Wipeout Style mod idea.

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New Member
Mar 19, 2002
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I kind of hesitated posting here, but did it anyways... I've been looking around for a fast paced futuristic racer mod for UT2k3/4 but didn't find any. So I thought, maybe I should see if there are people interested in making one... I didn't know where to look for coders, so I'll post around and ask a few contacts to see if they know any.

I can skin, uvw map and do your usual 2d stuff. I know basic modeling too, but not *that* much.

The point isn't that I take all the credit for it like everyone thinks when someone makes a thread like this. I want to see such a mod, and I don't care if I do it or someone else does it. But since there aren't any mods out there that are like that, I don't think one's gonna get made if I sit around on my ass and wait for it to be made, so might as well try and see if I can find some people interested in making it.

What I think would be good about this mod is that it won't be a machine hog, and people with average computers will be able to play it without any slowdown.

So, if there are any people interested in this, especially coders, or wannabe coders who are learning and willing to learn, PM or e-mail (synista@tatu.us) me, and if there are enough people interested, might as well start something of it. I've posted something similar on moddb, and there are people interested, but no coders so far.

I'm also in #tacticalops on gamesnet if anyone wants to talk about this.

For those that don't know what type of mod I'm talking about_:


[SAS]Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 7, 2002
New Zealand
IMHO, the problem with UT2003 when wanting to do this kind of mod is that the only way to play this game is if you have high FPS. When playing UT2003 and peoples' mods it is at least bareable if you have 30 fps. In a racing game where dodging and manuvering (in very high speeds) is your key to success over anything then FPS becomes very important. As much as UT2003 is pretty, it isn't the fastest engine out there unfortunately... the only way to get it real fast is to tone down on how pretty it looks and simplify a lot of the scripts running in the background to reduce CPU usage...


New Member
Mar 19, 2002
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Yeah, the models used wouldn't be really high poly, nor would the tracks have complex geometry. Like I said, I'm no coder, but I don't see why it wouldn't be impossible. In UT2k4, there'll be vehicles too. The only "problem" I can see are the maps, which are curvy and would need to be made with terrain or in a modeling ap, then exported into UED.