Whats the best hardware to use for inf?

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Christopher Webb

Overtly Serious Chappy.
I've got an old PCI TNT with 16 megs of RAM. My motherboard makes up for that, but personally a lot more RAM for my P3 wouldn't go astray.

When I'm playing, I get the violet urge to hunt down Cliff B., tie electrodes to his nipples, and brainwash him:

"What standard should the D3D drivers be at?"


"Wrong. What standard should the D3D drivers be at?"


"Wrong. What standard should the D3D drivers be at?"

You get the picture

<insert cute/ interesting/ bizarre signature here>


Active Member
Apr 2, 2000
ShakKen, yeah the V5 has a good engine for FSAA, but crank that up to anything past 2X and watch your framerates plummet like an osmium brick on Jupiter. /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif

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Mar 10, 2000
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Go past 800X600 even and see your FPS run away, screaming in agony /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif Of course, it isn't any better on the GeForce2...




Specops Spook
Jan 11, 2000
There is only one type of Voodoo5 6000 Neo=) unless some fella built a PCI version under my nose.

The Voodoo 5 5500 can do 4xFSAA in Q3 at 1024x768 highest with around 50fps. On a Geforce2, this crawls at 20. The Voodoo5's FSAA is both faster and better looking too.

It's a personal preferance really. Whether you want FSAA or T&L. But i'll say it right now. 640x480 with 4xFSAA looks better than 1280x1024 without.

3D artist


Apr 27, 2000
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how the hell?

how the heck are u guys getting such high frame rates? with a P2 333, 128 RAM and a TNT 2 ULTRA, i hardly get more than 30fps on most maps

that's with 5 bots in the game

and i generally find that NVidia cards outperform Voodoo cards in D3D. The graphics even look better sometimes - try running UT with a Voodoo whatever in D3D mode, a voodoo 3 3000's graphics dont look so good.

Shit Happens... and with great regularity too. We just have to deal with it one turd at a time.


Specops Spook
Jan 11, 2000
That depends whether you want to run sloooooooow in 32-bit color or fast in 16-bit. The voodoo3 3000 can emulate 22-bit color at 16-bit speeds so it's really just as good.

Your TNT2 is being bottlenecked by your slow proccessor. I wouldnt use a TNT2 in anything less than a p2-400.

3D artist


Apr 27, 2000
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P2 333 slow?

hmmm... interesting. but then i use my comp for more than just games, its fine so far. I cant afford to get a new one nor upgrade. /infopop/emoticons/icon_frown.gif

Thnx, Shakken. Now to go look for prices and parts to see if I can build me a new one. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

Shit Happens... and with great regularity too. We just have to deal with it one turd at a time.


Forum Drifter
Mar 15, 2000
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urm i'm getting 50-70 fps's on 1024x728 but with 16 bit colour... 32 bit drags it down to abt 30... but then again i have a coppermine 650 and ge force 256 /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

It is impossible for the glass to be half full or half empty for you see: there is no glass


New Member
Jun 9, 2000
Well since you have the money...

I donno if they still make dual motherboards but if they do it could be possible to have this kicks all asses system:

Dual motherboard with 2* Athlon 1Ghz
something of a 1024Mb SDRAM at 100Mhz
2*Voodoo 6 (glide has better drivers and generaly has more support that the regular D3D)
Cd-rom 52*
2 or more hardisks of 10 Gb (if more your defrag will take ages).
And of course if you want a kick ass Internet game you'll need a T1 or better
Creative Labs Sound Blaster Live WITH their kick ass sub-woofers!!

This is what I would want but since I kinda f*cked up my PC my dad had to buy a PII 233Mhz with a Riva TNT2 ULTRA and becouse of the slow PC i can't really get everything out of that good videocard /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif /infopop/emoticons/icon_mad.gif

Good...Bad...I'm the guy with the gun!
of course you can still buy dual motherboards, but keep in mind that they are at least 2 or 3 times as much as a single processor board. however, win9x does not take advantage of smp, so you would have to go to a unix variant or win nt, neither of which is as good for gaming. also, i'm pretty sure the new voodoo cards cannot be strung together like a voodoo2.



