Hide said:
Her name is originated in "emptiness" rather than "vainglory".
"Vanity of vanities, all is vanity".
Her name is based on her terrible special ability.
She can do teleport without a "trans locater" straightly to an enemy who is caught in the cross-hair.
Umm... At the risk of making myself look foolish, I don't really understand the connection between "Emptiness" and "Vanity", or how either of these words/names relates to the character's teleporting ability. *scratches his head in confusion* Is the quote
"Vanity of vanities, all is vanity" supposed to be a reference from the bible? A play? A TV commercial? I'm afraid I have never run across this.
Confusion aside, this is an absolutely stunning piece of work. The only complaint I have echoes the
oddity that NATO_chrisjm mentioned. I couldn't quite put my finger on it for some time, but something about the colors used in this model felt...Wrong. Perhaps it's the stark red colors clashing with the black and white fur, but I think it's primarily that circle of white fur wrapped around the thighs. It's very
indistinct. In the Abyss model, it was easy to see where the black leg-fur started, and where the bare flesh ended. The edges of Abyss' fur were also very jagged, and I thought that was an excellent touch.
Visual aid :
Abyss' jagged Fur/Flesh line
With Vanity though, it almost seems like the edge of the fur has been blurred, I think partly due to the fact that the white fur and the flesh have similar shades. The ring of white fur also looks out of place because it's so *perfect*. Further down the legs, it's a semi-chaotic splattering of both white and black fur, while on the upper thigh, there is this perfect ring of white fur above the black fur. It's almost as if she's wearing a pair of giant furry socks.
Visual aid:
Vanity's blurry Fur/Flesh line
That said, this is still an awesome, top-of-the-range model. Kudos to you, Hide.