Tomkat! Paris and Nicole!! Bradgelina! I HATE PEOPLE FOR CARING ABOUT THESE PEOPLE!!
I don't give a FLYING FIG about "silent birth" or Paris and Nicole getting :::GASP::: "real jobs". I don't care about poofy lips or scientology or environmentalism and yet these low-lifes who just happen to be famous because they can act or sing or dance or, in Paris Hilton's case, be a low-life, attention whoring slut, have a voice and influence with people. WHY?!?!?! There are millions of other, FAR MORE PRODUCTIVE people out there that are infinatly more worthy of honor and respect and yet, we place these people up on high pedastals, fawn over them as they arrive in limos for some awards show, envy their societal positions and buy trashy magazines and watch trashy shows so we can know EVERY LITTLE PATHETIC DETAIL OF THEIR PATHETIC LIVES!!!
These people strut around, pointing fingers at the rest of us for wasting resources while they themselves are ten times as ****ING GUILTY!! (Barbera Streisand). They tell us we shouldn't have guns, except for their own body gaurds, since their lives are far more important than any pee-ons out there. (Rosie O'Donnel).
I am beginning to develop a real, white-hot hatred for the entertainment industry, in general. These people do not know what real life is like and yet they comment on how they think everyone should live their lives.
Why? Why? Why do we give these people such high standing?