EPIC: Plz give us more story in the game

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New Member
Apr 9, 2005
EPIC: Plz give us more story and depth in the game

I posted this on AtariCommunity, so I thought i might as well post it here on BeyondUnreal. Especially since theres a forum called ENVY.

The following has been taken from Zoeffs envy thread:
Known stats of the teams so far from the other Unreal titles:

Nahkti: UC2 -redesigned from the "anubians"
The concept was that the Nakhti people have their own combat tournament called the Ascension Rites, which is held whenever the Emperor or Empress is unable to rule. Anyone can enter the tournament, and the winner becomes the new ruler. The Liandri Mining Corporation steps in and tries to commercialize the event, and at the same time, hopes to 'encourage' the selection of a new ruler who will let them exploit the resources of the Nakhti planet.

Necris: UT / UT2K4 / UC2
The Necris are a new race (human, but with dead pale skin) who are attempting to destabilize the New Earth Government through guerilla warfare. The Phayder are a dangerous secret society of Necris assassins.

Kragoth a Necris Phayder is a known member of the Phayder Secret Society.
A brood of assassin and doomsday cultist, the Phayder have declared a sort of guerilla war against Earth.

Juggernauts: UT2K3 / UT2K4 / UC / UC2
Gorge is determined to prove that his one year reign as Tournament Champion is no fluke, and he has re-assembled the Juggernaut team he led to the championship. Axon Research Corporation has made armor and bio-genetic upgrades to the Juggernauts design for this year's Tournament.

Corrupt: UT / UT2K4
Xan Kriegor was long regarded as invincible, until Malcolm defeated him in the fourth officially recognized Tournament finals. After a long hiatus, he has returned to lead the Liandri team, The Corrupt, back to the championship. Xan is sitting out the early rounds, which he perceives as beneath his attention.

Iron Guard: UT / UT2K4
Members: Harlin, Rylisa, Johnson, Lauren, Brock
This veteran squad of elite warriors once served as personal bodyguards to the powerful arms smuggler Jihan Nyhn. After Jihan's assassination, the Iron Guard found themselves unemployed and the Tournament was an ideal arena to vent their aggression.

Brock and Lauren joined forces with Malcolm during his reign as Tournament champion. Infighting and recrimination over their stunning defeat in last year's Tournament led to the dissolution of that team. Now, Brock and Lauren have returned leading their old team, the Iron Guard.

Krall: Unreal
The Krall are a slave race of the Skaarj, and have been integrated into their society as a lower class of soldier. Though a Krall will always follow the orders of a Skaarj, they have their own ways of rebelling, such as by sleeping or playing dice when they are supposed to be on duty.

All Krall come armed with a staff weapon with three vertical blades on one end. The weapon is long enough to be considered a staff, but top-heavy enough to act as a mace when necessary. This weapon is also capable of launching energy bolts from the bladed end, so it will also server as a ranged weapon. In general, most Krall are slow but agile. This is predominantly due to their frail legs, which can be lost in battle quite easily.

Krall Elite are high-ranking Krall that can be identified by their white skin and blue accents. They are more agile and demonstrate a much greater skill in battle. They also carry a staff weapon that shoots faster and more powerful energy bolts.

Jakobs Team: ?

*Note: Brock & lauren are Necris in UC2:

"Malcolms Loyal teammate, Brock Attempted to avenge his defeat and kill Gorge. His Death was predictable. He was ressurected via the patented Necris Process. Unlike is former girlfriend Lauren, Brock has no memories of his previous life. Unburdened by remorse, hes free to kill in the tournament again."

"Lauren is a former grand tournament champion. After her boyfriend Brock died in combat, she pulled a Romeo and Juliet; taking her own life as well in grief. The Liandri couldn't afford to have two of their top competitors dead all at once, so they brought Lauren back to life with a very horrific (and expensive) Necris process. She's still cute, but she's just barely sane. Not a good combination"

You see by looking at those team descriptions, you can see that theres a lot of thought behind them. Same with the ut2k4 teams.

The problem is that when you go in-game single-player ladder, it is mostly just botmatches combined with specific maps, one after the other, when you finish one part the next gets unlocked.

Theres not much story involved as in nothing really happens when you defeat or get defeated by another team (you just move to the next match till u get to the end and still there is no end cutscene or the like).

