carmatic said:
ok, ive been thinking about something like this too... like, yes , imagine that you have a sniping position in the map, and its like the top of the base towers in ons-dria......
UT2kx already has nodes/scripts for this type of thing.
AFAIK it even allows mappers to set 'zones' for them to target while sniping.
And afaik they're not locked to the precise location of the node either.
The only thing that could be changed IMHO is to make the process of adding these 'special' nodes a lot more visual/designer-friendly.
Instead of typing zone-names the editor should have 'wizard'-like add-ons that would show the entire process of this kind of thing. That way mappers would automagically learn about the kind of stuff that the AI needs.
The real problem is that most mappers ignore these kind of tweaks as they consider bot-support to be a pure off-line feature that can be ignored because UT is a multiplayer-game.
As a result I think that 'easier' node-pathing routines will result in worse botpathing instead as the kind of people that would use these 'quick' fixes are unlikely to check the results.
... and the editor can run a 'virtual bot' through there thousands of times , each with a tiny variation of movement, and it picks out the most suitable paths and shapes the botpath-surface further...
the only problem is that there's millions of possible variatons as a result of the locations of a bots' opponents and its status, so there's no way the program could even begin to calculate all possible routes. You could leave the program running for days and still see 'new' routes appear.
how does seperate bot-files for each level sound? like , for example in a server that runs bots , the players movements can be tracked , recorded, and fed into the botpathing AI , and new pathnodes and triggers are formed as the bots follow where the players have been and what they have done to get there, and what they have done once they got there... or does this sound like an idea which some company tried a looong time ago and it didnt work and they gave up on it and nobody heard of it ever since
IIRC the 'first' bots for Quake required people to do just this sort of thing.
ie : run the game as a player and 'record' the nodes.
shadow_dragon said:
UT very much has a feeeling of several loners wearing the same colour attacking a few other loners in a different colour. rather than one team vs another. If that makes sense?
You're making perfect sense. In fact it is pretty obvious if you look at how the bots operate. They only attack in numbers because the team-AI tells a few bots to go to a certain location. Even en route it's obvious as the bots tend to run in column-formation (sometimes pretty 'gay') despite the fact that it is not exactly smart ...
However it wouldn't be fair to say that this behaviour isn't quite as obvious in UT2kx as it was in UT99. It still is present however ...