The_Pikeman said:As for this so called TV generation I dont honestly think that we are any less, or anymore, astute politically. The advances we are making are not in inteligence but in sharing data and ideas.
Aren't ideas the byproduct of inteligence, not to mention data... or at the very least iteligence is required to analyise it? The vast amounts of data and ideas that are being shared and tracked today mostly deal with how long you looked at the web banner, how likely you'll vote republican, and massive amounts of porn. Don't let yourself be fooled. We stand on the backs of our ancestors and stretch our own reach for only what would be profitable.
As for speech writers, campaign managers and the rest of today's political special teams, don't dare underestimate the power that they can have. It's just that it's been learned that todays TV sound bite generation is far more entertained by speeches and talk that stickts to buzz words, rather than long drawn out complicated explanations and diagrams and such which would probably be quite necessary to truely explain how a canadate's plan to reduce the national deficite would work.. instead they've learned that button topics are the best for getting people into a frenzy. Heck they're called button topics because they push peoples buttons.. It's not worth time describing your policy on world affairs when you can say "I'm gonna BAN gay marriage!" and get everyone in an uproar even though it's a topic that probably only effects a tiny cut of the population.
But ask yourself which would you be more likely to tune into, a polotician giving a speech out the EVIL nations of the world funding TERRORISTS, and building NUCLEAR ARSENALS, and how we're going ROLL OUT and SMOKE OUT them TERRORISTS hiding in their caves...., or someone writing out expremely complicated stuff on a blackboard thats more than likely way way out of your league of understanding yet he claims that this will completely eradicate poverty. Presidential speaches are football coach speaches. "we're up against some stiff compeition but we're gonna team up and we're gonna crush them, cause we're better, smarter, stronger and god loves us more... and we're gona come out victorious and better than ever! HOOO YEAH!