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Malcolm's Sugar Daddy
Sep 16, 2004
Oh man this is huge.

Does anyone have any info concerning the Link deployable, X-Ray Field, Slow Field Powerup, and Eradicator Cannon?

Those really piqued my interest, but there was no explanation about them.

Link Generator is just what it sounds like. Instead of standing around healing a tank or building a node, the Stealthbender can drop a link generator to do the job instead.

X-Ray Field is like the slow field, only it shows your bones and makes you really weak and easy to kill instead.

Slow Field Power up, think The Matrix bullet time. You'll move normal, but all your enemies will appear to move slow so you can dodge things better.

Eradicator is a turret the works like the SPMA.

We know some of this stuff for sure, but some of it is just a logical guess.


New Member
Mar 25, 2003
South Africa
Perhaps all the little extra bits and pieces, together with the Steam integration and achievement awards may just liven up the community a bit. Heck, even our server here in South Africa picked up just because of the Steam integration.

Epic could have chosen to discard UT3 all together, but it's obvious that a lot of work went into the patch and Titan pack, and I for one am thankful for that. Well done Epic! :)


Cute and Cuddly
Aug 2, 2000
Salt Lake City UT
Greed is a bit different than the 2k4 mod actually. I really, really, really encourage everyone to try the gametypes out before signing them off. They seem kind of paltry on the surface but they are all really fun!

Let's not kid ourselves. It doesn't really matter how cool the gametypes might be. Nobody is going to play them. It's going to be just like every other mutator / gametype that was added in expansion pack. You'll play it once to see what it was all about, and then move back to CTF.

Once again I feel like Epic has invested their time on the wrong things. I would have preferred another 2 CTF maps over new gametypes that will fail to gain any significant amount of online players.


Teammember on UT3JB Bangaa Bishop
Feb 21, 2002
So what's this "eradicator"? Is it a redeemer type of thing? or is it a more normal weapon?


will forever be nostalgic
Oct 14, 2003
Visit site
Looks like fun, I can't wait to . . . oh, right. Still no Linux version. Sigh. Sounds like good though, for you people running Windows.


New Member
Aug 16, 2008
Well hopefully the main servers that are populated like UMG, DFB, and official Epic servers host these new game types on separate servers so they are played online.


Malcolm's Sugar Daddy
Sep 16, 2004
Let's not kid ourselves. It doesn't really matter how cool the gametypes might be. Nobody is going to play them. It's going to be just like every other mutator / gametype that was added in expansion pack. You'll play it once to see what it was all about, and then move back to CTF.

Once again I feel like Epic has invested their time on the wrong things. I would have preferred another 2 CTF maps over new gametypes that will fail to gain any significant amount of online players.

I see a lot of CTF players enjoying UT3's version of Greed. You can find 2 more CTF maps here.


spam noob
Jan 29, 2006
I don't play on servers at all :p

If you're implying that you skirmish or host, then surely it's even less of an issue. You don't even have to install the update if you skirmish.

This is what I mean by people fixating on what the update is not; It's not 2 extra CTF maps. It's not going to boost the playerbase. It has features which I'm not fond of.

Maybe I'm just too easily pleased (yeah, my life is tough that way), but I'd be happy if all they did was increase the volume of the manta engines and fixed a couple of bugs. I can tell for a fact that they busted their asses coming up with this stuff, and I'm not going to "eh" at it because it has some features I'm not going to play.

Anyway, we all have our opinions. I'm not going to try and 'convert' anyone, I just had to express how I feel about the matter.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
Let's not kid ourselves. It doesn't really matter how cool the gametypes might be. Nobody is going to play them. It's going to be just like every other mutator / gametype that was added in expansion pack. You'll play it once to see what it was all about, and then move back to CTF.

Once again I feel like Epic has invested their time on the wrong things. I would have preferred another 2 CTF maps over new gametypes that will fail to gain any significant amount of online players.
Have some examples?

These aren't crap like Mutant or just obvious like Invasion. These are full blown, well thought out gametypes. Greed will probably be pretty popular and Betrayal is sure to be popular among the current IG community. Titan is gimmicky but I can see people playing it in Warfare quite a bit because it seems to really fit there.

Not everyone is going to love them, but don't just sign them off so easily without even playing them.


What the hell is this "ballin" thing?
If you're implying that you skirmish or host, then surely it's even less of an issue. You don't even have to install the update if you skirmish.

This is what I mean by people fixating on what the update is not; It's not 2 extra CTF maps. It's not going to boost the playerbase. It has features which I'm not fond of.

Maybe I'm just too easily pleased (yeah, my life is tough that way), but I'd be happy if all they did was increase the volume of the manta engines and fixed a couple of bugs. I can tell for a fact that they busted their asses coming up with this stuff, and I'm not going to "eh" at it because it has some features I'm not going to play.
Yeah i see what you're saying and generally agree. The thing which i'm picky about is that they included something stupid (This is very imo, it might not be stupid really) like titan when they could have added something that is just as fun but without the sillyness.
I still need to wait to play it though, none of my statements hold any weight until i've actually played these gametypes for myself. This is just speculation on how i will personally react, and based on the evidence put before me, i will have fun with the new stuff. And i'll be yawning pretty fast. And then i'll be back to longing for the stuff that i've been whining about since ut3 came out.

Anyway, we all have our opinions. I'm not going to try and 'convert' anyone, I just had to express how I feel about the matter.
I wish the internet was made up of people like you :):tup:


New Member
May 9, 2008
wow.. amazing to see all the work that has been done by Epic to bring out this new patch and pack. Just the notion of supporting this game even for its not so broad playerbase gives me a humble feeling of utmost respect for those guys. Great job!


What the hell is this "ballin" thing?
just something i want to add to the wine list:

the xbox360 maps have been thrown in so woot.... but what about the 360 exclusive characters? IIRC there were some console exclusive characters

I find this statement to be lol:
Greed and Betrayal, two gametypes that breed new-found fervor throughout the competitive UT3 arena
How on earth is betrayal going to breed new found fervor throughout the competitive ut3 arena?
The competitive ut3 scene revolves around competition, IE clan matches and Clan matches will NOT be played on betrayal. In betrayal, you are encouraged to betray your team, clans would hate this game mechanic getting in the way.

Greed may do what you say though.

speculation: could confrontation be a remake of ctf-confrontation from ut2004? It was an awesome map by plutonic, who does contract maps for epic last time i checked. Is he working on ut3?
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