Why is their even an enforcer suicide category? You can't commit suicide with the enforcer, while holding the enforcer maybe, but you can't shoot yourself with a hitscan weapon
LOL , i thought some mutators just screws up the stats.Snowdog said:With extreme lag it's possible though, I killed myself with the minigun once while running and shooting
Snowdog said:With extreme lag it's possible though, I killed myself with the minigun once while running and shooting
skeleton_keys said:Lol yes, it seemed that way to me too
Was using a banged up old laptop to see how it would fare since my main machine is in the pits. And my mouse was all dirty and my chair was wobbling and
......mmmmmm reminds me of another forum thread
CoolDude said:OK TrueBlood, you can turn the aimbot off again now ...
Thanx Boost!Boost said:Wednesday lockdown and what a match we had, playing antipody and going into overtime. WOW Angie what a score!