Nazi Sharon Borrows Stalin's Idea

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Tama-chan says, "aurf aurf aurf!"
Oct 19, 2000
Indiana. Kill me please.
I just heard an hour ago that Israel may be planning to build a wall around Jerusalem to keep the Arabs out the part of their own country. Someone call in the Berlin Construction Company, they have experience with this sort of thing! :mad:


Biotech student
Oct 9, 2001
Quebec, Canada
Here is what an interview with A.S. would look like (the parenthesis are for better interpretation).

Me: Doesn't your project ressemble what was done in Germany?

AS: Of course not, the Berlin wall was made to prevent people from escaping the city.

Me: And?

AS: Well, the Wall of Jerusalem is made to prevent bad people (Palestinians) from getting into our (conquered) city. So you see, we are only defending ourselves from hostile invaders who always wanted to take what belongs to us.

Me: Invader? But didn't this city belonged to Palestinians before, like since a few centuries?

AS: You kids read too much books, why don't you go (get brainwashed) listen to president Bush and (start to hate muslim world) behave like a good citizen?

Me: Well, thank you for this interview Mr. Prime Minister, and I hope to (slap you in the face) meet you again soon.

Alright, maybe it's a bit harsh, but what I want to say is that nothing good can be fulfilled by creating a wall of hate between people.


NOT going to waste another minute on CS!
Sep 18, 2001
The only way to achieve peace in that area is to so thoroughly desecrate Jerusalem that no one would want to claim it...

At this point nothing short of a message from THE LORD God Himself saying "This place sucks balls! Balls, I say! BAAAAALLLLS!!!" could do that.


New Member
Dec 7, 1999
I am thinking that a 3 mile wide crater and an eighty mile ring of firestorms and radiation might do the trick as well...


Oct 18, 2000
Although I imagine this is just another typical far-leftist outrage to an unfounded rumour, I for one hope they go ahead with something along those lines. It would give the West an out to FINALLY go ahead and drop support for Israel. We've got our hands tied with these people and it's starting to get annoying.


Jan 11, 2002
Visit site
Too one-dimensional for me.

The Palestinians are righteously angry. Their birthright is gone and they are nation-less.

The Israelis have a right to keep what was won through hard, continuous, fighting. Their birthright has been re-established. The US, by taking in many Jewish refugees during the 1930’s and 1940’s, is inextricably linked to Israel. Short of a US holocaust, that’s the way it’s going to be.

Basically, it’s a big **** sandwich and we’re all going to take a bite (FMJ).
Originally posted by Destructo6
Basically, it’s a big **** sandwich and we’re all going to take a bite (FMJ).

And no matter what we think about it or how we slice it, we are still going to be eating shit.*

There is literally no way for the US to just get away from the entire situation without looking like assholes (deja vu?). Either we abandon our support for Israel and look like fuckers for ditching our allies right when the going gets tough, or we fight for Israel and look like fuckers whenever Israel does something provocative.

I hope America has strong toothpaste. Feces are hard to get out of the gumline.

*Thank you Stormcaller for that wonderful quote on life in general.


Sergeant (Reserve), IDF
Jun 19, 2001
Rehovot, Israel
Puh-leeze... palestinians nationless? What about, say, Jordan, where they are over 70% of the population? Of course, they aren't in control of the country, and when PLO tried to take control in 1970, King Hussein drowned them in blood and kicked them out to Lebanon, but who remembers that?


If U wanna know Y U get killed, ASK UR SELF
Mar 23, 2001
Im muslim and from Egypt.

WE(muslims,arabs) would say without any doubt that Palestine, Israel,WATEVER u wanna call IT belongs to the Palestinians, but thats just cause we were taught by our parents, in schools and mosques to think so.

As for Israeli's, they would say the same thing cause they were also taught to think that IT belongs to them by their parents, in schools and synagogs, sorry for my spelling.

From history, IT has gone thru MANY WARS, from medievil times till now. So really there is no ORIGINAL owner of IT.

IMO NOBODY can claim IT theirs, Israeli's may argue that their book the Tawrah says dat it belongs to them but WHO IRL Cares about wat a HOLY book says.

Wat the Israeli's and Palestinians ARE basiclly FIGHTIN about is REAL ESTATE.

Before Israel invaded IT, many Israelis' bought ALOT of REAL ESTATE in IT, but this in no WAY gives em a right to start kickin PPL out of their homes, demolishin it and buildin settlements.

UNLESS IF u wanna call this a FULL SCALE WAR, then hey GO BOMB the PLO or watever and take control of the Country and govern it with your LAWs, at which time the Palestinians have to comply to ur laws like a citizen, and if broken they goto jail, also taking into account the LAWs are applied to everybody equally.

As for SHARON being put before a COURT for his actions in Sabra
and Shatila, IMO he will never goto court cause he has the US backin him up and second of all he has "DIPLOMATIC IMMUNITY", but hey MILOSEVIC from Yugoslavia he is a WAR CRIMINAL.


I'm no stranger to sarcasm, sir
Feb 4, 2001
Bayonne, France
I am a supporter of israel. Or i'd rather say i was, until Itsak Rabin (sp?) was assasinated. Now i just can't support them anymore. They are the ones who hold they key to solving the conflict, and they are now burying it. No, i'm not left extremist. I just state what i think.
And believe me : as long as this conflict isn't solved, no country in this world will be at peace, especialy the US. Their involvment in this war is great part of the hate they get from most extremists.
Unfortunately, since no side is totally right or wrong, it will certainly take forever.... unless it ends in a total annihilation of one side :(


I'd rather be playing H&D 2
May 12, 2001
Guardania Castle
Israeli's may argue that their book the Tawrah says dat it belongs to them but WHO IRL Cares about wat a HOLY book says.
Uh, the Israelis? And if one questions his holy book, then what good is it?

until Itsak Rabin (sp?) was assasinated.
That is a valid military action, unlike the Palestinians who blow themselves up in a crowd of civilians with nail-shrapnel bombs. Every Israeli retaliation or attack was directed at military targets or known terrorists - there is a big difference.

They are the ones who hold they key to solving the conflict, and they are now burying it.
It would also KIND OF help if that terrorist Arafat would do something about the suicide attacks.

No, i'm not left extremist.
Yes, but you are supporting them by accepting their propaganda.

I don't think that building a huge wall would be the best way to solve this problem. Obviously they cannot fix things themselves and nobody else wants to deal with it either. It's a much bigger, more complicated mess than most people can ever imagine.


New Member
Jan 31, 2000
Visit site
Wall in Jerusalem

I have very good friends in Israel and I am very sad about the situation their. If it goes on like that you can't live there anymore because of the Terror and Counterterror. :-((

But as I can remeber there was something like a wall in Jerusalem before wasn't it?? (Don#t mean the big ancient one...) This wall is a very good symbol for the situation in this country... a lot of people there have the wall in their minds!!!