UT2004 - SkinPack - Desert Falcon Unit

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Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
Name: Desert Falcon Unit
System Requirements: Unreal Tournament 2004 (retail version+)
Type: Skins for various models (original)
Author: Slaughter
Teamcolors: 2
Characters: 6
Additional Info:
Characters are not choosable for player`s character in SinglePlayer-mode.
4 Human Mercs can be chosen as teammates in SinglePlayer-mode.
The standart characteristics (voice, race, …) are unchanged.
Characters have altered skills.
Known Issues: In some cases portraits are not working in game.
Download: Skincity - 12,66 MB

Desert Falcon - Reinforcements for Assault players:

The characters give the player the feeling of beeing a member of a military unit. This is extremly funny in most of the Assault missions, where they fit perfectly to the enviroment.

The pros:
The suits are looking great and the "desert camo" does much for the athmosphere.
The team members are very variedly.
The portraits are at right size and in right pose, so they give the right feeling.

The cons:
The teamcolors are not as recognizable as they should be. But a to "heavy" colorsheme would obviously ruin the entire suits. An understandable choice.
Portraits have been reported not to work in some cases in game.
Characters lack any bio.

Words by reviewer:
This skinpack provides perfect conditions for hot assault showdowns. Not for the extremly futuristic ones, but on all others they work great.
Get another military sqad skinpack (for instance: the olympians) and enjoy the show!

If you want to ad bios and the team choosable as character for Single Player, you can take the Bio made by Starry Might and my patched upl (added string to bio, an entry for Bot spawning and made the team chooseable as character for SinglePlayer) from the attachement:
Retail version users take the DesertFalcons-retail.zip, unzip the DesertFalcons.upl to the \UT2004\system-dir (overwrite the original upl).
Then copy all contents from the DeserFalcons.txt-file and ad this to the Xplayers.int.
User with the latest patch simply copy both files from the DesertFalcon.zip to their \UT2004\system-dir.

Total Score: 7/10


  • DesertFalcon.zip
    1.7 KB · Views: 36
  • DesertFalcon-retail.zip
    1.7 KB · Views: 40
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Starry Might

Nice review, MäxX. I have this pack and like it quite a bit. :) 8/10 from me.

MäxX said:
Portrait & Bio:
The portraits work good in game: right size, right pose, right feeling.
Unfortunately they lack any bio.
Score: 88%
I've noticed that when you're playing with them in an actual match, most of their portraits don't work properly.

Oh, and as for Bios, I've made up my own for them (unfortunately, you would have to edit the .upl file to add Text strings that point to these Bios in XPlayers.int or something like that, though):

DesertFalconsArden=Name: Arden|Age: 27|Race: Human||Data:|Arden was born in Sandcliff, a small hamlet located on the desert world of Taron. When he was 10-years-old, his hometown was attacked by Necris Phayder Assassins. The Necris caused much destruction and killed many people, including Arden's father. Arden, his mother, and many other survivors were rescued by the Desert Falcons, an elite unit of Taron's military. Arden was so grateful to the Desert Falcons that when he turned 18, he joined them. Now he fights in the Tournament with many other Desert Falcon warriors.||

DesertFalconsEraf=Name: E.R.a.F| (Electronic Replicant Assembled for Fighting)|Age: N/A|Race: Artificial Lifeform||Data:|The E.R.a.F is a new breed of robotic warrior. The Desert Falcons were given a prototype Desert E.R.a.F. for use in battle. This prototype is built specifically to function and fight in a desert environment. It is the first of its kind, and based on its initial successes in the Tournament, it certainly won't be the last!||

DesertFalconsFox=Name: Fox|Age: 30|Race: Human||Data: Once a drifter who wandered aimlessly all over Taron, Fox was recruited into the Desert Falcons after he helped them capture a stronghold held by bandits.||

DesertFalconsJona=Name: Jona|Age: 28|Race: Human||Data:|A strong, smart, and mature woman, Jona is held in high regard by her peers in the Desert Falcons. When she first joined the DFs at the age of 22, Jona proved her worth almost immediately by single-handedly stopping a band of space pirates from sabotaging a water-treatment plant in Taron's capital city.||Now she competes in the Tournament with her fellow Desert Falcon soldiers, where her skills with weapons and vehicles have made her a formidable contestant, indeed.||

DesertFalconsKeena=Name: Keena|Age: 26|Race: Human||Data:|An irrepressible and resourceful woman, Keena not only aids her teammates with her knack for MacGyver-like improvisation, she helps keep their morale up with her Never-Say-''Die'' attitude, too.||

DesertFalconsMadow=Name: Madow|Age: 61|Race: Human||Data:|A retired general of the Desert Falcons, Madow is a highly decorated, experienced, and respected warrior. He has entered the Tournament because he was beginning to miss the thrill of the battle. Don't let his age fool you...he's more than a match for the younger contestants.||
Slaughter, if you're reading this and would like to use these Bios in an update of this pack (assuming that you do one, of course), give me a holler via PM. ;)
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