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Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values

Finished reading it. It's sad that he did not really participate in the Band of Brothers book, the movie, nor the IRL reunions. Not sure why but he was a hell of a soldier, and Lieutenants didn't have to be. He later ran the very prison where top Nazis were held after the trials. So maybe Easy company to him was just a short part of his Army career, but c'mon you served with other men and survived the battle of the bulge that should make any normal person have a bond with them.

disappointed yet still grateful for the service of this great hero!


Unreal Series Fan for life!
Mar 2, 2012
South Africa
Finished reading Warrior Queens by Antonia Fraser. Just wish she had written about the 3 Vietnamese woman(2 sisters and another one years later on how they liberated their country from the Han\Chinese) instead of some pictures and that is it.

Started reading Star Wars:Tale from the Mos Eisley Cantina.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values

Yes I've played the games and am replaying them on PS4 on and off.

I did a bit of research and even in the original Russian this book is abysmally badly written.

In the English translation the book is a grammatical train wreck and it's obviously because little was lost in translation..... but I like the story and after playing the game you really do get some of the atmosphere of the locations (I even Googled a map of the Moscow Metro system in English so I could see what the book describes) so I'm going to persevere with it.

I picked it up in a thrift shop for a dollar. I should get back into the games.......



Unreal Series Fan for life!
Mar 2, 2012
South Africa
Finished reading Star Wars:Episode III:Revenge of the Sith.Really enjoyed reading it.Interesting parts like the battle scene on Kashyyyk with Master Yoda,Tarful,Chewbacca and the Clone Commander never happened nor Master Yoda having to kill the clone troopers that wanted to kill him because of General Order 66.Only the escape pod in space of the Kashyyyk system being detected by Senator Organa...Includes the deleted scenes as well.

Reading this book now:


Unreal Series Fan for life!
Mar 2, 2012
South Africa
Finished reading Jeremy Clarkson's The Top Gear Years which I have gone off most likely because of my mom and started reading the Battletech book The Killing Fields.

Finished reading The Killing Fields book 2 of the Capellan Solution from Battletech Universe and started reading this one:
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Just finished reading this last night.
It's got some things about it that the HBO series did not have
• Blythe's story was added to on TV, the book made it seem like his hysterical blindness was less than 24 hours
• The chapters after they get to Germany have way more detail, on TV this was very shortened and was nothing like the book
• I did the audio version, the narrator's pronunciation of certain words all though probably correct French, irritated me a lot
- He would say Bass Stone Yay instead of Bass tone and other overly pronounced names like the shitty way he said Guarnere's name
- Guarnere himself never once pronounced it that way in any TV appearance or interview I have seen
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