whats jail brake and how can i get it?

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Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
tarquin said:
Look guys, either this guy is serious but a) doesn't speak English b) is like about 7 or c) is mentally deficient, in which case we should try to be nice & not take the piss.
Or he's a troll, in which case, STOP FEEDING HIM!
Might the combination


Sep 17, 2004
Just 7 years old is quite sufficient. My guess is that he's around 12-15, but he just ask question to get answers. It's like asking someone to play a game, but then just don't doing anything, and then, ask the same question again while the people are around him and ready to play. This guy maybe got some RL issues, just keep it clean people, this thread is a real mess and it should be closed by now.


New Member
By posting in this thread.

Which brings me to a great idea: Instead of locking this sad excuse for a thread so that nobody is tempted anymore to further post in it, we could quite easily solve that problem at its roots, too.

Anybody who feels like they'd want to be put on read-only until temptation to keep this thread alive for the sake of increasing post counts has receded, please just say so; we'll do our best to arrange it. (No particular souvenir tokens associated with that, though.)
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sgt lazy crash

New Member
Apr 13, 2006
u guys, u guys, can u help me, install this:

Readme for LuciferBOSS

Name: LuciferBOSS
Filename: LuciferBOSS.zip (217kB)
Release Date: 14/04/06
Credits: The creatorof the Lucifer skin, Prozak and myself for coding and putting him together!
Software used: UnrealEd, PhotoShop Elements.
Compatibility: UT2004

This mutator adds the following monster for invasion:

LuciferBOSS - Makes the ground shake, throws fireballs at you, configurable health, custom sounds! Fully compatible with RPG.

Includes texture preload mutator: All the required textures are loaded when the game starts and not while you're playing. This will help prevent lag during the game caused by loading files when monsters first appear.

Required Files:
You need to have the following installed to play/run this mutator/Addon on your server.

satoreMonsterpackv120 : (only if you configure your monster waves via satore) *

Lucifer Skin: http://skincity.beyondunreal.com/?section=models&action=show_infos&id=431

*available from my website : http://ini.hazelwhorley.com

Add this lines in the SatoreMonsterPack.ini to get the monsters. You can then configure him for each wave in the satore config screen.


To change the health of the LuciferBOSSe, go to the LuciferBOSS.ini file and configure it there.


The lines for the monstermanager.ini file are these:

MonsterTable=(MonsterName="[INI] LuciferBOSS",MonsterClassName="LuciferBOSS.LuciferBOSS",bUseMonster=True,bUseGibReduction=True)



add these lines to your server packages in your ut2004 ini file only if you decide not to use the texture preload mutator included!



Phear the nades
Apr 19, 2005
Just another Dutchie
this is the JB forum. Not some skin helping forum. Just follow the readme and try stuff before you ask.

Mych: 1 day please :) and could you make the default RO 14 days? for if you forget to add a time ;)


New Member
Ikkuh said:
Mych: 1 day please :) and could you make the default RO 14 days? for if you forget to add a time ;)
I was trying to make the point that locking this thread so nobody will post nonsense in it anymore is about as ridiculous as putting potential posters on read-only for the same reason. I wasn't trying to cater to anybody's wish to get special attention for being annoying.

I admit that this point might have been lost on some.


design is flawed
Oct 11, 2000

The requests to lock this thread are really getting tiresome.

lazy crash, questions about other mods and skins should go in another forum board. this forum is about jailbreak, and only jailbreak :)

sgt lazy crash

New Member
Apr 13, 2006
so, jail brake is sh*tty, i waited 2 or 3 hours to download jail brake and it comes up with a read me and a ut folder, the same look of folders as the maps, and it wont let me in it, i mean , how shiity is that!
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