^___^ said:Actually, I should mention I already went there hoping to find it, and the download link turned out to be broken. ;(
You can get it from there,also;
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^___^ said:Actually, I should mention I already went there hoping to find it, and the download link turned out to be broken. ;(
The translocator monster is going to devour my soul[screenshot]http://i151.photobucket.com/albums/s128/NeoNiteBuf/weirdxloc.jpg[/screenshot]
First Pic:Erm... i'm falling now...
Second Pic:Everyone in the pool!
Third Pic:How did that fish got there???
Fourth Pic: I win I win I win I win I win I win I win I win I win I win
The maps are:CTF-KungFuMaster,DM-CS-HELLproject,CTF-BadNeighborsv2 and DM-Deck16][