*** UTCompass v0.91 settings ***
Display teammates:"@enabled(bServerTeamMates));
Display teammates constantly:"@enabled(bServerConstantTeam));
Display flag carrier constantly:"@enabled(bServerConstantSpecialist));
DTAS support:"@enabled(bServerDTASSupport));
Game type settings:
Game Class:"@Level.Game.GameReplicationInfo.gameClass);
GameType ID:"@iGTArrayPos);
Draw Flag Bases:"@enabled(gameSettings.bDrawFlagBases));
Draw Flag Base distances:"@enabled(gameSettings.bDrawFlagDistances));
Draw Domination points:"@enabled(gameSettings.bDrawDomPoints));
Draw Dom. Point distances:"@enabled(gameSettings.bDrawDomPointDistances));
Draw Team Score bars:"@enabled(gameSettings.bDrawTeamScoreBars));
DTAS mutator detected:"@bServerDTAS);
*** UTCompass v0.91 help ***
Mutate commands: (Admins)
mutate utcDrawTeam: toggle teammate display for server.
mutate utcConstantTeam: toggle constant/recent message teammate display.
mutate utcConstantSpecialist: toggle constant flag carrier/specialist display.
mutate utcDTAS: toggle DTAS support.
mutate utcInfo: print current server settings.
mutate utcTrack <ID>: Constantly track a player on all compasses. (-1 disables)
Exec Commands: (Clients)
utc_toggle: toggle compass display.
utc_drawTeam: Draw teammates on compass.
utc_setpos <offset>: Set the compass position <offset> pixels from top of screen.
utc_drawMode: cycle draw modes.
utc_scale: toggle doublesize mode.
utc_nightMode: Toggle night mode.
utc_brightUp: Adjust night mode brightness up.
utc_brightDown: Adjust night mode brightness down.
utc_DrawMsg: Draw team messages along left screen edge.
utc_MsgOffset <offset/LOW/MID>: Set team messages <offset> pixels from top of screen.
Auxiliary Commands: (Clients)
HUDMutate <param>: Send a 'Mutate' command to your HUD mutators online.
HUDMutateNR <param>: Same as 'HUDMutate' but forcibly stops the mutators' own recursion.
Note: To see additional client-side commands, use 'HUDMutate UTCHHelp'.
UTCHUD Mutate command called!
UTCHUD v0.91 - 'mutate utchHelp' for details.
*** UTCHUD v0.91 Help ***
(HUD)Mutate commands:
UTCDirection <param> - Sends a 'mutate direction <param>' command where the
tag '%T' will be replaced by the name of your current identifyTarget. F.ex.
'HUDMutate UTCDirection %t, go secure the %c perimeter.' would generate the
team message \"Cali, go secure the north perimeter.\" or similar. This command
requires the ReportDirection mutator (available separately) to be running.
UTCSay <param> - Sends a standard 'Say <param>' command where the tag '%T'
will be replaced with your current identifyTarget's name.
UTCTeamSay <param> - Sends a standard 'TeamSay <param>' command where the
tag '%T' will be replaced with your current identifyTarget's name.
UTCPrivMsg <param> - Sends a message string <param> to your current identifyTarget
exclusively (wether friend of foe). Use the tag '%T' to insert his/her name
in the message. Ex: 'hudmutate UTCPrivMsg %T, you're an utter bastard!' will
send the message \"Brock, you're an utter bastard!\" to your identifyTarget only.
(If your identifyTarget happens to be called 'Brock,' of course.)
Note: In the 'UTCSay' and 'UTCTeamSay' functions, the '%T' tag may be superseded by an
alternative text enclosed in ampersands ('&') that will be used instead of the
identifyTarget's name when this is not avilable. (I.e. no valid identifyTarget is
present, or it has timed out.)
Example: 'HUDMutate UTCSay %T&You there&, go blow a donkey!' will send the message
\"Brock, go blow a donkey!\" if you've got an identifyTarget, or \"You there, go blow
a donkey!\" if you don't.