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Jan 28, 2000
Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria
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That 'peace' plan is the biggest heap of BS I read in a while. What they want to achive, is a world wide police state, where no other opinion than the UNs is accepted.

Alright, many countries reflect many opinions, and differing opinions may lead to war; but is one true opinion even possible?
What the UN proposes is a system, where their opinion is the only possible, and I really don't like that idea.

Apart from that the UN showed more than once, that their 'peace-keeping' missions don't bring peace and only retain peace to a certain extend - and only if the population is even willing to have peace.
BTW: Peace keeping by sending in armed forces - who else thinks that sounds strange?

I also don't believe that this plan would bring peace - people often enough said that WWI or WWII were wars to end all others, and that didn't work. The UN were established to keep peace around the world, that didn't work too. Do they really think peace can be achieved by making one big police state?

That's simply ill..

Snakeye :D


Jun 17, 2001
Ocean Grove, NJ
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Yeah, kinda ot, but anyone played the game Sid Meir's Alpha Centauri? There is a UN side. I kill them first!! Also my first act in the congress type thing, is to disband the UN Charter ;). I also like the solar shade thing, we need more damn land anyway!


Tama-chan says, "aurf aurf aurf!"
Oct 19, 2000
Indiana. Kill me please.
Hey, lets not be too hard on the UN. They do some good things for people *cough* somolia *cough*. And they don't always make things worse *cough* sierra leone *cough*. And the UN's decisions have never led to wars or torn countries apart *cough* Korea *cough*.

Goat Fucker

No Future!
Aug 18, 2000
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I have read many second and third party documents that hinted at the UN beeing no more than the plans for a world wide police state, many where convincing, some where far too charged with emotional BS, but this single first party document proves it beond a doubt.

This cant even be miss read, every word in there say's loud and clear that a police state is indeed their goal.

Thank you Mike :)


Feeling suicide, thats O.K.
Apr 26, 2001
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The UN is a wonderful loving wonder fullfillment machine. I love the UN, I must serve the blessed UN.:mad: