Revised Rules
1. Only 1 weapon may be submited by person or group. Only 1 verson will be accepted. If several submissions are sent in, only the first will be used. The entry must be previously unreleased.
2. The weapon will be open sourced, and will be sent in with decompiled source, and a working copy. The weapon submited (with in reason) will be put in a WMP pack, and released after the deadline date.
3. Entrys must be under a meg in size compiled and running(we want to keep the size of the WMP pack 56k friendly, come on, you dont need a whole meg for 1 weapon)
Once the Pack is released, the community gets 2 weeks to vote, then I make the final decision based on the community vote(I will go with it, unless theres some major flaw with the entry). Winner recieves a 50 doller gift card, runner up, 25 doller(From Dr. Wong)
That will be the finaly copy, unless one of you can provide a better suggestion.
Drop Dead date would be the last day of Febuary.