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What are you lookin at...
May 17, 2004
In solitude
I must sound like a bafoon, but this thread is great! From all what I've read it seems taht everyone here isn't flaming, bashing or trolling even though a very touchy topic is discussed.

It's particulairy touchy, coz it has mixed opinions in a very devided way.

Technicly you can upload what you watn as long it's UT related.
But it does clog up the latest additions wich is rude in a way.

And he should be able to take sum heat
But people shouldn't be discouraged by unconstructive and blunt comments wich don't regard to the map in question.


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
Now WTF that 10 meg SH foamy map is gone now too,hehe

Well if this site gets more and more flamable,only the users are at blame.

And being one of the ones who went through his "zero period" LoL
it aint nothing to do with me.

The other guy keeps copying stuff,that nix dude is slamming ,fun weekend here heheh,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Fix the score thing,AND add a checkbox to let the author make map commentable or not,before and after upload when they want.

Then if they get zeros or can't stand the heat ,it was thier choice.

While your at it,get this off of the review section
thats just plane stupid,really.

and on another map some ctf map in the comments list this guy
06-19-2005 11:33 PM EDT Rating: 0
Welp, I just wanted to see, and as I see it, this map sat in review que no longer than 18 or so days since today is the 19th. I have a map for over 1 year or so....you know what never mind, i give up on nalicity....Yous guys suck!

That about covers evrything in 2 days,sheeez........
Last edited:


Natural Born Killer - Yoshi!
Jan 29, 2004
See? That's a whole lot of flame here... More than anybody likes.
Oh by the way, that mike continued on bashing me, more on a sinper / map relation, but still.
Anyway, I agree with all comments here (or at least most).
There is a possible solution on the other thread: Making a new map section. The problem is that it would divide the community even further.
Another solution would be ignoring comments, but here is what I wrote over on UP:

Maybe I would if they didn't kill my map scores and the reputation for the unknowing who only see ratings as a way to get somebody to know and to download a map, to see if it is good or not. You, for example, would download any crap if you'd be new to this game and community, but when you see ratings and mappics you might download one of the better maps, satisfiing yourself instead of getting pissed off because of the lowscore maps. This is kind of unfair doing against someone, in this case us, the mappers.

Following that argumentation, it will hit the whole community afterwards, cause all mappers get pissed off and the remains of the community will break after some time as there isn't anything new.

I saw that once happen in another community: MUGEN. Maybe anyone heard of it. All the great character makers were gone over night, and all that was left was a community near total destruction, only having bad things that nobody really wanted to play or have. They vanished years ago, but there are still remainings of that loss. Big remainings.
Another argument to stop the whole sillyness.


New Member
Aug 29, 2000
Mappers wont extinct and you forget that this community is 6-7 years old already. Its still up and running despite thousands of crap maps and equal players out there.
A new section is out of the question imo, that would be supporting "crap" + Im sure someone else is going to want a section for another thing then and before you know it you have 50 sections
A map is a map.

How about just ignoring those maps and such comments ? Not replying on them, how hard it may be :)

If an author wants to have no comments he can request it to us, I could ofcourse auto turn off commenting on all maps that may evoke flame, like those 10 maps from the dude last weekend but that is a bit unfair as well IMO. If I uploaded a map to a site I would like to get comments..


Level Designer
May 20, 2004
I saw some of the comments on the map flood map pages and my first impression was that the commentors, at first, just didn't 'get' what the maps were about. They were looking at them in the view of a normal map - not a subclass like sniper or funnel. Then, once there was more discussion, I got the impression that (some of) the comments started turning around to support the mapper in question and try to encourage him/her. But by that time it was too late.

Perhaps this was an error on both sides of the community - for the author in question not giving a screenshot that told us about the map, nor a description that the map was aimed at the sniper/funnel lovers - and for the commenters who were assuming that the maps were 'normal' UT maps.

I think the author has/had every right to post his/her work here and that both the author and commentators jumped to conclusions. I find it an unfortunate circumstance but I'm glad it sparked this discussion as I like a lot of what I read in the above comments.

So where can we go from here? I'm against creating a seperate section for sniper/funnel maps or 'noob' maps. Perhaps we can somehow request that author's submitting define their map type in the map description field when they upload it?

That way commenters not interested in the gametype can either stay away, or at least perhaps inflamatory comments based on misunderstandings could be reduced.

I think it's something to be addressed.

As it is, I've got a review request for DM-Redeemer-SniperHeavan (http://nalicity.beyondunreal.com/map_hub.php?mid=3853) from fluffymike. I'm going to review it as I've reviewed other sniper maps in the past. Score it both as a normal map and as a sniper map.

I don't like sniper maps but I'm open to reviewing them. Just as someone worked hard to make something, I'll put a little effort into reviewing it - just to be fair and balanced. I would not do the same for a funnel map but only because I don't know what's good/bad about funnel maps.