Which mp3 player should I buy?

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Fire in Ma Belly!
Jan 4, 2000
Shut yo mouth!
Visit site
Have the prices finally come down on them or all they all still grossly overpriced?

Last I check it was like 200 bucks for an mp3 player that held maybe 32mb of music. Or maybe 64(still pretty small). Now if that cost me say 50-60 bucks I might get one but 200? I'd goto MP3 CDs first. :hmm:


Death from above
Jan 16, 2001
Lake Erie Shoreline
Originally posted by Kokensu
Have the prices finally come down on them or all they all still grossly overpriced?

Last I check it was like 200 bucks for an mp3 player that held maybe 32mb of music. Or maybe 64(still pretty small). Now if that cost me say 50-60 bucks I might get one but 200? I'd goto MP3 CDs first. :hmm:

The prices have come down alot. Just like PC's every "new" gen brings down the prices of the previous generation. A really good cheap one is the Diamond Rio. Only holds about an hour of music, but my buddy just bought one for $69.00 and he LOVES it.


Jul 25, 2000
Originally posted by Twisted Metal

400 bucks for 5 gigs...

and it only works with macs.

let me think. NO.

It's twice as expensive, but it's five gigs, compared to 32mb that's alot. It's got a backlight, it recharges real fast, it can be used as a hd too (store anything else), it's got a large LCD and it supports playlists. I dunno for sure but I've heard there's also windows drivers. And if there are windows drivers, I say it's worth the money. :p

Twisted Metal

Anfractuous Aluminum
Jul 28, 2001
Long Island, NY
Originally posted by Sapphire Nights
This is the one I have been looking at:

They say it has great sound quality, and that is important to me. I listen while I am going to work on the train.

Have you seen the TV ad for the Apple mp3? It's really funny :lol: I like the Apple, but $400 is allot :eek:

Only 128 megs... I would definitely go for a minidisk player instead. They are tiny, cheap, and have excellent sound quality. Most of the ones today play MP3s and come with a USB PC connector to transfer the MP3s onto it. That and the fact that you get to use mini CDs that hold the same amount of music. They are so cute! ;) I would go for a Sony one.

Da RicK

Stubid newpie
Apr 26, 2001
Next to Santa
Originally posted by Sapphire Nights
I heared mini disks never caught on

Minidisk is being used by the pro people
Like drive-inshows and radio
Trust me, its a good choice
and the sound quality is really good too


Dec 21, 2000
Dinae Mensa, Tharsis Regio
One of my friend has a mini-disc player, along with a Yamaha sound card Fortissimo (it has an optical output) He can record our teachers and then upload the sounds on his computer to doctor their speeches :D

As far as i know, the mini-discs use he mp3 format so they can hold about the same length of music as a CD.

BTW: iPod is one of the smallest mp3 player, with best autonomy, best transfer rate, playlist support, good LCD screen and great ease of use. No wonder it costs more than the average :rolleyes:
http://forums.macnn.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=4&t=003947 for technical details.

(There's a trick to get 15 hours of autonomy: make playlists that are less than 28 MB, since the RAM cache is 28MB: it then doesn't use the HD all the time, only when changing playlists)
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