What i want to Hear.

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Snagged an item.
Aug 27, 2004
All Hallows Sunset
edhe said:
:tup: agreed, 2k* sound's rotten, UT's was better.

And some proper environmental sounds would be good. And being able to hear people you haven't seen yet loading rockets/bio behind your back. FFS what a stupid bug. The visuals are tight, and will be fantastic, but Audio is what makes the game great too. It breeds atmosphere, satisfaction and should be used for clues and even tricks.

What are you talking about? I'm probably going to get flamed for this, but I've got a Creative Audigy 2 ZS, and I not only get flawless surround, but also the echos and sound occlusion you guys were wanting earlier, sooo...


bugs are features too ...
Nov 5, 2000
That's the problem ... they only work decently for the extremely expensive (and bloated) Zs.

Anyone else is stuck in the stone-age, because Epic is using Creative-only technology for the few effects the engine does have.


Jun 12, 2000
I'm not fussed about environmental sounds as much as the fact that i can't hear people loading r0x that well. There's a known bug about people out of sight/detection can actually walk up behind you without being 'drawn' until you look around. This means that they make no noise as long as they don't pickup anything.

Ergo, you get shot without warning that should be there. One big thing i noticed from UT -> 2k3 was that i simply couldn't rely on audio as much as i used to. I used to do duels, tracking based solely on audio cues which is just not possible anymore. As a flagrunner i'd be listening for the clickover of the rockets loading, the charge of the goop, the sound of a sniper rifle being pulled out, the discharge of shock #2s from all around. If i can't 'register' people that i haven't 'seen' then i can't do that as well anymore.

And, what was said above. If it's not audigy then it's not particularly great.


I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
I encountered that bug last night while trying to duel. In a situation where I would think I'd be able to hear the guy's footsteps, I couldn't hear anything. I also managed to peek about the corner and see, for a split second, the guy not being rendered, so it looked like he just popped out of the air. :con:


New Member
May 29, 2005
I also want to hear chattier bots. In UT99 the bots were more conversational than we are online, i like that. In the demo of UT2007, the bots talked a little bit more, but not enough for my likes (but maybe thats just cause they havent got to the taut game files yet?).