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Beta tester
Oct 3, 2003
Visit site
My god what happened to UTXMP ? Nobody's on anymore . Three servers up , ones passworded . Various times I've visited the game only to find a handful of people playing and then most of the time no ones on and I end up just sharpening up my skills in a one man show . Maybe I'm joining at the wrong time ? Come on everyone if this is going to servive - play and get other people interested in playing . This is a great game !


Goblin Hunter
Apr 29, 2004
You should step away from the casual join->play mentality. UTXMP has the same problem as MANY other Mods, there's simply to few people playing it because, well there are literally hundreds of other Online FPS-Games out there.

This does not mean, however, that UTXMP is dead. The German UTXMP-community for instance adapted in that way that we have exact times where we know the other folks in the community are playing too. This is on mondays, 20.00 on the MF-Server (German time). Oh, and on tuesdays on the utxmp.de-Sever or the MF-Server.

To think that the Mod will bring up a playerbase that fills the Servers 24/7 is more than ridiculous. It is, on the other hand, false to think that there's noone playing anymore.

In times like this it is more important than ever to step up as a community and to communicate in order to maintain coordinated playing. Outside the german Community, this is the only forum that brings together an amount of players that is actually able to fill some servers, if they would set some dates, or build up a regular schedule.
Unfortunately, the only thing this Board is used for, is whining about how dead UTXMP is, and how empty the servers are.

I remember that 1 time, someone posted something like "OMG Let's play public on Server *** on the ***th, OMF!" (or something liek that). The result was that there were a lot of comments later after that date about how enjoyable that gaming was. That's exactly what I'm talking about.

I hereby ask all the existing XMP-Clans and gamers to stop whining and start talking!


Mar 14, 2004
london, uk
yep, people wait for other players before joining. also some hang onto u2xmp, or won't join until the utxmp final release, and others are simply not intelligent and refined as we are to appreciate such a good game! ;)

you could get a server browser like qtracker that can watch utxmp servers in the background and alert you when there are players on it. that way you can get on with real things while it waits for you :)


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
the password to the BeyondUnreal server is bubu or maybe fragbu.
Mar 6, 2004
I'm one of the handfull of people. Most people join at night time at the bbf server, but i'm having a week off as of a few days ago.


New Member
Mar 18, 2004
Myself and others have said this before... If I go into a server, usually the BBF server for me, and start playing, even against a couple of bots, invariably people will be joinging the game within 15 minutes. It is like magic. So, rather than wait to see other people playing, I choose to break the ice, and I am almost always rewarded.

The best times to run into people on the BBF server is the evenings on almost any day. Monday nights are practice day for BBF, so you are almost guaranteed to find people that night. But, almost every other night the BBF server has people too.

I can confirm Faust's claim regarding the MF (mystic-fighter) server being populated too. That is morning time for me, so I cannot usually play much then, and my ping is pretty bad for that server too so I get walloped much worse than normal when I join it. (Of course the MF players mad skillz have something to do with it. :) ) But, for people on that side of the ocean, it seems like a good server to hop on.

I agree with Faust, we need to talk more, so that is what I am doing. I love this game and the community surrounding it. I want to help build it any way I can.

BBF is up for a friendly tussle just about anytime. :tup:

Thanks DJM312 for bringing the topic up. It has been kind of quite on the forum lately.
Last edited:


Beta tester
Oct 3, 2003
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Well , I'm calling all my original u2xmp beta buddies to join this game and anyone else, granted people have things to do but I remember the beta days and the servers ( rarely up ) but when they were they were full . I remember having to wait to join . Always on friday evenings, I want this game to be what it's meant to be a multiplayer game and I couldn't agree with you guys more on communication thats whats needed to setup game times , matches and the like . The Euro players set the perfect example and its great to see the game is striving for them, thats the way it should be . So please anyone reading this tell your friends to play, set times and have matches. Believe me you will truly enjoy this game . Peace Dman
Mar 6, 2004
Well atleast there have been alot of new guys to utxmp who like it....even BBF have got a new guy to the clan who's a 2k4 player but also we teaching him utxmp and he's liking it i think...well he plays at times anyways.


Rokk Fiddler, Farmer
Oct 2, 2003
Oaksterdam, California
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Just moved back into civilization recently (except when I have to work back in the sticks) and when I'm at home on a REAL connection, I've been playing as much az possible (thanks to Qtracker). I pimp this game hard (when not surrounded by people saying, "That therz wun uh them cumpyooter thangs rieht!?!). I will soon be polluting this forum. The patch rocks! This game has been ressurected. FMI built it......they will come!


Beta tester
Oct 3, 2003
Visit site
Great games last night on BBF server, thanks guys . I need alot of practice but it was fun.There's some nice maps also . Well I'll be on again thanks again - Dman .


Raptor vs Jugger
Nov 8, 2004
pistos said:
I can confirm Faust's claim regarding the MF (mystic-fighter) server being populated too. That is morning time for me, so I cannot usually play much then, and my ping is pretty bad for that server too so I get walloped much worse than normal when I join it. (Of course the MF players mad skillz have something to do with it. :) ) But, for people on that side of the ocean, it seems like a good server to hop on.

I agree with Faust, we need to talk more, so that is what I am doing. I love this game and the community surrounding it. I want to help build it any way I can.

Yep, pistos, you right. But I think is every time the same prob with sever on the other side of the ocean !!


We had normally a ping between 50 and 80 ( some time more or less ).

And on the BBF-Server we have allmost a ping from 200 and more !!:rolleyes:

But it is very funny, to play with that ping !

You stay at a corner - nothing happend
You are dead ?? what going on ??
You see the animy - all clear



The nozzle is now calibrating
Mar 10, 2004
57th State
tabaluga said:
And on the BBF-Server we have allmost a ping from 200 and more !!:rolleyes:

But it is very funny, to play with that ping !

You stay at a corner - nothing happend
You are dead ?? what going on ??
You see the animy - all clear

You think 200 is funny, you should try 250-300 - all the time! With 10second lagnaps thrown in every once in a while just for fun. :)

I know you're German, so I won't make fun of your spelling, but 'animy'='enemy'. ;)