There are some good things about the single player though, it does have CREDITS and things like buying players. Also, there is the assault mothership cutscene giving you some info which is nice. BUT there is still something missing.

Let me show you the unreal timeline, which is GREAT, http://www.unrealtournament.com/general/timeline.php. Now the only problem is that MOST people dont care about that and will never read about it because it is just TEXT.

What my suggestion is that you might want to put some cutscenes talking about the game, maybe a little bit of history like the unreal timeline, whats happening as you defeat a team, perhaps you will get challenged by the Iron Guard to an instagib match after you have defeated them in normal-weapon-match (you might want to show this by displaying Brock walking in a very angry manner breaking a pillar on the side), or maybe you can show the Juggernauts getting armor and bio-genetic upgrades from Axon corporation in a cutscene. Also, there is nothing that tells you what the liandri corporation and unreal tournament is all about. You might want to show this in like an intro cutscene or something. The current info about all this is in the form of TEXT which is not good, and most people do not know or even care about which character is which, what team the characters belong to, how strong some teams are in terms of accuracy, movement, etc.. Perhaps there should be cutscenes showing tension as your teams rank is reaching number 1 and many teams want to challenge you (they might challenge you in a bloodrites match to get your best player to prevent you from defeating them), and in the end your team holds some sort of futuristic unreal trophey. Like tell us about the unreal universe and maybe during the middle of the game some new challenging species gets discovered with like near 100% accuracy perfect for ig.

What I'm saying is get the gamer immersed in the game so that he knows what the game is all about. Im not saying to integrate Unreal 3 into Envy (although id like that). Im saying keep it a TOURNAMENT because it is and put some storyline in it. Make it obvious to the gamer what is the unreal tournament (that its a bloodsport) and liandri corporation and things like that.

UC2 has cutscenes, and the UT99 intro was GREAT, so was 2k3's. The UT99 and 2k3's intros, AS-Mothership cutscene, and UC2's cutscenes are great examples. Perhaps expand on those and add more to them. Also use the Unreal timeline and the mentioned stats of the teams (the new ENVY ones).

Make the game so that its actually worth playing again because of THE EXPERIENCE DURING THE GAME, and NOT JUST because of the END outcome, as this was the case in ut2k4 where you unlocked some characters. DURING the game it was mostly just match after match.

Btw, im only talking about the single-player.

Originally posted by placebo
I think it would be cool if, instead of being based in the Single Player menus, it was based in a small city, where you could go to arena qualifiers, duel in the streets, and, when it comes time to be in the Tournament, actually walk into the arena facility and everything like in the UT2k3 intro.
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New Member
Mar 6, 2000
I'd like that

I always enjoyed the pieces of story in the map and character descriptions. But it's also hard to make it coherent because it's so scattered


Fast learning novice
Feb 20, 2004
Aye - story.

But more important the feeling of earning teammates and building a coherent team. And with conquest\onslaught taking teratories - not just winning a round.


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
I don't want a 'story', because that suggests a fixed main character and fixed battles that lack any reason except a random voice/cutscene suggesting that character X is pissed just 'cause you've won.

I'd really like to see something that makes the fights 'personal'. So that only if you give Gorge a royal arsekicking (like the UT2k4-intro suggests Malcolm did) he becomes pissed.
The game SSX had a feature that caused your opponents to become more aggressive towards you if you'd shoved them during matches in a championship.

Also I'd like some opponents to stay pretty 'cool' (the androids for example), while others might simply hate you regardless. Add in a few 'honourable' and not so 'honest' characters/teams while giving the player similar options (with riscs/rewards of course).


Amateur Sketch
Apr 14, 2005
Kansas City
I think it would be cool if they had a game mode with melee weapons like in chaos ut, only with a lot more depth.

Also more story in the game would be awesome. A specific intro scene for whatever character you decide to use. A scene with fans watching a match on monitors at a sports bar or sumthin would also be cool.
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Wandering spirit
May 11, 2004
Off course
Bullet10k said:
You see by looking at those team descriptions, you can see that theres a lot of thought behind them. Same with the ut2k4 teams.
Sorry, but I don't see that at all. I agree the different models, teams and even maps have a good visual style (architecture? fashion? I'm not familiar with visual artwork) that is consistently used, but IMO the stats of the teams are nothing more than excuses to allow them to fight in the tournaments.

