Yeah, I turn off hitsounds client side, because I can see fine 2k4's hit cues. I don't need them, and they feel like they make a delay to me, with which I can't hit anything. Probably mostly psychological, but none the less...
Glow skins I used to do without as well, but when I broke down, and played with them, because of getting sniped too many times, and wonder "how the hell did he see me", I tried them, and 15% later on my LtG, I decided I couldn't afford to not use them. That, though, is old hat.
Team based forcemodel, and color selection is a fine idea. Models with texture "zones" that are left to be modified by color selection is a great idea, so long as they retain a natural and real look like they did in UT. Warm up as an option defaulting to off would be fine by me too. One more reason for comp to just not try. It has it's uses, I have no major gripes with it, other then regulating it's use. Stats, hud, colored names, are all just asthetic, and I see no reason they can't be client options.
Newnet is garbage, unless they plan on balancing weapons for whatever ping is simulated by it. Even then, replication is damaged, due to inconsistancy of latency, and connections, and so long as the net has "bumpy roads" as was described in that other lovely thread, it's not something that should be pushed, but reserved for servers who can (and for whatever reason want) to handle it.
Stealth and camo has little place in UT, though neither does LoS radar like glowskins. Some visual acuity should be necessary, but not in a fashion that only 8% of players will be any good at it, and so everyone tries to keep distance, and stay still. UT had it nailed. Only a few models, in a few maps were hard to see.