UT2004 - Skinpack - LiquidSkins

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What do you think of this Skinpack?

  • :tup:

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • :hmm:

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • :tdown:

    Votes: 3 37.5%

  • Total voters


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
Name: LiquidSkins
System Requirements: Unreal Tournament 2004 (retail version+)
Type: Skinpack for 3 original Models (MerFem,Skaarj,Robot)
Author: Continuum
Teamcolors: 2
Additional Info:
Characters are choosable for player`s character in SinglePlayer-mode.
1 Character (Liquid_Lauren) can be chosen as teammate in SinglePlayer-mode.
All abilities (skills, voice, fav. weapon...) are unchanged
Known Issues: None
Download: Skincity - 6,69 MB

Additional Info from the readme-file: said:
Misc / Techical junk

Team Colors: Origional,Red,Blue
Texture Count: 18
Combiner Count: 58
Final Blend Count: 3
Shader Count: 27

Effect Description:

2 variable texture panners (1 for water effect and 1 for bubbles)
combined into a masked portion of the skin to create water effect.

The robot also has a specular effect added to the metal portion
of his skin.

Portraits have a combiner and shader to add water effect over the
masked portrait.

Team Colors use a constant color combined with a texture that has
the water portion of the skin masked off.

Liquid Skins - You want some very new and unseen special effects skins? Then you should maybe read on:

This skinpack really provides some new and cool special (water like) effects, let`s see what this pack else offers:

The pros:
The special effects are really nice and I`ve never seen such things on a skin before, a real nice idea!
The blue teamcolors are simply amazing and the portrait effects are also great.

The cons:
Unfortunately this effect is spread over the whole skin (eyes....), it would have been better to leave some areas without this effect.
As good as the blue teamcolors look....I can`t offer the red teamcolors my friendship.
The portraits are unfortunately way to small in size (especially the Skaarj), it can`t be seen proberly in game.

Words by reviewer:
All in all this pack is not the best choice for normal games, but the effects in there are looking great. Maybe there will be an update with cooler armor, more bio and own names? "Lauren (liquid)" just sounds not as good as something own (especially when Satin`s face is used).
I like the idea with the liquid race and would like to give it a higher score next time.

Total Score: 5.5/10
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Jul 24, 2005
The pros:
The special effects are really nice and I`ve never seen such things on a skin before, a real nice idea!
The blue teamcolors are simply amazing and the portrait effects are also great.

Thanks man!

The cons:
Unfortunately this effect is spread over the whole skin (eyes....), it would have been better to leave some areas without this effect.

I think your talking about the skaarj here, good "eye" ,
Fixed it...

As good as the blue teamcolors look....I can`t offer the red teamcolors my friendship.
I agree, red just doen't go with the liquid theme I'll work on it though.

The portraits are unfortunately way to small in size (especially the Skaarj), it can`t be seen proberly in game.
The portraits are the standard 256 width / 512 hieght as the others (skaarj one will be fixed so not so much of it is masked off), also I think I'll rework the effect on the portraits so it looks better in the future.

As for bios, I hate writing but I'll definatly rename the characters 'pulling up the thesauris'... if someone only had a good storyline I could base them on...

As for v2 I'm going to make an actual species for these so it's going to a bit of time before I update them (blood effects shouldn't be red/green/sparks I want splashes or something like that) but I have to learn how to get that done fires :)


Jul 24, 2005
I have the species part working now it just needs a lot of tweaking so it will be a little wile before I have anything to update with also have finals then graduation in the next couple of weeks so might not get as much done on it.
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