What happened to all the great leaders

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Dec 23, 1999
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The_Pikeman said:
As for this so called TV generation I dont honestly think that we are any less, or anymore, astute politically. The advances we are making are not in inteligence but in sharing data and ideas.

Aren't ideas the byproduct of inteligence, not to mention data... or at the very least iteligence is required to analyise it? The vast amounts of data and ideas that are being shared and tracked today mostly deal with how long you looked at the web banner, how likely you'll vote republican, and massive amounts of porn. Don't let yourself be fooled. We stand on the backs of our ancestors and stretch our own reach for only what would be profitable.

As for speech writers, campaign managers and the rest of today's political special teams, don't dare underestimate the power that they can have. It's just that it's been learned that todays TV sound bite generation is far more entertained by speeches and talk that stickts to buzz words, rather than long drawn out complicated explanations and diagrams and such which would probably be quite necessary to truely explain how a canadate's plan to reduce the national deficite would work.. instead they've learned that button topics are the best for getting people into a frenzy. Heck they're called button topics because they push peoples buttons.. It's not worth time describing your policy on world affairs when you can say "I'm gonna BAN gay marriage!" and get everyone in an uproar even though it's a topic that probably only effects a tiny cut of the population.

But ask yourself which would you be more likely to tune into, a polotician giving a speech out the EVIL nations of the world funding TERRORISTS, and building NUCLEAR ARSENALS, and how we're going ROLL OUT and SMOKE OUT them TERRORISTS hiding in their caves...., or someone writing out expremely complicated stuff on a blackboard thats more than likely way way out of your league of understanding yet he claims that this will completely eradicate poverty. Presidential speaches are football coach speaches. "we're up against some stiff compeition but we're gonna team up and we're gonna crush them, cause we're better, smarter, stronger and god loves us more... and we're gona come out victorious and better than ever! HOOO YEAH!


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May 13, 2002
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Another issue is PC. Being PC is killing debt and has been for sometime. during college when we talked issues I often took the extreme position oppisite of what I believe just so the other side had something to debate against. Having a bunch of people site in a circle arguing the same moderate position is not all the usefull.

Nowadays though when you express an extreme position you are immediatley branded and dismissed.

While I disagree with the consertatives on issues such as gay marriage, abortion and social policy nothing is accomplished if all I do is call them idiots at the top of my lungs as when they speak.

Same thing the other way.

Another problem is the lies upon lies upon lies. One side claims such and such said this or did this when they didn't. This person is for that when they are not. Even worse is taking things out of context.

If I go through all of Bill Frists speeches I am sure I can make him sound pro choice, pro gay marriage, anti Bush by just pulling things out of context.

What is even worst is that the main stream media allows this. Politicians are not challenged. I can not remember the last time an interviewer challenged a politican and forced him to speak clearly and direct.

In Canada we had a good interviewer, this was about 15 years ago before he got soft and cozy with politicians, he could twist and turn a politican and force him to answer. He was very good. Alais not anymore.


PSN: Rostam_
May 1, 2001
Leiden, Holland
Nowadays though when you express an extreme position you are immediatley branded and dismissed.
Totally, people are believing too much. I once told my classmates that I believe in communism, their responce was so stupid. "It doesn't work", I asked them why, they said "because our books say so".

And those are supposed to be the smartest kids of this country... People are given answers but no questions, and they never learned to question things themselves.


Also known as Howski
Nov 20, 2001
Caerphilly, Wales
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Aren't ideas the byproduct of inteligence, not to mention data... or at the very least iteligence is required to analyise it? The vast amounts of data and ideas that are being shared and tracked today mostly deal with how long you looked at the web banner, how likely you'll vote republican, and massive amounts of porn.

I'll try to explain my ideas in more depth. I think that the intelligence of huiman being has not advanced much in the last few hundred years. What has however is the sharing of knoledge. What seperates us from the other primates is we have found a way to store knowledge. To clarifiy if a particually bright cave man found out something wonderfull he could only pass on the knoledge by direct contact, if he died on his way to tell everyone or everyone he told was wiped out in a freak accident the knoledge was lost. The development of writing has changed this as the knoledge could be written down and passed on vertibatum to the next generation. The major advances we see today are mainly due to the increase of ease in sharing and finding information. Yes the internet has a lot of **** in it but I can also use it to find out something that is very usefull. If I were a scientist I could look up something on the net in seconds insted of reading a book (thats if I didn't have to by the book first).

Don't let yourself be fooled. We stand on the backs of our ancestors and stretch our own reach for only what would be profitable.

Well yes and no. It's a simplistic version of why we do things. There are things I do for free and I would have thought you. Like it or not the human being is a sociable animal and he/she generals likes to help out people they know. Just because there is no profit involved dose not mean there will be no advancement, a good example is Linux or even Warez.

People are given answers but no questions, and they never learned to question things themselves

The sad thing is alot of the answers these people are given in education are lies, and the teachers are uable/reluctant to explain things to anyone that has questions. I have said many times that I almost got thrown out of school when I was little for questioning a teacher who knew nothing about the subject he was teaching. I left education feeling like the only thing I was ment to learn from it was tow the line and not argue about things I did not belive.


Why not visit us here in the real world.
May 13, 2002
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LOL Rostam. Ask anyone what communist states have exsisted in history and still do to this day and you will get the usual list.

The thing is there has never in history been a Communist country. Each and everyone has been nothing but a dictatorship ruled by a small body of men. Not saying it works but no one has actually tried.


Can't stop the bum rush.
Sep 23, 2001
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I Invoke thread resurrection level 9!

Came across this looking for speech pad instructions lol

Anyone feel like my desires for a new kind of politician all those years ago were answered by Barack Obama's election or is he just a really talented douche bag swindler?

Lethal Dosage

Serial Rapis...uh, Thread Killer
or is he just a really talented douche bag swindler?
I vote that he's a douche, and i but he used either his race card, money, or drugs to get all of America's black people to vote for once.

Sure he's probably better than Bush, but you can't go and elect God, so you gotta make do with some guy who thinks he's god.

P.S. If you can elect God, Australia has first dibs!