Ut2004 Umod prob! help!

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Renegade of Funk
Sep 21, 2003
Well i downloaded a few bits for UT2004 today...and some files turned out to be umods..which being a UT99 veteran, im ok with, but when i clicked the damn things, not much happened :eek: i remember some people had this prob with UT99 umods, so i jumped on google, searching for ut2004 umod extractors and reg fixes...but found nothing (im a bad googler ;) )

so next stop...was here..hoping someone here can tell me what i need to do?

either some kindof reg fix or a ut4mod extractor, or some command line to type?

eagerly awaiting your replyes :D



Wandering spirit
May 11, 2004
Off course
I had this same problem a couple days ago. The .u4mod file extension was set for UT2004 (or: .u4mod files have the UT2004 picture), but when I clicked it didn't do anything.

I had a freshly installed UT2004, installed on the following way: UT2004, patch 3339, ECE content, and it worked ok before.
I fixed this problem by simply installing the 3339 patch again. Maybe this works for you too?


PC blowticious
Apr 24, 2002
Over there
RJGexplode said:
... but when i clicked the damn things, not much happened
This implies that at least something happened, and knowing what it was would help someone figure out your problem.

Your registry settings for ut4mods might have gotten messed up; this can be fixed with UT2Kx Regcheck.

You could also try running setup.exe from the command line. At a command prompt, cd to your UT2004\System folder, and run setup.exe install themod.ut4mod.

To extract the files manually, you can use Umod Browser.

Reinstalling the latest patch also sometimes fixes ut4mod problems.


Renegade of Funk
Sep 21, 2003
hehe srry, i did try searching, but i got the message about forum being busy please try later

... but when i clicked the damn things, not much happened

oops, yeh, guess thats the slang coming in there :shake: well, basically, what happened was that my mouse cursor flashed, and that was it :) i should of been more precise, i usually am

well, i tryed regfix, that gave me the all clear, but still couldnt run the umod, so i went for the patch redownload...yay! it workx0rz :lol: :clap: :D :tup:

thanks for the help :D

/me goes to download lots of umods :lol: