UT3 Bombing Run

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New Member
Apr 24, 2009
Ah, thanks. But it should still be changed so it would be MapMixer-friendly, that is, options would go into the URL.
Oh, and the copy-paste there wasn't quite exact, here's the full post:

And yea, about the ball launcher, the changed Flak skin isn't really good. It would even be better if there was just the orb drawn.

Sorry about the copy and paste errors but I grabbed it from another copy and paste I did from the original a while back. In other words it's a copy and paste x's 2. LOL But it was a conversation between sinx and myself none the less.

As far as the ball launcher goes if it doesn't suit your desires then by all means offer to make a new one for them or at least suggest someone who has a talent in that arena that might want to help out. Just saying this is bad and that is bad doesn't help our UT community expand or grow at all. As it stands comments like that are just complaints that amount to arm chair quarterbacking. It pretty much sums up the problem with the entire UT community right now. This game franchise has always been about user created content but these days all anyone wants to do is bellyache about nothing being up to their standards. Ironic how none of the complainers ever actually do anything about that situation.

I haven't played the mod, but most of those map names are giving me a clear idea of what they are all about... :tdown:

That's a lot like saying I've never been in that store before but I bet I would hate what they sell. Dude for real you haven't tried it but feel the need to comment? The maps I listed are just a small number of the ones available. They just happen to suit my style is why I mention them. Please do tell us how you feel about the other maps that are not listed and you have not tried, are they bad too? I'm anxious for your expert advice on which ones I should download. :)
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Jan 20, 2008
That's true, complaining isn't helping too much, yet no complaints would make people think their product is flawless.
I'd say for now you could actually add an option "Hide ball launcher" to the options for those who rather see nothing than the change Flak.
Though overall getting the Orb displayed to the right shouldn't be too hard, just change the 1st person mesh to the orb and set the PlayerViewOffset, and leave the 3rd person mesh as None. This way you could have a drop down select: Flak Ball Launcher, No weapon and Orb. And lastly you could try to convert the mesh from UT2004. I haven't tried that, but at least static meshes are importable, but their texture maps get reset... And so far I haven't figured out how to reset them in Blender.


New Member
Apr 24, 2009
That's true, complaining isn't helping too much, yet no complaints would make people think their product is flawless.

Very true, but that's the point of the guys at the Reliquary trying to get some more folks in here testing and giving constructive feedback. I'm not a part of their development team but I have been Beta testing this gametype from nearly the beginning and I think it has some real potential. I don't think Relic or Warhead have ever said that their version of BR was flawless and they are very open to good suggestions, give 'em a try and you'll see.

These guys are bringing back BR and have done an amazing job of it. They tweeked the bot AI so that now the bot paths are almost indestructable. That's an amazing feat in an of itself since in UT3 anything at all can stop a bot dead in it's tracks and break it's pathing. They have made it so that the goals can now move giving map makers so much more flexability in what they create.

Heck if someone wants to have vehicles in their BR game the can do it with this mod. Of course they can keep it close to the original if they want to but now they have more options than ever before. There is also a handy in-game configuration menu and the list just goes on.

Forgive me if I sound harsh at times but for cryin' out loud a guy commented on maps based on their names alone. He even admitted he'd never tried the mod at all let alone tested any of the maps he was giving a thumbs down to. I just wish people in the UT community would get involved like the old days and pull together to make great content. That's always how it was done in the past but now folks just expect it to be all done for them or they move on to something else, or just complain instead of offering constructive feedback. Does everyone really have ADD these days?
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Jan 20, 2008
Well, creating content for UT3 is a lot more problematic than in earlier games, at least in terms of graphics. It was rather easy to make a mesh in Unreal - just shape something similar to the object you want with primitive brushes, and you have it. In UT3, however, you have to care about details or everyone will say that the mesh looks horribly low poly, not even mentioning that you need knowledge of using third party modelling software. Same with textures: earlier you only had to take a photo or even draw a 128x128px image and use it as a new texture, while now you have huge resolutions and you need bumpmaps. Generally that's why UT3 levels were no longer created by single persons, like it was in all earlier Unreal games: it's just too much to create all of that by yourself.


Registered Tester
Dec 31, 2004
That's a lot like saying I've never been in that store before but I bet I would hate what they sell. Dude for real you haven't tried it but feel the need to comment?
...and I won't be going to that shop until I see some decent advertisement. :p You can't come here to say those maps are better than EpicGames ones and... one screenshot, a video of straightforward hoverboard play, and a map list filled up with unserious map names and clan tags... :con:
I stated and state again that I have not played the mod so no one should take my comment like universal truth or something... I was just posting a first impression, which is I don't feel the need to download this with the ammount of stuff we've been showed up to date. If your mod is so awesome as you say, post more screenshots and stuff and you'll get a lot more people interested. If it isn't, you could go with 'this is what we have so far and we're looking for help'... But saying your mod is total awesomeness because of your own opinion might make some people angry and post unconstructive posts like I did... :hmm:


New Member
Apr 24, 2009
LOL, first off it's not my mod and as I pointed out I'm not on the development team at all. I'm just a person making a comment about the mod just like the others here. This mod didn't come out Wednesday of this week it's been an ongoing project over at the reliquary for over a year now. I believe there are links to the mod's website in the authors original post here. If you want to see screen shots you could always click on the link provided for that purpose. Also what better than a video showing a first hand look at said mod? Are you serious that screenshots are the only thing that will do the trick, really?

