Originally posted by RealRedFox
Àëåêñ, çàêàí÷èâàé óæå, çàêðûâàé ýòó òåìó, çàáåé íà âñåõ! Òâîÿ êàðòà íå î÷åíü õîðîøà, òû ïðîñòî åùå íîâè÷îê (êàê è âñå èìè êîãäà-òî áûëè)! Òàê ÷òî êîí÷àé ïîääåðæèâàòü ýòó òåìó è ïîäëèâàòü ìàñëà â îãîíü, ëó÷øå ñäåëàé ÷òî-íèòü åùå, òîëüêî ëó÷øå! Íèêîìó íå èíòåðåñíî êàê òû èçó÷àë ðåäàêòîð è ò.ä. è ò.ï. Òàêîå ÿ ñäåëàþ çà 10 ìèíóò, åé áîãó çà 10!!! Òû æå âèäèøü ñàì íàâåðíîå, ÷òî òâîÿ êàðòà "íå êàòèò" (òèïà òîëüêî ÷òîá âûó÷èòü èíñòðóìåíòû è àçû â êàðòîñòðîåíèè, íî íà ñåðüåçíóþ ðàáîòó, äîñòîéíóþ âíèìàíèå ýòî íå ïîõîæå) Òàê ÷òî åñëè õî÷åøü äåëàé êàðòû ëó÷øå, ÷åì ýòà!!! À åñëè íå õî÷åøü - çàáåé!!! Çà÷åì òû êàæäûé ðàç äàåø ïîâîä ñåáÿ îõàÿòü?!!! Ìíå íå ïîíÿòíî...
Ha-ha-ha!True some might like falling to their death
That's why it's called Demo. I wanted to hear response about the gameplay before starting to improve on the visual effect. In fact there is a better textured version already included in the package.I'm no expert mapper but I'd say that this map could easily
be made in one three hour session. The author didn't even take the time to align the weapons and powerups to the floor.
Originally posted by [IMD1]KillRoy
Me kicks everyone in the nuts who takes this thread serious
(BTW if some of you are women, I cant kick you in the nuts....)
Originally posted by [IMD1]KillRoy
Me kicks everyone in the nuts who takes this thread serious
(BTW if some of you are women, I cant kick you in the nuts....)
.Originally posted by @kuma
LXIXGTO, leave the guy alone - even Helen Keller could see that you're consumed with jealousy.
Originally posted by LXIXGTO
Hey, all I was saying was that I didn't think the map was as
"revolutionary" as some asserted. Is it so bad
of me to think so? ...
The forum is for us to share our thoughts on the map, right?
Sorry if I didn't give it a 10 just for gameplay. ...
I spent another hour this morning playing the
map again. I appreciate the fact that the author
put forth the effort to make a different kind of
map that involved crouching to avoid being thrown
off. Maybe I should have taken more account
that it was just a DEMO version. ...
O, Great Teacher, may kiss your feet for opening my eyes. I was totally blind, and I can see! How can I thank you for such a miraculous healing?Originally posted by Balton.de
the map sucks! just cos a davidM is bored and is making his jokes a map doenst have to be cool. face it! the map still sucks!
Originally posted by AlexanderII
O, Great Teacher, may kiss your feet for opening my eyes. I was totally blind, and I can see! How can I thank you for such a miraculous healing?
Now, seriously. Tell me, did you at least download it? I see people here who can't play this map less than an hour. Can you say the same about maps made by you?