XMP USA Players for the Hall of Fame

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New Member
Feb 22, 2004
I'm surprised Snake hasn't gotten any love in this thread. He wasn't incredible at any one thing, but he was very good in all areas of the game. Really one of the better all-around rangers I ever played with. Having said that, choke was the best/most frustrating player I ever played against.


a.k.a. Del!Rium
Oct 23, 2005
I'm surprised Snake hasn't gotten any love in this thread. He wasn't incredible at any one thing, but he was very good in all areas of the game. Really one of the better all-around rangers I ever played with. Having said that, choke was the best/most frustrating player I ever played against.

Yeah snake was quite some player indeed, but as with most US players, sometimes I had the pleasure of having great 1v1s yet other times there was nothing useful to say because of the rediculous ping differences that made 100%retarded kills possible for both sides. Hence I haven't nominated him for I haven't played vs him enough
Mar 6, 2004
I'm surprised Snake hasn't gotten any love in this thread. He wasn't incredible at any one thing, but he was very good in all areas of the game. Really one of the better all-around rangers I ever played with. Having said that, choke was the best/most frustrating player I ever played against.

Spreaking of Choke, back when i was dueling Nept all the time about a year ago, he told me him and Choke always practised together, they were so good they would never empty a clip without killing someone. Nept was good but i don't remember him, or choke for that matter that good. I hardly remember choke though....mostly Radium, Nept, and Detta...used to always play with Detta in euro servers back when ICQ was around and playing.
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www.p3t.org bitch
Feb 25, 2004
please read the rules. . .

NO voting for family members!


Speaking of RichieT, I've been playing some games with him lately, trying to get him to l4d some more, His CEVO team just won hundreds of dollars in a CSS tournament. . .i have the link somewhere

How is legions?
Mar 6, 2004
Getting paid to play games...talk about taking the fun out of gaming. I don't envy the life of a pro gamer, just their skill.


Nov 21, 2004
its a fps that uses Flash through your browser to play a game. its at instantaction.com , you dont download and install the game you have to register at the site in order to play it. as for the h4x that bleeder is talkin about, i havent played someone that is rediculously good at the game yet so idk if any actually exist.


Jan 23, 2004
http://www.instantaction.com/ Crazy eh!?

The game is still in an Open-Beta state, they will be introducing allot more to it yet. Having said that, leagues and ladders are already popping up and we have recently started scrimming.


Feb 2, 2004
Firstly, it would do all of you well to remember that lei smells. Secondly, he is too cool to talk to me on steam.

Thirdly, all of LNS was pretty leet. With their skillz. Of ninja.

Finally I can't believe maxx has the nerve to post in this thread after faking his own death, the way he did. For shame.

Ps leismells


New Member
Jul 21, 2014
I am ashamed my name isn't on the list.

Actually that's a lie.

My vote:


Crow (I know, he's a cocky SOB and an ass, but in all honesty, the dude was one hell-of a gunner.)

I don't remember any truly dominant tech as most of them were good all-around, and used tech only when playing the field on maps like Lowland where hacking is crucial. I must say, the tech who was the best shot I can remember... Subvertio.

All kidding aside, I would probably go with Nept, I never really got to know Thraxx, so I can't vote for him.

/\Mu was decent all-around (I know, nominating an Alpha? How could I?)
So was Detective
Bleeder was the official XMP hax0r-extraordinaire.
Too-Gay was my idol (kidding!)
D2A was under-appreciated (but not in a 1v1)

Shadow had GoBot and Scar (One or both of them may be European, I don't remember!)

Green was a legit player!

Berserk was the king of trick-jumping

NBK had Lei

I'm sure more names will come to me, but for now I'm gonna get some shut-eye. I don't want to sleep through ALL of my classes tomorrow.

Wow, i was and am still european yes ^^ Awesome that you mentioned me. But i wasn't nearly the best though :'(

<3 DS and to all the other guys. I miss the days and fun we had.

I nominate most of NBK, OMNI and Voodoo by the way. Saiboat aswell, Th's last clan match was against DcSB and it was one of the best games we played and one of the best memories of xmp i have.
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New Member
Jul 21, 2014
Can't even remember subvertio either. All i remember is that i won the game for Th on rampant after a hefty bout with even odds. It was in the last days and the last unofficial match i played and it was more for fun.

Don't know what happened to my other post but no, that was not the game ^^ I didn't play much for Th, i think about 5-10 games at max mostly and only for a few months.

I played mostly for Shadow on US servers, LNS under Jubei ( <3 covet ), when the game was starting to bleed i switched to european servers and shadow wasn't active anymore so i switched to Th, they needed a ranger and i was playing a ranger in the EU. The servers were more alive aswell and i could finally enjoy a nice ping.

But i never cheated though, not on US servers and not on EU servers. if i would've i wouldn't have had Pet Crow hopping on my dead corpse constantly going omf omf omf.

I don't even think i was active in that time for Th, either that happened before i joined or after i quit.

Either way all the duels i had were legit and i'm not tainting my good memories of xmp with that silly goose.
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Mar 6, 2004
Ah yes, clan vs clan matches. I remember those! i had a pool of sweat from nervousness all the time, now when i do matches back when i used to play cod4 Promod/CSGO competitivly there is no pool, just uber calmness.:) I'm 30 now, think i'm ending my competitive life. Now it's an easy stress free life of Quake Live.:D