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The Seldom Seen Kid
As you might have seen, NC has once again been flooded with ehm.. "less professional" maps, from someone who decided to share with us his slow learning curve, by uploading every map he possibly could've made with 10 brushes

But although this makes excellent wosrt screenshot material, I'd say a fixing is in order
My guess is to contact the author and ask if he could make 1 file out of it, then delete the list so we can easily ignore it and move on to the playworthy maps.

Thank you for your time. And rock, rock on!


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
Typical elitest,so sad,there hasnt been any maps uploaded anyway for like 4 or 5 days.
The crew here put them up there,so live with it.


Jun 17, 2005
United Kingdom
It is a sad fact that i can not find a quality map no more. A year ago there was 1 or 2 a month now you would be lucky to get even one a year. As he mentioned uptop This site has been flooded with less then professional maps. You will turn into ut2004hq if your not careful.:)
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The Seldom Seen Kid
Well, it's not the quality of the maps that bothers me most, it's the fact that there are 9 of them. By 1 author. In 1 day. It's the quality that makes me want to mention it though.
I mean, c'mon. You have seen the latest additions list. There's only 1 map in there that HASN'T been made by Foamygel.

So just to clear things up, I was talking about this particular situation.


Jun 17, 2005
United Kingdom
I did understand you before and i do agree with you. It appears authors are falling to relise if they have 9 maps its best to put them in one file. I do also believe that some not all authors think quantity is better then quality. Id rather have one kick ass ownage map then 9 maps that are terrible.


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
All the dude was doing was uploading his maps,the people who add them should add like you say 4 at a time.
How the hell is he supposed to know,plus the way people get treated because of level wich I probably would play either ,Like damn.


Jun 17, 2005
United Kingdom
Red Fist is currect the author dided now so we can hardly blame him for it. The site could add some think in the upload section, about not uploading too manny maps separately or some think like that. There for he would have to put them all in the same file.


Jun 17, 2005
United Kingdom
Mister_Prophet said:
Who cares? The author in question is quite clear in his intention of submitting these map for database storage and have no real interest in seeing them reviewed. So what's the problem?
I dont see how you can now that. You have no idea what he was thinking at the time. Its over now so lets stop this ridiculous thread its pointless carrying it on.
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What are you lookin at...
May 17, 2004
In solitude
People with strong opinions devolve from discussing to argueing.

Anyways, I see no problem in uploading a lot of maps @ once, definitly not if you're new. Also, I've heard a lots of people saying that it wouldn't matter if the maps were good. That's just pure hypocritical BS to be dismissive against not elite maps.

But that's not the point of discussion. Like sum already said, NC isn't taht busy anymore, but still people will flock near whatever map is wrong or whatever displeases them to scare away the potential mapper.

Mappers on their side ofcourse should be able to take the heat, but giving a fresh member the comment "Can we ban him?" even though he hasn't trolled at all seems harsh to say the least.

But you guys got what you wished for, he PMed me and said he won't bother to come around here anymore. And I've also stepped away from frequent visits.


Jun 17, 2005
United Kingdom
Xepptizz we have said nuthink personal to him at all so i cant understand why hes done that. If he ran because of us complaining about how manny maps were sent out all at once then im sorry thats ridiculous.

It is sad a new mapper has felt he had to remove his maps from the site. I would like him to put his work back on NC because im sure some one will love your work.:)
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New Member
Sep 6, 2004
I looked last night,just go type in binslayer at google,thing is,i bet that foamy gal could probably take every one who hates 10 brush maps and whip there ass 100 times out of 100 rounds of ANY game type.

What he should add there is ,if i win 10 matches in a row,you have to post a 10 for each map i win in,hehehe.
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New Member
Aug 29, 2000
Anyone is free to upload his level, no matter what the quality is or how many. Yes it IS irritating that it floods the latest add. list but thats not enough reason imo.
Say you made 10 maps and you suddenly discover this site then why would you suddenly make a mappack out of 10 different and unique stand alone maps ? I wouldnt do it either


Sep 17, 2004
I guess that making a map pack of that spree would have been the best imho. He made a bad name of himself for doing that,

I remeber that a guy said a comment like this (wich the comment is removed for now i guess)

"Nalicity is a place to upload maps, compared to UP where it;s a place to make friends."

I don't want to know who , but someone deleted my post that said my opinion between nalicity and UP and the mappack thing...

Well, That guy is a Fan of Giant map thing and no one like to see them here... and alot of people know that already. He came and got flamed like a little a nerd that come inside a gangsta click. Iv'e been very possitive to this mapper and i respect him even if he upload his map here. Nuff said.


