Ah, thanks. But it should still be changed so it would be MapMixer-friendly, that is, options would go into the URL.
Oh, and the copy-paste there wasn't quite exact, here's the full post:
And yea, about the ball launcher, the changed Flak skin isn't really good. It would even be better if there was just the orb drawn.
Sorry about the copy and paste errors but I grabbed it from another copy and paste I did from the original a while back. In other words it's a copy and paste x's 2. LOL But it was a conversation between sinx and myself none the less.
As far as the ball launcher goes if it doesn't suit your desires then by all means offer to make a new one for them or at least suggest someone who has a talent in that arena that might want to help out. Just saying this is bad and that is bad doesn't help our UT community expand or grow at all. As it stands comments like that are just complaints that amount to arm chair quarterbacking. It pretty much sums up the problem with the entire UT community right now. This game franchise has always been about user created content but these days all anyone wants to do is bellyache about nothing being up to their standards. Ironic how none of the complainers ever actually do anything about that situation.
I haven't played the mod, but most of those map names are giving me a clear idea of what they are all about... :tdown:
That's a lot like saying I've never been in that store before but I bet I would hate what they sell. Dude for real you haven't tried it but feel the need to comment? The maps I listed are just a small number of the ones available. They just happen to suit my style is why I mention them. Please do tell us how you feel about the other maps that are not listed and you have not tried, are they bad too? I'm anxious for your expert advice on which ones I should download.
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