Hurm... possibly, spec. But I think that would make it seem a bit odd. The manta is supposed to stay upright all the time, while the idea I had of a hoverbike is that it meshes with the terrain, and you can lean it on its sides, much like you would lean a crotchrocket into a turn.
If you want to see a good example of what I'm thinking of, right in UT2k4, goto google and type in "Turbo Joust UT2k4" and find their website, and download the mod, and try it out in the game. This is essentially what I was thinking about. Not exactly Tribes 2 style, but it fits the cut. (Turbojoust is addictive too, for a mindless grappling game
I do suggest getting a group of people together to goof off in a Turbojoust server, bwhahaha)
I have concepts made for a dropship now, which I will hopefully have up sometime soon. Again, it's only an idea of mine, a rough sketch if you will.
It would be cool if several monthes from now when DAII is underway, if we unleashed a new addition onto the mod called "DAII:SB" (Strike-back). In it, the human militants would be featured striking back against the invading aliens, trying to wipe them off the planet. The marines would suit up, get in a bunch of dropships, land down at a bunch of alien outposts, and unleash hell. The goal; kill every single last creature to be found in the lair. This could be done in a Counter-Strike like style, with a bomb you have to lay and detonate (but you'd have to get out of the whole base before you explode it), or it could be done in a manner similiar to regular DA where you have to survive through many monster waves, and at the end, the remaining surviving aliens run away like cowards. Again, SB is just an idea I have. I have many of these. But I do not have the authority to push any of these on you (obviously) because I myself am inferior and cannot compare to such a beautiful band of people we have going here.
Alright, enough with me. I'll unleash the concepts soon.