Cat Fuzz
Qualthwar's Minion. Ph34r!
Mister_Prophet said:What the hell did I miss? Someone made a racism thread and I didn't get to see it? Shucks.
I think thats what happened.
Mister_Prophet said:What the hell did I miss? Someone made a racism thread and I didn't get to see it? Shucks.
Mister_Prophet said:What the hell did I miss? Someone made a racism thread and I didn't get to see it? Shucks.
IndySkyz said:PS. to Betteljuice, As you can plainly see if you are reading this, we do have the right to Freedom of Speech, but yes the Admins here have the right to remove it, but it has still been spoken. Nuff said.
Main Entry: freedom of speech
: the right to express information, ideas, and opinions free of (government) restrictions based on content and subject only to reasonable limitations (as the power of the (government) to avoid a clear and present danger) esp. as guaranteed by the First and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution —see also FREE SPEECH —compare CENSORSHIP, PRIOR RESTRAINT
You just put yourself in that same dogpile buddy. Welcome to feeding time at the zoo!!IndySkyz said:Don't let these guys get to you Red, what I have found on these forums is just a lame Dogpile mentallity, instead of looking at what you have to say with intelligence, it's just bash the Racist because we say so. There are more sheep than lions in the world.
ReD_Fist said:And it was an anti MLK "holiday" thread.
ReD_Fist said:And I say if this is a public forum freedom of speech should apply the same as usa, but it's probably run by some other country anyway.
MassChAoS said:The thread was deleted. I don't think Freedom of speech had much to do with it.
SpiritWalker said:If you didn't already know, a simple tracert will reveal where the actual "NaliCity" computer is.
a simple samspade lookup will also tell you who owns it and how to contact Pete
ReD_Fist said:try this
Balton, I am not allowed to rebutt your comment on this subject, but your incorrect about that.
Btljuice said:And that (your link) has .... what, exactly, to do with this discussion? You make no sense whatsoever dude
ReD_Fist said:Man you aint a very sharp wit at all, like DUH
Btljuice said:Oh now THIS is rich. You insinuate that I am the dull one, when you are the one making erroneous claims about something you obviously know nothing about. You are one funny fellow, yes indeed.
EDIT: I really should resist getting into a battle of wits with an unarmed person
ReD_Fist said:seems that "god complex" strikes again.
(I have both arms)
You promise this time?ReD_Fist circa 2004 said:I won't reply,again,
good day.
ReD_Fist said:I think I did that once, was somthing like com.nk or somthing.