Hey, the pak is on the BU news.
My impressions:
- I like the alt-disruptor (like the flames)
- I like the colt bullets (single and burst, esp with the sights). Basically like using it
as itself versus multi-weapon.
- Also setting things on fire from the alt-disruptor and oil gun. Like flame effects.
- DemonThing3, are those wood chairs, or some kind of napalm gel?
- Prefer the underslinger's alt-alt fire to its other modes (orange smoke over green
smoke, also I like the tactile nature of that gun).
- Wish the lava from the lavacaster were even more and didn't leave a green decal.
- Would like it if the bouncy lightning bounced more, or maybe bounced to form
geometric shapes. Or hit a guy, bounced away, then bounced back at him. Okay,
now I'm starting to talk features.