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Twisted Metal

Anfractuous Aluminum
Jul 28, 2001
Long Island, NY
Rambo - 7.8/10

Excellent! 50 cal GREATNESS, limbs blowing off everywhere, absolutely brutal and in your face. The sound, in my theater at least was earth shatteringly loud. It was amazing. Pretty much exactly as I expected. Minimal dialogue. Maximum brutality. Good times. :)


New Member
Jan 31, 2008
I Am Legend 7/10

Decent movie overall, though the ending could have been better. The first half of the movie was excellent, but it kinda lost its sparkle.


Foregone Destruction
Jan 20, 2008
Pirates 3,same opinion about the movie like before.:)
[VaLkyR]Anubis;2063658 said:
Pirates 3,man this movie is really incredible made,like the other movies is this one very cool,much humour and action,I love this movie.The first and second movie were full with nice effects,but the third is has much more effects stuff,and they look much better.The story of the whole movie is like the others interesting,they wanna make a trip at world’s end to get Jack Sparrow back and to defeat Davy Jones and the East India Trading Company.I always liked the pirate theme for games or movies,but many movies weren’t very good in this theme,but the movies Pirates Of The Caribbean are the best pirate movies ever.The opening of the third movie is like the others at first normal,but some minutes later the action starts.The battle at Singapur or on the ocean,it is awesome.This time the movie contains several incredibly designed effects,like the effect when Jack Sparrow is in the world of Davy Jones on board of his Black Pearl with all the other Jack Sparrows,this scene is too funny,imagine ti have so many Sparrows around you,haha,that’d be funny,I would enjoy it,hahahaha.I have watched the special DVD of the movie and there they had over 20 different looking Sparows for this scene,but they had the same clothes,the designer of the clothes was very happy to make the clothes.Another great effect is when they wanna get from Davy Jones’s world into the normal world,they move the Black Pearl on the back,that they’re a in the water and then the water come down and they are in the normal world again,but the effect how the Black Pearl comes out of the water is just marvellous made,that is really bettest computer special effect stuff,imagine they have built a Black Pearl and Flying Dutchman in real time,these babys were heavy like a 747 and the stuff,which they people had need for the movie was so extremely high,that is really unbelieveable and they built a hall which was so big like a small town,hahaha,when I watched the special stuff,I couldn’t believe it at first.As I said before the story is like the story of the others movie cool,like the music,I still must get the soundtrack CD of the first and now the third movie,I already got the second CD.The creator of the music is really great and he has talent,really and many TV stuff,like documentations use the music of the movie,it was very surprising for me,when I heard that the first time.I love the battle between the Black Pearl and Flying Dutchman on the sea,this is so ****in amazing made,that you think it is in real time made,but it was designed on computers.I really ask me,what the hell is the building of the brotherhood of the pirates,because it is huge,massive and god damnit cool designed,the different pirates leaders are very good also,like the guard of the pirate codex,this guy is Jack Sparrows dad,I thought that he would be the father,because he looks similar like Jack.Later when they wanna fight againt the whole army of the East India Trading Company,they probably didn’t expect so many ships,which came out of the fog,it were so extremely many ships,extremely more ships than the brotherhood ships,but when the Flying Dutchman lost Davy Jones as the captain and Will Turner became the captain and the Black Pearl and Flying Dutchman destroyed the ship of Lord Beckett and the whole army of the East India Trading Company gave up.In my opinion,this third movie is like the others excellent made,there is a long time of watching fun and the movie doesn’t get boring,you can watch it again and again.it is always exciting.I love the movie like Transformers,so it gets the same score 9.45/10 (94.5%).:)


Who are you calling short?
Aug 18, 2000
Nottingham, England
Cloverfield, I think i'd give it an 8 out of 10. It won't win any awards for story, but it was entertaining, and the way they chose to show the action worked extremely well, it really put you right there. Was a bit nausiating at times though, but overall, a decent experience.

Iron Archer

Holy ****ing King of Trolls
Mar 23, 2000
Good Luck Chuck 9/10 - Lots of T&A in this one and Jessica Alba can actually be funny, although it's mostly slapstick on her end. I'd like to slap her with my stick, now that I think about it, on her end, no less.

Exus Tecius

like diamonds in the sky
Sep 24, 2003
Visit site
Apocalypse Now - 10/10

Probably the best Vietnam movie...and arguably the best war movie...ever made.


hmm.the last good movie i remember having watched and enjoyed was
"dune".this one impressed me.amazing sci-fi stuff.

note: i dont watch that much movies.


is ironing his panties!
Blood and chocolate

I don't think they focused enough on the characters as much as i'd like.... montages can only convey so much after all but over all it's a rpetty damned fine werewolf movie in a world that has few well made ones.

I'm not convinced by the overly magical, bright light, lens lare-fest that was the transformation into wolf forms but i'd give the movie a healthy 7/10 Which is higher than Underworld 1 and lower than Underworld 2 in my books.
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