COD: MW2 Thread

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Good news everyone!
Feb 16, 2004
Ottawa, KS
Hate to break the chain but if you pre purchase the stimulus pack on steam you will save a $1.50. Excellent deal guys, we better hit it up.


Sep 17, 2004
Amen, I wish consumers were less sheep like then we'd get that as bonus packs.

Console people are definitively on the consumer branch. Their 200$ platform probably helped them reflect on that. A lot of people buy crap every month, from expensive clothing/restaurant rate to pretty much anything.

What I'm saying here is that it works on consoles. Put this in front of a PC consumer and he'll laugh his ass off in complete refusal.. unless it's Defart (I just don't get it, I thought Defeat was savy enough) and hop into a very small consumer bandwagon. I was fine with the extra 10 bucks they had going on MW2's release, but publishers really need to get hammered in the face sometimes, especially Activision.

I just can't explain how CoD4 turned better, we had a large delay on the map pack, but once they've thrown in all the exclusivity to consoles, the pack was released FREE on PC. It was annoying, but I just can't compare to how it is right now. What happened to Activi$ion? Did they started to gamble all their funds of a sudden? What's the ****ing urge to INCREASINGLY dive into people's wallet like it's due to the greenhouse effect? Next MW to be Monthly-payment?

Uh yeah anyway, have fun back there with the 39 other Stimulus pack consumers Defeat.


Sep 17, 2004
Well, your post was directed at Capt.Toilet, he had mentioned about the ridiculous pre-order 1$ saving, and that's where you said "I'll get it one way or another". The way you came from it sounded exactly like "I'm going to get it with or without the 1$ saving" :lol: