UT2kX Yet Another Real-life Mod Beta [March 17 2008][DL][version 126]

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take a chance
Jun 7, 2001
Yet Another Real-life Mod Beta May 29 2013 [DL][version 130]

Are you still not tired of "realism" mods, Ak47s, M16s and instant hit madness? Do you wish you could play COD4MW, but don't have a computer fast enough to run it (or a PS3, or a XBox360)? Then I have just the unimaginative-realism-clone mod for you! Yet Another Real-life Mod!

Name: Y.A.R.M.
Version: Beta 130 - May 29 2013
Author: Meowcat
Compatibility: UT2004 (patch 3339)
Description: Yet Another Real-life Mod. Semi Realistic weapon and player pack. Contains several different mutators including a cheap COD4MW knockoff mutator and Rainbow Six mutator. Also now includes a YARM Domination gametype which works on all DM maps. The number of domination points, amount of time they stay in one place and whether or not they move is configurable.

Players choose between multiple classes/uniforms to fight as: Sniper, Recon, Infantry, Demolition, Spy, Light Machine Gunner, and Assault etc. Players can:
1. climb up ledges/mantling as well as perform "railing jumps" as in Splinter Cell/Mirror's Edge
2. perform GoldenEye64 style leaning
3. go prone
4. roadie run/sprint
5. Custom third person animations for off hand grenades, knife slashes etc. for YARM player models.

Featured weapons: Assault Rifles, Submachine Guns, Shotgun, Sniper Rifles, Combat Knives, Numerous Pistols, Single Shot Grenade Launcher, Rocket Launcher, Smoke Grenades, Gas Grenades, Timed Mines, Remote Mines, Proxy Mines, Anti Vehicle mines, claymores, and a Light Machine Gun (or two).

Some specific RL weapons are: M16, AK74, AKMS, HK G36, HK G3, M14, SA80, AKMSU, MP5A5, MP5SD, MP5K, UZI, Colt M1911, HK MK23, Beretta M9, HK P7M12, M40 Sniper Rifle, Robar .50 cal rifle, PGM Hecate, PSG-1 Rifle, M3 Shotgun, M249 equivalent, M60, M67 Fragmentation grenades, RPG-7 Launcher, HK 69 Grenade Launcher.

Special weapon features:
1. All non explosive weapons feature melee attacks, either weapon smashes or knife slashes (all offhand hits in COD mute are knife slashes).
2. Client Side Hit Detection optional for instant hit weapons. This is a very simple option that should only be used when playing with trusted players.
3. Ability to zoom-in / aim with weapons. Iron Sight option is available via YARM Weapons mutator config page.

Make sure to reassign keys to these functions in the controls. For instructions on how to perform rail jumps and ledge climbs Read the YARM130_readme.rtf help file.

New Game Types: YARM Domination gametype works on all DM maps. The number of domination points, amount of time they stay in one place and whether or not they move is configurable. Has working bot code and encourages use and movement around the entire map. Also includes single flag control gametype (free for all but player who is holding the flag will get more points).

Help and Thanks: Please see the included YARM126_readme file for the complete list of those who helped in one way or another. Here is a quick rundown: Postal, Mr. White, Mr. SD, EvilDrWong, Grobut (cool new AK skins!), Dicky_B, Silver_Ibex, Doc_Edo, Mr. Evil, Parser, Mysterial, UT2004Addict, Lopar-XL, 4TX4, SquirrelZero

Download: YARM Version 130 Core May 29 2013

Some maps as well.
My recreation on Halo 2's Zanzibar, and GoldenEye64's Complex.

My own creations, a CTF map near a Port, and an outdoor level near a rainy coast (sort of inspired by the movie Insomnia)

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Please post your suggestions, flames, rants (or encouragement) about this mod here, or email me! I appreciate feedback (good and bad).

August 30 2008: Below additions included in new version:
-INF 2.75 style mutator (small weapon set, explosive ammo, on screen radar, drop all ammo and weapons when dying
-PSG-1 Rifle
-more COD player models
-new "King Flag" gametype: player holding the pirate flag gets extra points
-numerous model & skin tweaks, code optimizations

[EDIT May 3 2009] Updated version posted. Contains another new gametype (YARM Recovery) in which both teams must fight to locate, collect, and take an object to a recovery location to score points. Both the recovery point and object are randomly placed on the map, with the HUD showing where to go to find them. Bots play this exceedingly well.

Also added the Halo Pistol M6C (or at least my recreation), Goldeneye Sniper Rifle; fixed the grenade launcher and PGM Sniper Rifle weapon models, and added some new player models.

More Screenshots:
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take a chance
Jun 7, 2001
Update: Added a few more player models to the YARM COD4MW mutator. Also included the new YARM Domination gametype.

