What NOT to use:
This is a follow up to my last post. As soon as I figure out how to put more than one pic in a post I'll do that and not spam like this, but until then.......
THIS is a pine cone. The species is Jeffrey pine, and as you can see the scales are much thicker and stiffer and stick straight out. Additionally, the scales each have a rather sharp barb at their tip which points upward/outward. Also, the cone is quite a lot larger; usually 4" or so in diameter compared to a spruce cone's 2" - 2 1/2".
The combination of these factors make it an extremely unsavory choice for wiping, as there's no "right" direction to wipe in, there's lots of pointy things and the size is just too large for most normal people to reach the actual spot-to-be cleaned. My suggestion if you're hard up for backwoods TP is to look for some snow or leafy plants, but that's just me. Oh, and stay away from the poison ivy, that's makes a bad a$$ wipe too.
Hope this informative little journey makes your next trip into the woods a more pleasant one!