I didn't say that the maps I listed were better than anyone elses, I said they are some of the best BR maps ever created and I stand by that because I've actually taken the time to try them. I don't need someone to drive over to my house and show me a porfolio before I can get interested in something. I can actually take some initiative on my own and look into something.

You are mistaken if you think that sharing of ones opinions based on their actual experience with said object is not what a forum like this is for. However commenting on something you haven't even bothered to look into is simply flame bait and look it worked. I can think of much more pressing things on the internet to "get angry" about can't you?
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Registered Tester
Dec 31, 2004
LOL, first off it's not my mod and as I pointed out I'm not on the development team at all. I'm just a person making a comment about the mod just like the others here.
Well, you've been betatesting it from the beginning, not exactly an objective opinion I'd say... I too have been testing stuff for the Jailbreak mod for years and I'd defend that gametype to death... ;)

So you got angry because of my overly pessimistic comment and I got angry because of your overly optimistic one... Let's not keep this argument going, the only thing you're going to say again and again is that I'm not entitled to open my mouth because I have not played the mod... and you may be right about that. Believe me I'd give it a try but I'm having little playing time these days. I've been testing stuff for UT games for years and always have done it wholeheartedly, so please don't label me as a whiner because of a single comment... (although I still keep my opinion about those mapnames :p).

/checking the mod's site right now... :)


New Member
Apr 24, 2009
Well, you've been betatesting it from the beginning, not exactly an objective opinion I'd say... I too have been testing stuff for the Jailbreak mod for years and I'd defend that gametype to death... ;)

So you got angry because of my overly pessimistic comment and I got angry because of your overly optimistic one... Let's not keep this argument going, the only thing you're going to say again and again is that I'm not entitled to open my mouth because I have not played the mod... and you may be right about that. Believe me I'd give it a try but I'm having little playing time these days. I've been testing stuff for UT games for years and always have done it wholeheartedly, so please don't label me as a whiner because of a single comment... (although I still keep my opinion about those mapnames :p).

/checking the mod's site right now... :)

No no, I never got angry at you nor did I say you were a whiner. Maybe we should start over. Hello I'm JD8 and I've been playing Unreal since before it became Unreal Tournament. I love the game despite it's total lack of a following these days. I seriously want to grow the base and I'm trying my best to get people interested in playing it again. I think things like BR and what was that -Jailbreak or any user created mod only further establish that base and that's the point here. I realize my opinion is just my opinion but by sharing it I hope to get others interested in trying it too because I really believe they are gonna like it.


Jan 20, 2008
Hmm, well yes, map names don't inspire us to download them, really. The only BR maps I have now are BR-TwinTombs and BR-HallOfGiants, because I know both maps from earlier games. What would really help for those who don't have time to see screenshots and such would be a rating system. Add stars near each of the map to show how polished they are, even a primitive system as in this forums' UT3 section's UT1 remake post - different colours mean different quality. Even if it's based only on one person's opinion, it still helps to choose a lot. Of course, a community rating system and a review system would be even more awesome (for example what was in NaliCity before the crash), but that would possibly be too much.


Registered Tester
Dec 31, 2004
No no, I never got angry at you nor did I say you were a whiner.
Yeh, you did: (Post 23 - Paragraph 4 / Post 26 - Paragraph 3 - Sentence 2) :p:D

I seriously want to grow the base and I'm trying my best to get people interested in playing it again.
I completely agree with you at this. At the end of the day, we all are here because want the best for this game and its mods. It's long that most whiners have gone to other places... :)

I realize my opinion is just my opinion but by sharing it I hope to get others interested in trying it too because I really believe they are gonna like it.
Glad you changed your mind, because that's not how you sounded yesterday... you also laughed at someone's post who had acually played the maps (xear0), trying to make your opinion sound superior to anyone elses. I mean, there's a huge difference from 'I am having lots of fun with this mod', to 'These are among the best BR maps ever created and other ones are childsplay'. If you want your opinion to be respected, it would be nice to both respect other ones' first, and keep clear what you're saying is the opinion of one of the many UT players out there... just like I said at the begining of my post it was just the impression of someone who hasn't played the mod actually...

GreatEmerald said:
Hmm, well yes, map names don't inspire us to download them, really.
That's in better words all I wanted to say, it was just a quick comment that doesn't have to be taken more seriously than it deserves... :)
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New Member
Apr 24, 2009
I won't argue the point further it's clear you are only here to flame and argue with anyone who disagrees with you, despite my best efforts to bring this conversation around to something a little more cival. Every comment of yours reaks of a smug superiority complex and your sarcastic replies only offer proof of that. Best regards and enjoy your life now go flame someone else because I will not be responding to anything else you may write here. Please make your last shot at me the best you can, which I'm absolutely certain you will. :D
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Registered Tester
Dec 31, 2004
Yes of course, you didn't laugh at xear0's post, you didn't call me a whiner, and you aren't trying to sound superior by replying sarcastically to everyone who disagrees with you... Bye. :eek:

[edit: and he keeps editing his post to add more personal attacks! rofl!]
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Aug 2, 2010
Good old BombingRun...

I have one qestion... Why do some people try to do new code for old idea? I've played with yours version BR and i don't like it. BR from base is dynamic but not yours. Stupid AI, bnuch of code - trash... All this stuff for what? I made simple adaptation old good code from UT2k4 to UT3 and... its working much better. For those who dont beleve me i can make upload with two oryginal maps conwerted to UT3. No Adrenaline, no network support - basic modyfication just for testing. Instal mod, choice botmach and watch... New system four Alternate Root really sucks, but it's possible to do it with old way - AssaultPatch. The same with Adrenaline, Combos...

Sorry for my english.