon on levels such as DM-Morpheus and DM-Barricade resemble very much earth, could you touch it up so it will be more like the moon on right image that's present on map DM-Bishop.

It is on my todo list, and i can have another look at it.

And another thing, any way to eliminate that?

But what do you mean by that, updating that low res texture or the missing stars in that background ?

To update the texture i need to know what package its sitting in. As for the stars missing, same thing i need to look at the texture. But effectivelly the square is caused because you cannot see stars, and the mapper should have made it masked. But let me know what package, and what excactly you want ?


Ad Nocendum Potentes Sumus
Feb 1, 2006
I was pointing out the square on second image, but I cannot tell you right now in which package it resides.
Does updating this texture with higher resolution version will remove/reduce that square at the edges?


New Member
No it will not remove the square. The only thing that can be done is adding stars to it, and that will make the square go away even though its still there you wont notice it.

But there is a downside to it, if a mapper added the texture over a black background, than the square wil apear again. So from that point its safer to not add stars to it.

Its similar to the hologram screens. Now you can read them, but in the past they were often added mirrored to a map. To solve that i need to mirror the textures. But same there, if a mapper added the textures correctly it will get mirrored because i did mirror it......... Therefore the S3TC versions are as they should be, not mirrored.

Its one of those unsolvable stuff that happens. But try find out what map it is in, and what texture it is.


Ad Nocendum Potentes Sumus
Feb 1, 2006
Map was DM-Phobos, also CTF-Face, in what UTX? I have to find it out.


New Member
Oh, in that case its oné of the nebulas in the XpbFX package, and that one already is updated an will be included in the final release. And i checked, the update does contain a few textures around the nebula, so hopefully its not that noticable anymore over the stars background.