Kabs-BUB said:I wonder what the blak hole will do??
destroy a part of the map??
twitchey said:... I cant get the drake or the butterflyladything to fly. Do they fly by the keyset thing like Calamity?
I'm having the same thing happening, the only thing the Mutator does is let Calamity fly and I have that keybound to numpad0. But the thing where she dies and theres an explosion and when she overkills someone and they are supposed to explode, just isnt happening. I havent tryed the firedrake to see if he is imune to lava but i dont think the mutator is working.Random Elite said:Looks like another good model from Hide.
The only majot prob with previous works of yours, is the speceis stats. mutator dosen't effect them (them being Calamity, FireDrake etc), or Epic models for that matter.
Basicly, is it possible to make a 'Hide Spec. Stats. Mutator' and every model of yours has a patch updating it (just a file that would add to it), and it would list all the powers that the mut gives, and you could tick/untick them in the Mut.Config box.
That would be awesome, although now I'm gonna have to think of some powers for KouRyuu, unless he's meant to fly right now?
But if Speices stats does work for you, tell me how the **** you got it to work, please? I know some people have complained that Calamity dosen't explode apart from close range, but even on DM-Trainingday she wont explode, and FireDrake won't fly/ infinate jump etc.
Hide said:However, gravity is generated from center of "Abyss". And, "Abyss" does not take damage by own gravity.
twitchey said:if you time the jumps right she does unlimited doublejumps so she can reach things, kind of like samus in metroid