I just worked a 13 hour workshift today and I'm coming home to my newly formatted XP install... I can't find half my stuff and my mouse isn't even moving correctly. Sure, not every day is like this, but I've also got 45 unread beta emails and other crap to take care of as well.
Excuses aside, would you really want me changing RA without the ability to "suprivise" it like I always do? Believe it or not, keeping up with the community is usually more time consuming than actually coding the stuff... and I haven't even seen these features you speak of yet. My priorities are set towards a few other things, and if not messing with RAv2 at this point would get that blasted 2.9 out a week earlier, I would gladly do it. I don't want to be an ass but that's the hard line.
Please describe these "desired features" a bit. It wouldn't be fair to duke to rip his ideas out and implement them firsthanded.
As for variations of RA or other mutators, I obviously have to stick with the policy of allowing anyone to do basically anything. It would be quite hypocritical for me to say otherwise.
I take chances and rub against the grain sometimes too. (that whole sight thing maybe?)
Is RAv2 really that outdated?