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xmp-God & Shotgun Whore
Apr 29, 2004
(GR)Killer said:
Stop taking over my thread with your bs :mad: if you don't wanna help then fine, don't reply it's as simple as that.

I feel compelled to let the general public know what's available and THIS thread would be relevant. Simple as that.

There are geeks that take something like this and make it work on all servers. Even you, llama, have said you've encountered cheaters on pubs. I just feel something like this will make it even easier for them to do so.

But whatever, do what ya want. :rolleyes:

Hope you have fun and feel more like a man for doing so.

I will quack no more in this thread, as it seems more productive to beat my head into the wall.


Apr 1, 2004
This can only be used if the server runs the mutator, please stop being so crack-whorish Jem, and i strongly doubt myu/xclan/any other dedicated servers run this mutator besides possibly tau server.

I hope you are beating your head into the wall <3.


Jan 23, 2004
|g|Hercules said:
There are geeks that take something like this and make it work on all servers.

I may be mis-reading this, but it seems you believe it to be possible for someone to take this mutator and convert it into a client-side "hack".

Even if this were possible, do you really think that individuals knowledgable enough to create such a thing would really need to use this mutator as an inspiration?

Killer, your server sounds pretty tight. If you ever want another player to mess around with god mode or whatever, drop me a line on Gamesurge. :)
Mar 6, 2004
Will do :D what channel on gs? and it's gonna get even tighter when i add in the replacement for lawndarts called blocks....you can make stairs and stuff like ramps for the raptor so he can fling in the air(i made blocks on sirocco leading from the bottom to the top of the map, you just walk or jump if needed all the way to the top of the map and i call it walkway to heaven or something like that and made a staircase from the bottom of alcazar to the platform above), the blocks are from a player named death who now goes by the name of blockmaster, he's thinking of making other shapes too! my server will be pimp :D oh yeah and seagull you never came :( we r doing rangers conc jumping...btw my server is named "do whatever" and password is "dog" but i'm afk right now.
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