Thx it works now
Iam very satisfied. Its the simple things like map changing, admin message thats really rocks. MakeAdmin is a nice feature. My fault was that I started the server like this: U2XMP.EXE -server xmp-garden?mutator=xmpsummoner.xmpsummoner -noddraw -nohard -ndsound log=xmpserver.log. After downloading UCC for XMP and changing the startup script it worked instantly.
The strange thing about the console is, that it shows everything in capital letters but IS still case-sensitive. I had chosen a upper case password in the beginning, that never worked until I really pressed the upper case button on my keyboard.
Let me put is this way:
PW:FOO ... me types f o o on keyboard ... console shows: FOO = wrong
PW:FOO ... me types F O O (while holding upper case button) ... console shows FOO = right