I love college... UA ROCKS
Nov 27, 1999
Tuscaloosa, AL
I have a
p2-350, o/c 464
256 meg ram
8gig HD
2gig swap
24x cd
6*4*32 cdrw
SB live

now as for vid card i can say i've had alotta tnt experiance.

i started with a
viper 550-frames playable, not bad.
viper770u-good frames, good at OGL, ok at D3D, OGL better on outside maps, it's faster, d3d is good inside, performace of OGL is widly varried, I run OGL.

I am heavily tweaked. as all gamers should be. my avg fps is 35-40 on medium-medium-800*600-32bit

... not that i have either, but Geforce 2 outpreforms voodoo5500/6000... go read the reviews on them both... besides... atleast Nvidia actually has new drivers every other month LoL!

If i am a hoe
Than my pimps INF


I love college... UA ROCKS
Nov 27, 1999
Tuscaloosa, AL
I have a
p2-350, o/c 464
256 meg ram
8gig HD
2gig swap
24x cd
6*4*32 cdrw
SB live

now as for vid card i can say i've had alotta tnt experiance.

i started with a
viper 550-frames playable, not bad.
viper770u-good frames, good at OGL, ok at D3D, OGL better on outside maps, it's faster, d3d is good inside, performace of OGL is widly varried, I run OGL.

I am heavily tweaked. as all gamers should be. my avg fps is 35-40 on medium-medium-800*600-32bit

... not that i have either, but Geforce 2 outpreforms voodoo5500/6000... go read the reviews on them both... besides... atleast Nvidia actually has new drivers every other month LoL!

If i am a hoe
Than my pimps INF


I've been to hell, and I spell it DMV.
Jan 30, 2000
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HardOCP did a HUGE three-installment review on the geforce one and nVidia's T&L. They discovered that if you're running a good P3, T&L will do nothing for you, the CPU can handle it just as well.

As for the GeForce vs V5, I'm for the V5 all the way. Yeah the Geforce kicks it's ass in Q3, but I don't play Q3. Funny thing is, the story is reversed for UT. The UT engine LOVES 3Dfx (go fig), and the V5 makes the Geforce 2 look like one fo those VESA cards taht was mentioned earlier. And that with FSAA disabled on the Geforce.

The V5 5500 is a 2-chip solution that kicks some good ass. The V5 6000 is a 4-chip solution that should steam-roll any other car under it without breaking a sweat.

How effective is FSAA? One reviewer stated in no uncertain terms, that he plays his games at 800x600 with 4xFSAA instead of 1024x768, and doesn't miss the resolution in the slightest.

Personally? I have a V3 3500 TV, and am waiting for Rampage. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif


The Grand Elitist
Dec 24, 1999
I know this is going way back in the topic, but whats the N15/NV20(i take it they are Nvidia cards)?

Oh by the way, whats up with the Athlon's L2 cache or something? Not quite sure what thats about.




If all pulled in one direction, the world would keel over.

-Yiddish Proverb


I've been to hell, and I spell it DMV.
Jan 30, 2000
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The NV15 and NV20 are nVidia's Uberchips that've been tossed around various press releases for a while know. They're still vaporware for all practical purposes. IF we want to talk about upcomming chips, I'll talk about Rampage.

As for the Athlon cache, since AMD is just now putting cache on-die, the Athlon chips had to run their cache at greatly reduced speeds to have such high speed CPUS. That's why at first, the Athlons mopped the floor wth the P3 at 500-600 MHz, but at the higher speeds, the Coppermines were crushing the Athlons.

We'll see what the new AMD chips bring. Too bad Intel is scting like a spoiled child and INSISTING that RDRAM is the way to go when EVERYONE's telling them that it isn't. Idiots..