The YARM Domination gametype works like UT99 Domination except that the number of Domination points is configurable, they are randomly placed on maps (at pathnodes), and can be set to randomly move after a configurable time period. Bots work well with this gametype, just make sure to give your team's bots the order to freelance if you want them to capture and guard points properly.

See the first post for the download link.


take a chance
Jun 7, 2001
Updated version uploaded, see first post for link.

A new gametype was added, a few new weapons, various code tweaks/optimizations, new player model or two, oldschool INF 2.75 style mutator added as well.


New Member
Apr 25, 2008
Some(most) of the gun sounds dont play on my Intel mac, they do on my PPC mac... but not my newer intel mac. This seems to be a glitch in the UT2.5 engine though, not necessarily your fault. Maybe some of the sounds were imported at to low of a quality... or something idk.(none of the AK weapons have sounds when fired, some of the pistols, etc).


I used to be a man
May 17, 2008
This was pretty much my default weapons mod before I went Ballistic. Good times... about to be revisited. :D

Btw, as UP already mentioned, it would be great if you could at least port some the weapons to UT3, which as you may know is in dire need of a decent real life mod.


May 12, 2008
a COD4 vs Unreal mode would be interesting.
The unreal team needs to pick up weapons and can move as usual
The COD4 team gets COD4 movement and chooses their weapons.
Should balance itself out.

The roadie run cam doesn't really fit the COD4 mutator. Don't get that sprint and knife effect. The iron sight isn't quite ironsighty enough. The Weapons feel really really good. The grenades don't feel right though.
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take a chance
Jun 7, 2001
Test optional FreeAim added & improved iron sights!

@ HideinLight: Thanks for the feedback! For the COD4 mute then do you think the FP view would be best? The only reason that I went with the roadie run cam was that it simplified some code (not having to add additional code to the weapon class to adjust the model view/anims while running), but I can give the FP view a try. I also have fixed the iron sight view in a test patch (see below). What would you suggest for the grenades to improve how they feel? (the offhand grenades?)

@Interbellum & M.A.D.X.W. : If I had lots of time and two computers capable of running UT3 I might consider it, but right now it would just be too much work to do the conversion, especially given how much everything has changed.

Here is a test patch that adds freeaim and better iron sights (thanks to Silver_Ibex for helping out). Note the freeaim only works for the YARM players. Read the included README file to learn how to enable freeaim and other weapon sight settings.
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Flak Monkey
Jul 13, 2002
Parts Unknown
a COD4 vs Unreal mode would be interesting.
The unreal team needs to pick up weapons and can move as usual
The COD4 team gets COD4 movement and chooses their weapons.
Should balance itself out.

Oh yeah! I'd love to see a realistic mod go up against the crazy futuristic stuff. :lol:

I was gonna say you could mix & match both weapon types with a mutator, but there has to be a mod made where one team has weapons from one mod and the other has a different set. A loadout style would work, but for the deathmatch type pickups would have to be made like Generations Arena.


sam k
Oct 31, 2008
one problem :
you have to configure a LOAD of key, so you have unreal tounrament keys and YARM keys. could you make a mod that alowes you to have two configuraiton classes, like two lists
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New Member
Jun 2, 2008
That would be great, yes. At the moment I solved this by starting UT2004 with two batch files. One copies over a YARM.ini before starting UT and the other copies over the regular UT2004.ini. Not ideal but it's enough for a work-around.


New Member
Jun 2, 2008
Some more suggestions:
The players are still as small as ever. It could suit the gameplay better if they were scaled up a bit. Maybe you could include a checkbox or a slider that lets players change this.
Can you include a checkbox to disable the perks for the CoD mode in one of the future versions?
The weapons looks great but they appear pretty dark unless one is standing under a really bright light which isn't often the case. Can they be darkened up a little bit in the first person view?


take a chance
Jun 7, 2001
@IronKnuckle: Although I'm not sure I mentioned it, the domination gametype will already work standalone with any other mods and mutes, no requirement to play it with YARM mutators at all.

@xMurphyx: I might be able to incorporate the scale adjustment, only problem is that some variables are constant (not yet sure of a good way to set at runtime) and the native code (specifically related to crouching and transitioning to the physics type falling) automatically reset the player collision to the default constant values. I may see about adding it though. I am also attempting to make a few more maps that are better suited to YARM's player size and gamestyle.

As for perks, yup I can and will add a 'No Perks' option to the next release (already added an HC mode option as well).

Weapon brightness may be adjusted as well (or perhaps set as a config variable).


sam k
Oct 31, 2008
i found a glitch for you to fix. if you zoom in on a sniper rifle, then switch to a different weapon really quickly and zoom again you will have sniper zoom on the gun.