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Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Super 8-7/10

This is not a bad film but again being an Abrams film there is not one original idea in it.

Basically it's a revisiting of E.T. meets Romeo and Juliet meets the Goonies.

Abrams really is a product of modern Hollywood's lack of imagination sells movies. The whole kids as film-makers bit is probably a bit autobiographical.

On the upside at least Abrams wrote the script himself which means he showed a little common sense in not letting Damon Lindelof anywhere near it. For this reason, at least, the story has a beginning and, at the end, reaches a logical conclusion.

The special effects are spectacular....

... particularly the train wreck which is immense.

I saw it when it was first released and it probably stands as being one of the best things Abrams has put his name to.


Wait, if you're here then that means...
May 11, 2008
Under the bridge downtown.
The Way Way Back - 8/10

Funny and interesting.

Sam Rockwell gives a great performance, as does Steve Carell and the rest of the cast. Some really funny moments and some pretty sad ones all in all a very solid movie that I'd recommend to anyone!

A bit too short though at 1hour 30mins


Wait, if you're here then that means...
May 11, 2008
Under the bridge downtown.
Rush - 9/10

For me, this is the best movie so far this year. That might not be saying a lot seeing as it has been a very week year for movies.

That being said, Rush is a Formula 1 themed movie based on true events. Personally I'm not a fan of Formula 1, I find it really repetive and boring. But this movie is truly great, just like The Wrestler was a great movie even if I never liked wrestling.

Chris Hemsworth and Daniel Brühl are terrific in the main roles and they share an uncanny resemblance to the real characters from back in 1970. The score by Hans Zimmer is beautiful and the story is very interesting.

Hands down THE best Formula 1 movie ever made (better than Talladega Nights - The Ballad of Ricky Bobby).

Twisted Metal

Anfractuous Aluminum
Jul 28, 2001
Long Island, NY
Kick-Ass 2 - 9/10

I might be going overboard with that rating but the amount of fun I had watching this is just indescribable. Maybe I just caught it during the right mood. My reaction was the same as hit girls after being injected with adrenaline. :D

Completely ridiculous movie as expected but all the epic music, action sequences, and awesome characters make this one a thrill from start to finish.

"Game on c*cksuckers"

Had me in tears. :D

As good as "superhero" movies get, IMO.
Gravity (3D)-8/10

Visually spectacular with great 3D. A gripping story that's well acted. Excellent music.

I'm gonna give it a 9/10 personally. I wasn't expecting it to be as good as it was.

I too saw it in the 3D format (they filmed it in 3D, so I felt it was worth it). I saw it on one of those "extreme theaters" which also helped (just a larger format screen with much better sound and the latest in projectors).
When the first incident happened
, I was so into the movie that my mouth dropped open and I got goose bumps. It was very intense.
Also when there was debris flying at the screen during the
ISS breaking up,
I actually flinched in my chair and proceeded to blink as the parts flew at you.

I haven't experienced that in a film since I saw Terminator 2 Live Action event at Universal Studios when I was 8 years old.

This is a movie I don't think works as well in regular 2D format. It really is a must see in 3D. I made my gf go to it, knowing that she hates 3D movies (as do I), but after telling her that they actually filmed it in 3D, it would be better. She agrees and is happy that she saw it in 'real' 3D, not that shitty 3D filter they put on everything. Totally worth it. Can be tense in some parts if you really get into the movie like I did. Great job all around with the film.
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Apr 23, 2005
Prisoners 7/10

Sadly, this was an "almost" film. Despite an interesting topic and some interesting character dilemmas, it didn't quite manage to close the deal.

Too long and and yet not long enough. When the point comes for Hugh Jackman's character to consider what he is doing, the moment is rushed and glossed over and yet time is wasted repeating scenes and actions in order to belabour the point.

Much of the structure of the film and some of the characters seemed to be heavily influenced by the Danish series "The Killing" and Prisoners does not come out of the comparison well. In particular, the impact of the defining event on the family and the reaction of the family is less well done in Prisoners.

I don't really know why Maria Bello was in this film - she spent most of the runtime sedated and in bed. Jackman is OK and Terence Howard underused.

Jake Gyllenhall and his twitches were just really, really annoying.

Having said all of that, there were real strengths here - some very creepy scenes and occasionally real emotional intensity.

This is not the type of film where one can say that one enjoys it but knowing what I now know I would still choose to go and see it.

Source Code 2/10

Groundhog Day done as a thriller and a classic example of Hollywood trying to have its cake and eat it.

An eight minute loop presents the structural problem that it does not allow for much variation and this film fails to rise to the challenge.

The more Jeffrey Wright's character insisted that events in the simulation could not influence reality, the more I had the sinking feeling that magic stuff would be allowed to win the day, the more I had the sinking feeling that Vera Farmiga's character (to be fair, not a bad performance given the rubbish that had been written for her to speak) would abandon her duty and and do the right thing for the happy ending.

All of this was so heavily foreshadowed that there was never any tension or prospect that bad things would happen.

A potentially interesting idea thrown away by unimaginative and clumsy development (at this point, Prisoners is looking like a model of execution).

Tux Android

Voice Pack Penguin
May 19, 2011
Escape Plan (2013) [Cinema]
Less mediocre and seriously enjoyable prison action movie with Sly and Arnie putting together in this one movie; but with medium mistakes on the script/acting and with these guys are way too old enough for less popular for moviegoers (usually likeliness of the 80s/90s action memorabilia on TV channels and past theaters for more than or equal to 2 decades past).
Date/Time: 10/17/2013 @ 13:55 – Grade: B+

Bloody Birthday (1981) [TCM Asia]
Depressing 80s B-grade slasher fare with killer kids and rather silly storyline/disturbing images/dialogue/etcetera.
Date/Time: 08/28/2013 @ 00:25 – Grade: C-
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_________________________ _______________
Jan 20, 2008
Anywhere But Here
Gravity 9/10

Visually amazing. Fantastic story and acting. Very enjoyable. 3D was made for this movie.

I give it the same score. I saw Gravity on 3D D-Box, which made all the more immerse an experience. Although I don't think D-Box works well for all movies, it was spot on for this one.
Captain Philips

So I had the benefit of watching this before I knew anything about the true story about the guy or the incident, so none of the controversies colored my viewing. I will say that it's very well acted, particularly by Tom Hanks.

His acting while in shock at the end was particularly hard to watch, especially if you've ever known anyone who has been in that kind of state. Your body betrays you.

The sequences at the end that go back and forth between the lifeboat and the naval operations were a bit too synchronized Call of Duty style for my tastes, and I generally dislike movies that try so hard to be "realistic." Hard to recommend....but I will say, learning more about the actual people and situation may prevent me from going out of my way to rewatch in the future. Tom Hanks may get some accolades for his acting in this one, but it's definitely one of those situations where the performance is more memorable than the movie.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values

I haven't seen this film in many years but I always find it a bit depressing to consider this a possible future that could come about given today's science. Great acting all around.

RIP Gore Vidal.........