UE3 - UT3 UT3 Search & Destroy - Team Members Needed

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Official Kantham Stalker
Mar 28, 2008

I am PhoenixWing, lead and programmer of the upcoming Unreal Tournament 3 Mod Search & Destroy. We have been chugging along nicely, and have made some real progress. However we need another mapper.

Without some maps, this mod will fall short of its goal of becoming a great mod.

This mod is going to be about recreating the classic plant a bomb and blow up a base gametype. So far the scripting side of things are about 60% done. The only real thing left is some nice UI, and AI.

Our current team are these people:

PhoenixWing - Lead and Sole Programmer
[RG]Kethoth - Art Designer
[RG]Riku5464 - Art & Sound Technician
[RG]Filak613 - Voice Acting and Ideas :p
CrazyBastard ? - Possible Mapper
INeedHelp]>USK<[ - Beta Tester and General Idiot :lol:

Although we may stand small in numbers, we all wish to see this through to the end and get this going.

I would post some pictures of our progress, but currently there isn't a ton to show that can't be explained without a big explanation (wonderful scripting issues overcome, and some WIP Art)

I will have some concept art up this week though, as our Art Guy is hard at work ;)

Feel free to contact me via e-mail, or PM.

Here are our pages:

Main Home:

Reborn Gamers: Mod Spotlight Section: http://forums.borgamers.com/showthread.php?t=5512

Twitter for Repository Updates and Dev Updates: http://twitter.com/UT3_SD

ModDB: http://www.moddb.com/mods/ut3-search-and-destroy (Been left out for a while, updating this week)

Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198003475521/home

Also all our team members are available for contact on the Reborn Gamers forums, on our irc channel (irc.borgamers.com #Nachos channel), our via Steam.

Thank you for your time



Official Kantham Stalker
Mar 28, 2008
Here is some WIP art.

Here is the bomb planting/defusing bar that will appear on the HUD.

[Note]You Need FireFox 3 or Opera to view this as they are the only ones that currently support animated PNG formats[/Note]


Will be adding more soon :)