FBI creates fake website to catch Pedo's

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bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
So the FBI has created the BeyondUnreal-forums ... *eh* I always thought something fishy was going on here



Nov 24, 1999
So the FBI has created the BeyondUnreal-forums ... *eh* I always thought something fishy was going on here


lmao...you beat me to it. I was going to say that everytime somebody registers for this forum they are automatically put on the FBI's pedo watch list :lol:


Tastefully Barking
Jan 17, 2005
And then there are americans who still claim they live in a land of the "free". :rolleyes:

Not counting the million ways this could be exploited in the hands of downright devious mofo's, this is about the most retarded **** any arm of any government could ever possibly make.

Not to mention highly unsuccessful, I suspect. :rolleyes:


Jan 23, 2008
What if you are an American, browsing a European "barely legal" website which guarantees all girls are between 16 and 17? Will you get arrested and abused by the FBI then?


Tastefully Barking
Jan 17, 2005
Oh dear, this becomes really interesting if the meat (ie. naked wimmins) on that pedo site happens to be 15, which is most definitely illegal in the US, but legal age in Denmark. :lol:

What they going to do, mayhaps? Send me nasty letters? Tell me to Cease and Desist or they'll sic CIA on me??

Hey, FBI, guess what... You Can Kiss My Fuzzy Ass! :D
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I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
I was thinking about this. Knowing the internet, anyone can simply say "Hey, check out my game demo footage" and link them to the FBI catch site. Of course they had no intent on actually looking at child porn, but the FBI doesn't care. You would still get arrested and thrown in prison.

They just don't seem to care. The judges don't seem to want real hard proof anymore either. "oh pedo?, ok here is a warrant".

Here's the thing though. What is the site? Any guesses? Well no, because this isn't icanhascheezeburger, it's a planted link that advertises itself as a containing child pornography. It's not something you're accidentally going to visit, it doesn't ALSO have old episodes of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The only possible way it could "accidentally" get passed along is someone clicking it, it not having anything that he finds, and then passing it to a friend. That's dubious at best.

Unless someone ACTUALLY believes that someone clicks on a link promising underage sex acts, finds nothing, and then for no reason whatsoever decides to forward along that link...

Yeah, the only thing he was PROVEN to have is some thumbnails of underage girls, but I'm sorry: Clicking link + Physically destroying your hard drives when you see cops + a few small images surviving pretty much = child porn.

Imagine this another way: A man says he's going to kill someone. When the cops arrive at his house, he's scrubbing his house with bleach and he has a few, very small drops of a missing person's blood on him. That's essentially the type of evidence here. When you click on something that explicitly says it's child porn, I don't see any reason that cops shouldn't be able to get a search warrant.

Here's the thing though. What is the site? Any guesses? Well no, because this isn't icanhascheezeburger, it's a planted link that advertises itself as a containing child pornography. It's not something you're accidentally going to visit, it doesn't ALSO have old episodes of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The only possible way it could "accidentally" get passed along is someone clicking it, it not having anything that he finds, and then passing it to a friend. That's dubious at best.

www.tinyurl.com/638s9f go ahead and click this link. It's a video and images of the new UT4 beta.

This was my point. Someone, anywhere can post the FBI pedo link, and say that it's something else. Unknowing gamers (thousands of them) would click that link expecting UT4 beta images or something. Then what.


I write stuffs
Apr 24, 2006
www.tinyurl.com/638s9f go ahead and click this link. It's a video and images of the new UT4 beta.

This was my point. Someone, anywhere can post the FBI pedo link, and say that it's something else. Unknowing gamers (thousands of them) would click that link expecting UT4 beta images or something. Then what.

You miss the point. This link wasn't just thrown out at random. It wasn't www.unrealtournament4beta.com, etc. It was posted as: "here is one of my favs- 4yo he with dad (toddler, some oral, some anal)- supercute! Havent' seen her on the board before- if anyone has anymore, PLEASE POST." and the link was ".../4yo_suck" Is there really an argument going on that someone was pranking with this link? Honestly?

I hear your point, the thing is, it has no grounding in reality. If this were something that was accidentally left fallow for a few years and someone haphazardly clicked on, that's one thing, but that's not what happened. It was explicitly labeled and clicked on the same day it was posted (and the next day from the same IP). This link was heavily contextualized and you postulating that someone could have reposted it as a joke is just silly. If that were the case there would have been a gaggle of people who would have been raided, only to find no child porn on their computers. Since the lawyer vigorously defending the pedophile didn't imply this in any way had happened, it's a very safe bet that it's simply not the case.

So, yeah, I don't live in reality because I think that a person clicking on 4yo_suck with an explicit advertisement for what it contained constitutes probable cause to search the premises. :rolleyes:

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Queen Bitch of the Universe
Jan 29, 2001
You don't live in reality because you dismiss the possibility that someone sees the link and does indeed spread it around outside assumed child porn communities. That it might not have happened in this case does not at all mean that it can't and won't happen in the future. BTW, even if you don't additionally obfuscate the URI you can draw other assumptions about the content if you see 4yo_suck. Not everyone has child porn on their minds all the time plus it sort of needs some knowledge of English to recognize it as such.