Stinkmarder said:
I hope you are doing this with INF weapons, do you ?

Playing Unreal Coop within INF adds IMHO a lot to the already perfect Unreal atmosphere.
Well, If there are some more ppl who are interested in this I could set up a dedicated INF-Coop Server with maps from Unreal, RTNP, ONP, etc.
It surely has some bugs (IIRC all players get disconnected on each map change and need to reconnect) but it could also be much fun.
Woooahhh, how can we do that??? I mean, when I play other mods or the vanilla UT I try to load the inf pistols or other INF guns mutators and none shows up at the game...{=( (I´d love play TO with INF guns... or TTr with a M16..heehhe)
Back on topic: INF is a classic and made me spoilt gamer... it´s close to my ideal of perfect game, and so everything else just doesn´t turn me on like that... Deus EX, TC:E, BF2, Brothers in Arms, AA, RO, all of them doesn´t have the enough appeal for me to make me quit playing INF... god damn, it´s too much addictive! Luckly, you can´t get busted for playing INF...yet XD
ohhh, BTW, I´ve installed HL just for the kicks (test some differetn mods, like The Specialist, braindead, etc...) and tried
FIREARMS 3.0 (many ppl said i was very realistic, the weapons were groovy, etc...) and my first suspictions were right:
all HL mod suck, because that engine is so damn ugly and old... even with high-res textures and 3D fX, it´s still dumb... the soldiers look hunchback, the sounds are odd and stupid, the damage is far from realistic (4AR shoot to score a kill), only 2 sets of camo (desert and spec ops), although the guns are awesomely modeled and the animations are nice, the only iron sight you´ll ever get is the crosshair drawed like the weapon frontal sight (i.e.: the HK ring, the Ak fork..).. bleeeee... uninstalled already!!!
As I said, INF made me spoilt... XD