As Socke says, some ini file and log file details will help a lot.
Regarding the Game Setup etc, it depends on what Admin level access you have.
To get here you need FULL admin access and that is from the console:
Mutate UT2VoteLogin password
This is a higher level than the normal:
Adminlogin whatever password offered by UT2004.
The problem where you are having frozen green bots and all sorts of wierd happenings is when you have too many mutators running and the ServerPackages have got all screwed up and some clients receive the ServerPackage and some dont.
I've often seen Admin complain about this problem on normal servers not running UT2Vote but other mutators where you get a clash of ServerPackages and only going through each one at a time solves this problem.
The first thing I would strongly suggest you do:
1. Save your current UT2004.ini file somewhere.
2. Delete the UT2004.ini file
3. Startup the server
4. Once its started, stop it (kill it)
This will now create you a nice new fresh UT2004.ini file without all the garbage from previous patches etc.
Regarding the commandline setup in your server startup batch file.
As Socke says, there you must ONLY mention UT2Vote and nothing else.
For example, lets say before you used UT2Vote your commandline was as follows:
UCC.exe -Server DM-Whatever?Game=XGame.xDeathMatch?Mutator=UnrealGame.MutBerserk,Bonuspack.MutCrateCombo,UnrealGame.MutLowGrav,XGame.MutQuadJump,AltRedeemer2.AltRedeemerMut?AdminPassword=whatever?GamePassword=wxyz?WeaponStay=False ini=UT2004.ini log=UT2004.log
Now that you added UT2Vote57 it should look like this:
UCC.exe -Server DM-Whatever?Game=XGame.xDeathMatch?Mutator=UT2Vote57.UT2VoteX ini=UT2004.ini log=UT2004.log
Nothing else must be in that commandline except a ?Multihome= if you use that.
Now inside your UT2Vote57.ini file you add under:
If you are starting any user mutators that need a serverpackage in the UT2004.ini file, rather add them in the UT2Vote57.ini file:
Setting the ServerPackages here works in that if the mutator is not selected, then the client wont download the serverpackage if he does not have the mutator.
Not like UT2004.ini where the client can download a ton of stuff that is not running and he does not need but gets them anyway simply because they are in the UT2004.ini file
Hope this helps somewhat