I don't care what the relationship is between tournament players. I don't want to know who is angry at you because you just won against his teammate/girlfriend/dog in the tournament. All I want is an intro movie in the style of UT99: clear, to the point and aimed towards you instead of to player what's-his/her/its-name. And even that is barely needed, as I'm not going to play the singleplayer campaign much...

Sidenote: It's ironic that the majority of this thread wants more storyline, while at the same time the majority of forummers don't care who is the best fighter of the tournaments.

SOLAR said:
Also more story in the game would be awesome. A specific intro scene for whatever character you decide to use. A scene with fans watching a match on monitors at a sports bar or sumthin would also be cool.
Yeah, that would be awesome. About 50 different cutscenes, which will use about a gigabyte extra HD space on movies that you just watch once or twice :rolleyes: And let's not forget about the manpower it takes to create those cutscenes. No thanks, I'll rather have the developers spend some more time in usefull parts of the game (map optimising, model creation, whatever).


is ironing his panties!
A comprehensive or fun single player would be no bad thing!

As far as cutscenes go, an intro and an outro are all i'd request. I remember in the old days i used to complete games jsut to see how amazing the FMV's were, It's a shame so many games opt to skip them these days.
A good FMV is a just reward for completing a single player game me thinks.


JB Mapper
Jul 3, 2004
Taleweaver said:
Yeah, that would be awesome. About 50 different cutscenes, which will use about a gigabyte extra HD space on movies that you just watch once or twice :rolleyes: And let's not forget about the manpower it takes to create those cutscenes. No thanks, I'll rather have the developers spend some more time in usefull parts of the game (map optimising, model creation, whatever).

^^ took the words out of my mouth. I have a habit of skipping every video i see.


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
Manpower / resources ?
When you're using the engine itself all you'd need to add would be the basic animations, which wouldn't require gigabytes of storage-space.
Even the maps themselves could simply be part of the regular user-interface ...

I mean really. In UT2kx a 'bloodrite' or duel is simply yet another fight for a bit of extra cash. There's no real immersion as the average player doesn't even get to care about the 'reasons' for the duel.

It's like the clanwars played by 'real' clans on-line. Part of the reason they fight is to show that clan X is 'superior' to clan Y. In the singleplayer-part there's nothing that can make the player feel like he's got something to prove. All he's doing is fight yet another boring meaningless fight after another until he wins the trophy/unlocks the next level.


Earning my Infrequent Flier miles
Aug 10, 2000
Alright, and what "story" would you guys put into a tournament setting besides proving yourself etc.?


.: Death do us Apart :.
Apr 2, 2005
Dark Pulse said:
They are able to now, actually; Epic just didn't use it.

When I went to Unreal Ed, you could tell with the Gorge etc. movie characters where the vertices and edges ended that would create a facial animation just the same way it would be done in Maya. The UT2K3 opening movie characters also have enough vertices and a slit area on the face for the mouth to make a facial animation (including the guy the Gorge knocked and Gorge/Skaarj in UT2k4). However, the Epic characters that you play with in a map could not have facial animations done on them because the cheek/eye etc. areas have too little vertices to make a well defined smirk and there is no slit to make an animated laugh expression as in counterstrike [to improve gameplay, reduce polygons]. So those characters do not support facial animation; if you were to try and make them smile or whatever, the whole face would skew. I do hope that Epic makes use of their engine and provide facial animations. That would mean providing a 'sheet' of teeth behind the mouth area as they did with the UT2k3 single player movie characters.


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
Nemephosis said:
Alright, and what "story" would you guys put into a tournament setting besides proving yourself etc.?
I'd just rip the background of any reallife boxer or sports-'personality' ...
Or you could look at the various console-based beat'em'ups (Soul Calibur 2 would be a nice example).

It doesn't have to be a literary novel, but a bit better than the average soap-series would go a long way to make people want to finish the sp-part of the game. Something that's a bit more then a simple 'you won / game over' screen at the end.


Jun 12, 2000
Facial expressions that change constantly with the gameplay would be good, like a grimace using the mini-style gun, concentrated frown with the sniper, enthralled manic expression on charge SG/IH, squint on a shock user etc... with 'cheers' when you frag, delight on sprees/pickups, and even fear when getting damaged.

For the number of polys that it'd change imho it would be worth the finer details like that.