UE3 - UT3 UT3 Competitive Mod w/ voteable physic modes and Rocket Arena

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Old fart on top the mountain.....
Erm Dirtbike m8, best to hit him on his PM. But yes I too would love to hear the status as far as progress is concerned on this. Meaning at what level is the mod at? is at a beta lvl or is it still pure code at this point still?


That guy from Texas. Give me some Cash
Jan 19, 2008
dirtbiker: no, I haven't heard back from him yet, but I'll give it a little more time. Looking through the files I have, there's many packages missing and would need to get them from bloodshot (or someone else in the "team"). Anyone know "CreepyD" or "LilthsDarkShadow" (a.k.a LDS)?

@Leonardo: the mod had code and ui for map/setting voting, physics & hud code, 1 complete map and another map almost complete. I have all of the code (I think), but only the hud packages...


That guy from Texas. Give me some Cash
Jan 19, 2008
yea, but the mapper needs to be located/contacted and bloodshot would need to provide the menu ui packages. then the code for the voting stuff would either need to be finished or removed.


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Aug 9, 2000
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people are still watching and REPLYING to this thread.
someone needs to create an irc channel.
lets chat :)

i had to dig to find this thread....lost my bookmarks when i formated.

bookmarking again :)


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Aug 9, 2000
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this is a quotefrom the ra3 1.76 ra3mod

Code Credits
1.5 and earlier versions:
David 'crt' Wright

1.6 and newer:
Patrik 'ElQueffo' Persson
Torkel 'Kebb' Ödegaard
Daniel 'Dariddler' Johansson

i have talked to ElQueffo before and im pretty sure this guy handles the code.

i have also talked to these 2 people on irc

Justin 'StormShadow' Ingels - [email protected]
James 'Moze' Phillips - [email protected]
Dave 'Burnz' Webb - [email protected]

Jamin 'Sub-Zero' Bulyk
[email protected]

to my understanding StormShadow and Sub-Zero might be doing an RA4 for this mod http://xreal.sourceforge.net/xrealwiki/ScreenShots

if you havent tried it....TRY IT!
it is the open source Q3 engine modified to use Q4 highres textures and the game is very fast like Q3.

anyhow i have talked to StormShadow and Sub-Zero before when i wanted to use their maps from RA3 in a mod for UT3 they said RA3 used Q4 assets (textures and models) so i couldnt use those but they said for the geometry that was a diff story.

when i asked directly if i could use their geometry they said nothing.
when i asked directly if i could use the whole map in an UT3 mod they said NO cause the textures belonged and models belonged to ID software.

but they seamed like they didnt care about the map geometry.

ok as far as ElQueffo goes he is also on irc and its NOT the same irc channel as StormShadow and Sub-Zero are in :)

if your just wanting to do the UI i dont think you need anyones permission.

RA3 was written for Quake3 as a mod...
to my understanding all the code in ra3 is free cause it went to Q3 and it is open-source...anyone want to reply?

anyhow i dont have the irc channels any more cause i formatted and lost that too :)

they are still out there and active so dont stop now!
those members of the rocket arena mod for the quake series are legendary and are still doing things right now.

what i dont think is nessessary is permissions for the code.
all the code was written for quake series and all those engines are open-source now (except Q4)

i hope someone uses the EXACT MAP GEOMETRY for the converted maps
i hope someone gets the EXACT SAME FEEL as ra2 or ra3 working.

the U.I. can look like crap for all i care.
i dont care if i even have a hud

i just want to play


New Member
May 11, 2008

I talked to Bloodshot today on AIM, and here is what he had to say:

me: http://forums.beyondunreal.com/showthread.php?p=2119469
Sent at 12:14 PM on Wednesday

Bloodshot: sup
yea i saw
back when i wanted to do it, noone gave us support

me: :S
with quake live coming out, and quake 4 becoming more popular, i think what that mod was going to accomplish will be a lot more popular now

Bloodshot: i got it working pretty well , the last version at least
moves like q3
with dodge jumping off walls
and air accel

me: could you possibly just release it as a beta?

Bloodshot: i could with the maps

me: :)

Bloodshot: we had one guy working on q3dm7 remake
not sure if he finished it
but our campgrounds was the best version

me: even strafe jumping on stock maps would be pretty cool

Bloodshot: strafe jumping is already in there
that was done
there was just a few more tweaks we wanted to add
i have all the code etc, but i just have to dig around because its on a cd somewhere

me: could you even circle jump?

Bloodshot: yes

me: thats incredible

Bloodshot: u could be going straight really fast
then turn and jump in the opposite direction

me: wow

Bloodshot: also
the jumping is like q3
where if u hold jump down
itll jump again

me: nice

Bloodshot: the current ut3

me: thats one thing i dont like about q4

Bloodshot: if u pressed jump after the dodge height requirement
nothing would happen

me: is you have to press jump every time

Bloodshot: u know how u jump in ut3
if u press jump twice fast
it double jumps?

me: yea

Bloodshot: but sometimes it doesnt work
u know why?

me: nope

Bloodshot: because u passed the height requirement

me: heh

Bloodshot: it was based on height

me: thats lame

Bloodshot: well that was all changed
double jump was removed

me: :D

Bloodshot: u can only do it on walls
i stopped work on it because my main coder wasnt available
if u can find a physics coder and hud coder

me: yea i bought ut3 and played like 1 hour of it, then got bored because its so slow and the movment sucks

Bloodshot: it could be a great mod
but the fps scene is kinda dead
everyone is in mmos/cs

me: yea

Bloodshot: my email is [email protected]
email if u find a hud/physics coder

me: lua?
or c++

Bloodshot: the unreal language

me: ok

Bloodshot: some stuff is done in c++ though i believe
but they didnt release all the source code
so ur limited to what u can do

me: is there enough to be released currently to have a alpha or beta to see if people get excited over it?

Bloodshot: if the dm7 map is done
its playable
amp is 3x dmg
its a real powerup

me: haha

Bloodshot: unlike ut3s garbage amp

me: nice

Bloodshot: lots of weapons are fast
its a mix of qw/q3/ut3

me: yea

Bloodshot: ut3 meaning we added wall dodge jumping
q3 for strafe jump
qw for the fast weapons
but still needs work
but definately playable at its current state
i got the netcode done myself
so its playable online

me: nice
so i take it voting works?

Bloodshot: we integrated the utcomp mod
but some stuff was broken since we got some broken code
but most works
thats why i was looking for a hud coder
well got to get back to work
email info at that email


So, if anyone knows if DM7 for UT3 is done, post here!

I'm really happy this isn't *totally* dead :D.


New Member
Apr 18, 2008
I just came across this thread on google as I was looking for my own thread on Q3DM7.
I've actually just gone back and reinstalled UT3 to finish Q3DM7, and a fully working Beta 1 release can be found here:

Not sure what happened to the mod itself, I know it was pretty cool and worked very well with the UT3 engine.