Where are they now (Unreal and UT Oldschools)

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New Member
Oct 6, 2022
This thread made me daydream for some minutes. Damn it's been over 20 years...
Working my ass of, fifty, fat, and all my joints are aching! I miss styding , drinking and gaming !!

Dr. Flaago[00]
VR and Porkflutes


New Member
Oct 19, 2022
I can relate, I remember playing UT 99 on my uncles computer he first built and then getting really involved on my first computer I built (Intel Pentium 3 533 / ATI All In Winder 128 32MB AGP 4x and my ViewSonic 19" CRT Monitor that was high end back then! (not sure why the computer store approved me for a $2k credit to build my system!)

Facing worlds all night long and a couple of other maps, the reflexes, just sniping people over and over in spawn just hearing "god like / ultraaa kill / head shot" over and over!


New Member
Aug 23, 2023
I'm still around and kicking....MEAT.
Close to 20 years now...wow
Still have a run-down server going.

MEAT'S Redeemer Screamer


New Member
Nov 24, 2023
Just discovered this thread and enjoyed reminiscing. I was a random newb during the Unreal days and a heat.net newb during the beginning of UT99. Always watched Overtoad and even tried out the PantherXL before the transition of XS|Pain and then beyond. Loved playing as apart of \DM\ and filling in practice matches later on with BMF. Thanks for the memories. Loved watching those old demo matches back in the day to study the OG's and try and improve.


New Member
May 4, 2024
Thanks for the warm welcome, MEAT-Redeemer! It's amazing to reconnect with fellow gamers who share the same passion for the classics. I'll definitely swing by MEAT'S Redeemer Screamer for a match sometime soon. The nostalgia hits hard when I think back to those early days of Unreal Tournament. The community was vibrant, and the competition fierce. It's reassuring to see that spirit still alive in servers like yours. Let's keep the legacy alive, one frag at a time!


New Member
Jun 25, 2024
Ah wow, I was just doing some old school remembering. I played with and against almost everyone on that list. Plenty of nights I played with Eidolon, Sir_Fritz, Entropy. NBK, ISV-K, FYM, BMF, AoD, DD, §FS§, DFA

When I started I was playing on my cousin's Gateway Machine with Dial-up, he used to play alongside Eidolon & Sir_Fritz. Many a night I would stay up playing against players that always kicked my ass.

Got invited to several clans, ISV-K I did a short stint with, then I met up with Magic8Ball and played with him alot as well as Hellraiser, eventually I was like the first one to ever join their clan that was not on a fast internet. Changed my name to §FS§Lord_of_Chao§.

I remember getting the opportunity to play against Overtoad. Even got the rare opportunity to play against game creator Cliffy.B

And probably the best ever moment was when Sir_Fritz was teaching me how to combo on a map that had a bridge that had water on both sides and a hole in the middle that some people would jump into and lob 8 Balls out of. He was chasing me and I jumped into the water and turned in mid-air, did a Combo blast at the bridge as Sir_Fritz was trying to follow me off the bridge and all he saw was the Purple Haze coming out of the water and knowing he was not able to avoid it. Hell I think we laughed over that crap for 5 minutes

Then one day many games, servers, and players later, I managed to ask Slut how in the hell he was managing the ASMD Combo on the move and sideways. He taught me. My love for the ASMD became almost as much as the FLAK Lob shots from distance that I enjoyed using Jump Boots. Almost.

"Put that in your pipe and §moke it!!"

I can remember the days of aliasing under different names to have some fun.

Old names I went by in case anyone remembers the great times: A§MD_JunKie_:) Sir_Flak_Alot
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New Member
Jan 18, 2019
Ah wow, I was just doing some old school remembering. I played with and against almost everyone on that list. Plenty of nights I played with Eidolon, Sir_Fritz, Entropy. NBK, ISV-K, FYM, BMF, AoD, DD, §FS§, DFA

When I started I was playing on my cousin's Gateway Machine with Dial-up, he used to play alongside Eidolon & Sir_Fritz. Many a night I would stay up playing against players that always kicked my ass.

Got invited to several clans, ISV-K I did a short stint with, then I met up with Magic8Ball and played with him alot as well as Hellraiser, eventually I was like the first one to ever join their clan that was not on a fast internet. Changed my name to §FS§Lord_of_Chao§.

I remember getting the opportunity to play against Overtoad. Even got the rare opportunity to play against game creator Cliffy.B

And probably the best ever moment was when Sir_Fritz was teaching me how to combo on a map that had a bridge that had water on both sides and a hole in the middle that some people would jump into and lob 8 Balls out of. He was chasing me and I jumped into the water and turned in mid-air, did a Combo blast at the bridge as Sir_Fritz was trying to follow me off the bridge and all he saw was the Purple Haze coming out of the water and knowing he was not able to avoid it. Hell I think we laughed over that crap for 5 minutes

Then one day many games, servers, and players later, I managed to ask Slut how in the hell he was managing the ASMD Combo on the move and sideways. He taught me. My love for the ASMD became almost as much as the FLAK Lob shots from distance that I enjoyed using Jump Boots. Almost.

"Put that in your pipe and §moke it!!"

I can remember the days of aliasing under different names to have some fun.

Old names I went by in case anyone remembers the great times: A§MD_JunKie_:) Sir_Flak_Alot
I remember you well Rahl. I was in ISVK with you. I formed ISVK with Sir Fitz and IamI. My name then was Tool-Opiate which I changed to Centaurus when I joined C1 when UT came out. Good to see old schoolers still posting here from time to time. This thread will not die.

I also see Flaago from the flutes lol!! Good times and Whoopass. I remember you both. Hope you all are well.

You know Fitz keeps saying he found the asmd combo first on an SP server we were playing on. He may be right. I think he's married now with kids but a lot are. I hang out from time to time on Discord in the Dopepugs channel with all the old UT people. Not so many Unreal 1 folks but a few here and there. Many don't know about it otherwise I'm sure they would visit.

Nice to see you all :)

ps - some people pop up from time to time on prounreal.org as well. just in case
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Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Hi everyone in this thread. Welcome back. Feel free to join us in the Great BUF Reunion Thread:



New Member
Sep 4, 2011
I stumbled across a Youtube video for Secret Level Episode 4 - Unreal Tournament and had a nostalgia moment. I am pretty amazed that I remembered my old email and login, but I just thought I would bump this thread since UT99 was released 25 years ago sometime around November/December. Hope you are all doing well!