Elder Scrolls: Skyrim [DARGONS EDITION]

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The Great Oppression
Mar 19, 2006
Right behind you.
Don't expect any quest fixes or Creation Kit from Bethesda until January. Though it seems more like the only reason Creation Kit is delayed, is because they are integrating it with steam workshop.


Aw, that blows. I still want a proper house with proper storage, dagnabbit!

Its supposed to come in January. I'm excited myself.

Almost done with the thieves guild main quest.. gotta say, its an interesting departure from the previous games.

For me the ending to that plot was the best part about it. The Thieves Guild itself seemed pretty boring, and the auto-generated "Go here, steal or plant this" quests are pretty repetitive.

As I said previously, the best reason in my opinion to complete the Thieves Guild (and by extension, Nightingale) quest line is to receive a full set of Nightingale armor. That armor really is just so awesome :D
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UT99/2004 Mod Crazy
Mar 26, 2009
Aw, that blows. I still want a proper house with proper storage, dagnabbit!
Proper storage?

You have like, at least 4 storage containers that you can fill with as much stuff as you want.

Unless you're talking about sorting through your stuff that's in storage.


Master Console Hater
Dec 31, 2005
Some of my favorite screenshots I've taken so far. All of them untouched.


Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who thinks the FXAA injector mod makes the game look hideous.

Unless you're talking about sorting through your stuff that's in storage.
Am I the only one who doesn't understand this? I'm dumb enough to dump everything I hoard into a single storage chest because I rarely go back for anything. What I don't get is how the items are sorted. The majority of items are sorted alphabetically by their name but I also have dozens of seemingly random stuff at both the top and bottom of the list. I don't get it.
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UT99/2004 Mod Crazy
Mar 26, 2009
I'm dumb enough to dump everything I hoard into a single storage chest because I rarely go back for anything. What I don't get is how the items are sorted. The majority of items are sorted alphabetically by their name but I also have dozens of seemingly random stuff at both the top and bottom of the list. I don't get it.

Well, that's what you get for not using all of your containers in an orderly manner.


20% Cooler
Jun 6, 2008
Seen dis. Brix shat.
Resurrection of The Wolf Queen


Bola Gun fun anyone?
May 25, 2004
Been there done that.

Had a huh moment for a sec as I stept into my Proudspire Manor, corpses I kept in my basement came back to life, had to re-deadify them.


Master Console Hater
Dec 31, 2005


Lord and master of the Universe!
Oct 24, 2005
I must admit, thus far I've enjoyed my time playing Skyrim. A lot of people said the graphics were realistic but I beg to differ. Still, it looks nice regardless, though I have encountered bugs :(


The Great Oppression
Mar 19, 2006
Right behind you.
Bethesda says the Creation Kit will be coming in January so we should be seeing proper mods soon.

Are any of you planning to change anything in the game? I know I'm going to 'improve' the Windhelm house; I'll tweak the lighting a bit (it is kinda dark) and add some weapon chests under the display cases, maybe a couple more mannequins, and a library (just a room with tables, chairs, and tons of bookshelves.) A mead barrel would also be nice.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Last night I did a few of the side quests in that village at the beginning (I can't remember the name).

I decided to take an overnight stroll to Whiterun. Hopefully I'm getting enough gold together to get a horse soon.

The night sky and the Aurora..... I thought Bethesda had created a stunning world in Oblivion but this is beautiful.

First impressions are that they've taken averting good about Morrowind and Oblivion and jammed it into this game.
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The Great Oppression
Mar 19, 2006
Right behind you.
Anyone tried playing a Mage? A couple days ago I started playing a High Elf Mage, and let me tell you, it's not easy.

My first character is a jack of all trades Wood Elf, who specializes in lockpicking, archery, sneaking, one-handed weapons and light armor. By level 25 or so my Smithing skill was maxed, so I was able to craft a full set of Dragonscale, a Daedric Sword and Bow, and make it all Legendary. At level 40 hardly anything can even get close enough to me to land a blow; if it doesn't die in one sword swing, it probably won't survive the second. Not that it's ever been a difficult character to play.

With the Mage, every battle with more than a couple enemies in the fight is a true test of survival. I've died so many times it's hard to keep track, so I started saving the game after every semi-large battle. I'm majoring in Destruction and Enchanting, with minors in all other Mage skills. Most other skills (except Smithing, One-Handed Weapons and Archery) are at stock values.

I'm level 28 with the Mage, my Destruction skill is a little over 60. The Adept-tier Destruction spells (Fire Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Ice Bolt) are my bread and butter. Smithing and Enchanting are already both maxed, as those two kind of go hand-in-hand; use soultrap a lot, craft lots of iron daggers and leather bracers, then enchant them. It's the fastest road to making lots of gold and gaining the ability to enchant items with two effects instead of one.

I keep a one-handed steel wakizashi (added by the Third Era Weapons mod) that does soultrap and 20 fire damage on hit, both to fill soulgems and to use as a backup weapon when my magicka runs out. I also keep a dwarven bow that does soultrap and 20 shock damage handy, it makes a nice opener for large battles; fire a sneak shot, then whip out the magic. Shock also has the nice side effect of draining magicka. I hardly ever use them, so my skills with those weapons are very low.

Using this setup I've been able to manage, but only just. As I said, almost every fight is an epic test of my abilities. Dragons are surprisingly easy, but most other enemies are not; the higher-tier Draugrs are especially dangerous because of their high health pool, and it also seems they have some resistance to magic. I just finished clearing Labrynthian in search of the Staff of Magnus, and I probably died twenty times in the process.

In any case I highly recommend it. Playing a Mage makes the game much more rewarding, and the effect your skill increases have on actual gameplay are much more obvious.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
I keep getting spammed by dragons but my character isn't powerful enough yet to kill them quickly.

Just as well I save the game often. :D

Dragons are surprisingly easy, but most other enemies are not; the higher-tier Draugrs are especially dangerous because of their high health pool, and it also seems they have some resistance to magic.

How have you been killing dragons?

I'm playing as an Imperial but only level 10 as yet.
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