The Seldom Seen Kid
Hourences said:
Anyone is free to upload his level, no matter what the quality is or how many. Yes it IS irritating that it floods the latest add. list but thats not enough reason imo.
Say you made 10 maps and you suddenly discover this site then why would you suddenly make a mappack out of 10 different and unique stand alone maps ? I wouldnt do it either

Got point
But, I don't know how the uploading procedure goes ('cause I don't think I have made a map so far that's good enough for show), but I assume that there's some kind of screen with rules, or something like that. Like that Submit Maps page for example.

Maybe it'd be a good thing to pen down some pieces of friendly advice for the newcomers, before they find those things out while getting flamed at.
Things like first maps, maps with no screenshot, flooding the list etc.
Tell them that people might not react the way you'd like them too, when..., without making place sound like a war zone. (Like I maybe have done, sorry about that)


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
Basicaly,now that he did get slammed,now all his friends and clans will more than likley come to nalicity to just cause trouble,in one way or another.
I can imagine what he's saying elsware now,and I am tellin ya there should be a checks and balances rating system,people with scoring,however it still wouldnt stop flaming,then again like i said before no one is forced to send a map to any site.
So if you are a singer and on stage and lip synched ,they better beware there is a croud in front of them.
But these guys really shouldn't bash,mainly because it is a TOTAL only GAMEPLAY type of approach to map making.
My opinion is ,is just respect what the other guy is doing,if you can't help yourself from commenting on a cube map then your the most wrong.and you know it's true.

Supposed to just leave it be if the level you know will be what you know prehand.


Natural Born Killer - Yoshi!
Jan 29, 2004
It's a bit of what I mentioned here as well:

The problem is that there are two types of gamers in the community. Funnel / Sniper mappers / gamers and normal mapper / gamers.
For example a sniper comments bad on a normal mappers map while the average normal gamers gives bad ratings on funnel maps. Newbie maps that we got from time to time can be seen as funnel maps, yet they got flamed and everything for their first map, get directly involved in this flame war, which is a pity because you think of a couple of them could become a new good mapping generation - sadly it never happens because of the spam.
The link to the other thread gives more information about this topic.
The multiupload of maps by newbies is just one of the topics flowing into that whole huge problem.


New Member
Aug 29, 2000
What has the world become.. RedFist actualy says something that is true :p
Altho you dont always need to shut up just to save the name or whatever but in this case the guy did nothing wrong

I deleted your comment because it was too much "you suck cause you uploaded too much" like. Unfortunally I was off for the weekend and when I came back today lots more comments had been posted and the maps got taken offline. That was what I wanted to prevent and why I deleted your comment and I would have done the same thing to the other comments but didnt got the chance anymore.

Showing the rules or tips better might work yeah, tips might be added in the future, Ill look into it but im a bit busy atm.


New Member
Sep 6, 2004
And,Mr. Swanky,I said somthing about your texture scaling for somthing,trim i think,and you gave me crap about it,so I just removed my comment.
The same for cursedsouls map there now,it has a killer bsp hole,but no no,he said "you don't know what i am taliking about as usaul" so i edited my comment,and i should remove it too.
But for me if a crappy looking map has a layout I like they will hear about it.
If a well done map has somthing funky they will hear about it,but the thing is,latley for me I will just put a comment like "nice map" and mabye no score cause the pro mappers are very touchy because they feel they been at it a long time and do good maps.So no noob mapper is going to tell them what to do and they get all bent.

On the other hand,the same in reverse is true,a gamer player (ZARK YUCK) or a first time level gets uploaded,then everyone picks on them cause they don't look like a pro mappers map.

For me q1 dups,all I got was ,oh stop making redo's wich to me showed how ignorant they are ,goes on and on

But the thing is,you will never see me go into ANY level and just drum up phoney comments,I can accept a ucky map,as well as try to understand what they were thinking upon desighning a level.

In my opinion,pro mappers should be scrutinized far more than other levels,the same for me you exspect a doctor of 30 years to figure out a problem more than a doctor just out of college.
So i would exspect the older doctor to get it right the first time.

Well either way each doesnt want to hear the bad,but other comments just to arouse hate ,the admin should give them a 3 day comment bann.no one will like it,but it would give a fresh outlook the next time they start typing.anyware for that matter.
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Richyb said:
I dont see how you can now that. You have no idea what he was thinking at the time. Its over now so lets stop this ridiculous thread its pointless carrying it on.

I do, and yes.

As a reviewer here I see what gets review requests. As a onlooker to the comments section I can clearly see Foamy Gel getting agitated ONLY after so many pointless comments like the ones mentioned here. So far all he has done is upload maps. He didn't defy any moral or site mapping laws and he hasn't asked for any reviews. And no it is not over because you seem to think this is the first time this has ever happened. More people will upload a load of their maps whether you like them or not and people will continue to to bitch about it.